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Off to the first 'Humbug Lunch' of 2011 later.

Forced jollity with 40 people of whom I like about 6.


Last year, as we were leaving, replete, a poor homeless man was at the exit.

"I haven't eaten for two days," he said.

I told him I admired his will power and gave him Gordon's telephone number to pass on any tips.

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I think my record was going to jolly xmas lunch of 100 people and not liking any of them.....


I did go to one memorable one with EMI back in 1984 at a restaurant around the corner from Abbey Road. I sat opposite the then Chairman's secretary, the head of Licensing's secretary and the HR guy's secretary. As I was eating starters (I don't beat around the bush....) I felt a foot reaching between my knees and moving up to play with my goolies - now since the table was rather narrow I enjoyed figuring out which one it was without causing an outburst (Ho).

Besides I was enjoying it and all three women were attractive. In the end I quickly reached down with one hand (whilst talking to the guy next to me) and managed to grab hold onto a nylon clad ankle and gave it a short but hard tug. It was the one slightly to my left who moved. Later I found out all three were in collusion.


Oh, to be in my 30's again......


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Pete's Dinner parties - the stuff of legend! :sarcastichand:


Anyway, hope you're all right and especially Mick with that chancer of a solicitor. Fix bayonets and give 'em hell, mate!

I appear to have a dodgy right hand at the moment. Last night about eight whilst at work, it appeared to just seize up. Couldn't grip or pull stuff right and it became really stiff and inflexible. Being on an officer safety course on Monday and Tuesday I can only assume it was a delayed action injury. Any way, when I was finished work I nipped up to A&E to get it checked out and fortunately there wasn't a break or the like to my relief. (47 years on the planet and note a single broken bone - touch wood!)

An anti inflammatory and 7 hours sleep seems to have sorted it out to an extent.

I was a bit concerned as I'm suppose to be on rail shifting duties at Whitrope tomorrow and I wouldn't have been a lot of use with only one hand!



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Well, weather's turning out to be rainy and windy, just as predicted. So much the better that I got all my food purchases done, so I can make things comfy tonight. On the plus side, it's fairly mild at close to 8°.

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Explorer has died. Now on Firefox!

Tim posts on my behalf advising of my absence when I have these computer problems,

Went to the Doc on Wednesday. He is sending me back to the vascular surgeon! (Thank God for Medical Insurance)

Oh dear what can the matter be!

Sorry to hear of your continuing woes Mick. You really have has a tough time of it over many months!

Beat wishes for a break over Christmas and a much. much happier New Year.

Is In-Law-sitting resolved Dd?

I hope your hand gets better Dave.

Weather remains clear and warm but the strong South Easter is continuous.

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Guest Max Stafford

Thanks Don. Hope your own medical matters are successfully resolved. It sounds like 'The Cape Doctor' is on fine form too with that continuous blow. My former wife lived in SA for much of her youth and told me about it.



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A 60,000 mile service will see you alright, Don!


Dave, actually "The Stuff of Leg-end". Did I ever tell you about the Xmas Party held at Abbey Road where I ended up under the Steinway with a tasty MILF in Studio 2 (the party being in Studio 1)? I remember thinking John Lennon would have approved, this was before Studio 2 was renovated . Jeez, I hope Colette of Abbey Road won't be reading this - she'll send me a bill.


I don't know why I give all this stuff away, I should write a book, really.


Best, Pete.

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(47 years on the planet and note a single broken bone - touch wood!




Crikey, you're lucky, Dave! I broke three fingers, one thumb and a collar bone before I was 15!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ribs and toe bones have allegedly been broken but they came into the category of "take two paracetamol if it hurts". I've been more likely to suffer punctures and bruising from model railways or DIY.

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I seem to remember a few broken bones on the Rugby pitch.

Fortunately, they weren't mine.

Have still got a hole in my knee as a souvenir though.


We are now In Law sitting by remote control, Don (welcome back again).

BiL is now on the premises.

Sometimes that can be a good thing.

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Hey, I've just found the Abbey Road crossing cam: http://www.abbeyroad.com/Crossing


In the famous photo they were crossing from right to left as you look at the cam - so the view is reversed. The photographer was atop a step ladder on the traffic island you can just see passed and to the right of the monument.


Best, Pete.

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Good Saturday morning all.

Been up since 5:00 am our time. Sun shining through East facing bedroom window. South Easter still blowing at 45 kph.

Just been to visit Eastwood town on YMR.

Now going to hunt for Robert's new layout thread (threat?)

What's been happening to Wittering?

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Morning Don...Woke up at 4.00am as I was conscious a light was on downstairs. My dear lady couldn't sleep as she is worried about family health issues. MiL has just been diagnosed with pleurisy and yesterday we got a call from Spain that BiL has been taken off to hospital with internal bleeding. Naturally she is worried about both and the first thing that goes is sound sleep. Of course two cups of tea later, I'm wide awake now and she has gone back to bed to try and get some more sleep.


I have posted a reply on YMR re ET, so hope that all makes sense. The good news is that you weren't going daft... :)

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Morning all, just realised that next Saturday should be my last one in Africa.....................this year!


But not so sure about UK weather though...........heyho though it will be good to see grandkids, seems I'm on baby sitting duties almost as soon as I get off the plane!


Enjoy the day


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Funnily enough Don, I suddenly went of porridge and haven't had it now for about a year. Thought I wasn't getting warm as the central heating hadn't come on. Just had the boiler apart and the fan has stopped working and that will stop it lighting. Played around with it for 30 mins or so and managed to get it turning, but the noise is very suspect, so how long it will last is anybody guess. My money is on hours not days. Why is it these bloomin' fans always give up at the ghost in cold weather and on a Saturday... :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Sorry to hear of your in-laws' situation, Gordon...I hope they'll be better soon.


Haven't looked outside yet, but it would appear to be windy, with rain also being forecast once again. Isn't it supposed to be winter already? :huh:


Well, anyway...think I'll have some breakfast now and then be off for food purchases.

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