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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

This will probably upset a few ER posters and make others nod their head in sad agreement.


As @Grizz and @jjb1970 have implied the British Police in 2024 is (mostly) no longer fit for purpose - having been hijacked by careerists who have tied their colours to the mast of what are - laughingly - called "progressives"


As the careerists set how each force operates, so you have absurdities of Coppers threatening to arrest members of one religion for proselytizing, whilst completely ignoring members of another religion spouting much worse.  And for the average bloke in the street it seems that nowadays the only time you can get a copper to turn up (and then to threaten you with arrest) is to hurt somebody's feeling online.


Peter Hitchins, never one to shy away from controversy and upset people, put forward the notion that the existing British police forces should scrapped and a brand new, national, police force created to fight crime (what a radical notion!) built from scratch. If Sir Robert Peel could create a disciplined police force from scratch with none of the advanced tools and methodology we now have, a suitably determined individual could also do the same today.


That is a tantalizing thought...

As ever…eloquently put Doc. 


I would add that everywhere and everything has increasing become politicised. It is seen as a legitimate means to destroy democracy.
Such that democracy cannot be beaten for certain view points by conventional means, so use social media and any other method to intimidate, harass, bully and force large organisations and companies to public stating policies and political view points.
For example, increasingly.

Social media …..Demanding that these supposed ‘A’ political organisations must immediately come out and public condemn or support certain events or views of certain events.

To make no comment is utterly unacceptable, tantamount to a hate crime, and means that you are either for or against a certain view point and therefore part of the problem. Therefore YOU ARE the enemy. and as such you must be attacked and threatened as a legitimate target. Standing outside peoples houses, following or stalking them and their families..etc. 

If large ‘A’ political organisations don’t have a view point or don’t react quickly enough, this is then used as an example to state democracy doesn’t work so it justifies direct action. Usually by minority view points..( in some cases extremist view points).


Once this happens we are into the rabbit hole of ‘who’ is the most repressed ‘victim’ league table’. 

And the truth is whatever can be shouted loudest by increasingly aggressive means. 

Once upon a time the right to not hold a public view on a given subject was a stance that could be taken. ‘A’ political. It is a democratic fundamental. But now it is a tool by which those who would seek to destroy, corrupt, invalidate and or pervert democracy in its various forms, as a legitimate weapon. 




Edited by Grizz
Sorry auto correct spelling errors just keep happening.
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2 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:



MY average is  13.7 litres per hundred kilometres which is the way  we measure it here . 


But, I've had it for 10 years  and have done 8000km in that time so it is amazingly frugal if you work out how much I've spent in fuel for it over that period!

Ten years!! and only 8k, I've done 105k miles in eight in the tiny uk, you don't get out much then or do you have a fleet of them ?

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Does anyone else’s phone send them messages about how many steps they have taken today? 

My iPhone started doing this in October last year. As far as I can remember I didn’t switch anything on or request monitoring services or download anything. But I have had several ‘upgrades’ in software, which is understandable. 

I suppose I need to trawl through and find whatever is doing it and switch it off. But I am curious what prompted it in the first place. Could this be data harvesting for future private medical insurance? 



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10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

The potential next president of the USA's  response at a subsequent press conference regarding the decision was written for him by  an AI generator that someone had accidently left out on the road and it got  driven over a few times and then got rained on, but the light on top still worked so they just used it anyway.

A former premier of this province used to give press conferences like that. The TV stations would tidy them up - in some cases, make some sense of them. They would have the assumed  words read by the newsreader, show resequenced clips of edited phrases etc. Eventually, one station just gave up and showed his responses verbatim.

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  • RMweb Gold
16 minutes ago, Grizz said:

Does anyone else’s phone send them messages about how many steps they have taken today? 

My iPhone started doing this in October last year. As far as I can remember I didn’t switch anything on or request monitoring services or download anything. But I have had several ‘upgrades’ in software, which is understandable. 

I suppose I need to trawl through and find whatever is doing it and switch it off. But I am curious what prompted it in the first place. Could this be data harvesting for future private medical insurance? 




One of the reasons for not having an iPhone, I suppose, though Android phones are almost as opaque. 


My new Samsung tablet is similar, it moithered on about how often I used the device ( "You've used your tablet for 12 more minutes than last week"), its almost as if they don't want you to use it, though it was easy to get it to shut up!


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  • RMweb Premium

' afternoon all from red dragon land.

Sunny again. <<Wowww!>> Double  figures, too, @10.0C.


Do I detect a tad of warming? It did not feel like it in the porch.


Toot on the flute. Beat box set at same tempo. Still puffing and panting along line2 but I did manage to play it, in the end, with its repeat. Continuing on from line1 failed miserably, today, so that will be my job to get right, tomorrow.


When the varnish dried on Mr Pinbadge Orangutan last night, the middle still looked a bit scuffed up, so I gave it another coat of varnish (total of 4 coats) before going to bed. It was still not quite right, this morning, so I gave it another two coats before going off for my toot on the flute. Came back and gave it just one more coat echoing my flute playing strategy of 4-2-1. Though maybe I could do with learning a different one:



Another mugadecaf time.

Take care. Be good. Don't rush it!



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  • RMweb Gold

Yeti had it's 13th birthday this month, 44k miles on the clock, all done by me...


I don't do a lot of driving!


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  • RMweb Premium

It appears Facebook is stuffed, the online monitor for it is deep in the red...

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  • RMweb Premium

On the state of democracy etc, one of the most telling aspects is changed perceptions in the rest of the world. At one time many countries in Asia for example looked to Western Europe and North America for inspiration on governance, institutions of state and democracy. They are increasingly using the collective west as examples of how not to run countries. 


I had a very acidic comment from an associate in the government here today who observed that the German Air force offended the country by treating Chinese visitors to their display as a security risk* while talking about sensitive stuff on how to attack Russia on an unsecured line with the Russians listening in. He wasn't joking, the whole sorry train wreck has damaged Germany. Insensitivity to the locals was bad enough but doing it on the basis of security while showing total disregard for security with respect to something far more sensitive has made them look incompetent.


*the China reference has to be understood in the context that the dominant ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese. It's a touchy subject, think Scots getting annoyed when called English, or similar. 

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  • RMweb Premium
15 minutes ago, TheQ said:

It appears Facebook is stuffed, the online monitor for it is deep in the red...

And all other Meta platforms.  


We shall have to talk to each other with our voices instead. 

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  • RMweb Premium
37 minutes ago, Grizz said:

Appologies to Bear and others who are currently…er…. ‘Dietarily Challenged’….


But I loved this one and so our my cubs. We rode on it several times. 


I see its bright yellow class-mate has challenged an Oxford Street shop-front to a duel.  

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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, Gwiwer said:

And all other Meta platforms.  


We shall have to talk to each other with our voices instead. 


Or arrange to meet face to face.


Oh wait...



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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Up to now it’s been  a showpony not a workhorse!

Is your other car a Toyota?

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  • RMweb Premium
41 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Used to do 60,000 a year when a field service engineer 30+ years ago.

Current car, about 13 years old , we are it's 3rd owners, genuine total mileage, 37'000 ish.



Rumour has it there's an April 1985 Honda CB750FD in a shed *somewhere* with 3600-ish miles on the clock..... 😉

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, polybear said:


Rumour has it there's an April 1985 Honda CB750FD in a shed *somewhere* with 3600-ish miles on the clock..... 😉


In a SHED???


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  • RMweb Gold

Go to A&E and wait for several hours.  By time you get seen it should have stopped dripping all over the floor...



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  • RMweb Premium
3 minutes ago, Hroth said:


In a SHED???



Oops.......four-letter word....

It is a big Sh*d though......


Now if a certain Bear had a garage (have I mentioned I haven't got one??) it's quite likely that it'd have rather more miles on the clock.....


1 minute ago, Grizz said:

Just cut a 10mm slice in the tip of my right index finger with a Stanley knife. 

A surgical cut, probs 2mm deep. Worrying it didn’t hurt.


Last time i did something like this I used no nonsense industrial super glue and glued it shut, after first cleaning it up. There didn’t appear to be any side effects. 

Now my question is, bearing in mind that this isn’t medical superglue, is this exceedingly dangerous or an acceptable risk? I need it to stop bleeding and I need to be able to use my finger fairly quickly. 

Answers…not on a post card please….



Brave Bears have been known to go for it.....medical types would no doubt frown (or worse) on such behaviour.....

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