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Morning all,

Bananas, supposed to be good for you? And here fresh of the tree. Nothing much else going on, the rainy season seems to be drawing to a close, only a few isolated showers yesterday & just starting to get light. But to cloudy for a sunrise this morning.

Have a good un all,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Quite nippy again, so de-icing will be on the agenda when leaving the house. I guess that's something you'll never have to worry about down there, Trev... :D


Can't think of anything witty to write right now, so I'll just wish you all a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Banana trees usually survive the normal mild winters here in South Essex if they are wrapped in fleece. However last winter seems to have been far too severe. I've never seen any fruit on a garden banana plant here though.


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Morning All,


As Dominik mentioned, quite chilly here this morning. I clocked -1°C on the way to work.


Our Winters tend to be a bit on the extreme side at times - although we have had a series of relatively mild ones. The past couple of Winters were the coldest I have seen since I have lived here in Germany. Last Winter I lost quite a lot of stuff in the garden. No bananas though!


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning troops. Nothing much to report here as my second night shift draws to a close. A weak Atlantic front has passed over Carlisle during the night, depositing rain and leaving things somewhat cooler than of late. After a long and stable period of south easterlies and mild temperatures I guess it's just the emergence of more normal patterns for the time of year. I wonder if the Gresley compos and brake thirds will arrive this week.

A trip to the pet shop will be in order today as it's Abi's eighth birthday!



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Morning all. Cool and foggy in the boring borough this morning. All change at work. The project I was working on has been shelved so I'm being paroled as of the end of this week. The downside is I'm being pressured to do some clean up work in Inver-bloody-ness for a few weeks. Can you say no fecking way? So it looks like I'm on the bench for the rest of the year. It'll kill my bonus but that's life. I've done my time of living in hotels. At least I don't have to commute anywhere today so its a 07:00-15:30 day today.


In local news the area scumbags have taken to flytipping in the many private lanes around here now that the council has added cctv to the usual trouble spots by the station. Next door had around a dozen rubble sacks full of building waste dumped out back on Sunday. We're now talking to the council and looking at options. I may just put my own cctv in with a camera in the lane, or if we can get some of the tight-arses to cough up a few £££ we could gate the lane as some others have done. A few months ago the old tailor's shop across the street had been converted to a motorcycle shop. The noise was horrible. Turns out the muppets didn't get the right change of use permissions and were told to shut down the repair & mot part of the business. Heard from the grapevine yesterday that they are closing out completely. Amen, no more noise on a Sunday morning.

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Morning troops. Nothing much to report here as my second night shift draws to a close. A weak Atlantic front has passed over Carlisle during the night, depositing rain and leaving things somewhat cooler than of late. After a long and stable period of south easterlies and mild temperatures I guess it's just the emergence of more normal patterns for the time of year. I wonder if the Gresley compos and brake thirds will arrive this week.

A trip to the pet shop will be in order today as it's Abi's eighth birthday!



Morning all, I think that same front was depositing rain here when I first woke up about 5am. Harburn Hobbies have the maroon 1sts and 3rds in but not the others. No sign of the teak ones yet, either, but I understand they're expected in the first week (ish) of December.


Happy birthday to Abi!


Pete - you should have flash-frozen the banana and had it on your cereal...

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Abi. Robbie is 8 next July but many people seem surprised and think he is about 2. I think it it may be because they think he is a Springer Spaniel and think he should still be bigger. Working Cockers look more like little Springers than "Show" Cockers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Just my usual Tuesday morning 'I hate maths!' moan as I'm sat in the three hour maths lecture.

I wish I could spend some time on my hobby but recently I've found it hard to commit to anything some days! I'm hoping I can talk with my dad about starting the shed but we'll see...

I really need to try and create some sort of timetable to organise myself to try and stop lazing around when I should be doing something productive. Perhaps it's just the uni lifestyle!

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  • RMweb Gold


Just my usual Tuesday morning 'I hate maths!' moan as I'm sat in the three hour maths lecture.


I really need to try and create some sort of timetable to organise myself to try and stop lazing around when I should be doing something productive. Perhaps it's just the uni lifestyle!

I had quite long periods of time when maths may as well have been Dark Arts for all my understanding then something would "click" and I'd understand. I just used to get confused when after 3 or 4 blackboards of squiggles the lecturer would tell us that of course it was "obvious" that all the previous equations "tend to zero" so it could be ignored.

I think I should follow your advice and be more organised, unfortunately I can't blame it on university!

Best wishes


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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, maths is much like that for me at times too!

I do attend every maths lecture which does help a lot.

It's difficult in lectures for numerous reasons -

a. you have to keep up

b. you have to pay attention for long amounts of time

c. others will talk over the lecturer


I'm not one for timetables, and I never stick to them. However, I've got to start to do so or else I'll fall behind! I don't think blaming it on university is really a valid reason anyway - more of an excuse if I'm honest Tony!

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Not that it helps Jam, but Maths was one of my bug-bears when I was at Uni!


I always treated it as a tool, rather than a subject in itself - which didn't go down too well with our lecturer who was a fantastic mathematician, but a lousy teacher. He would skip stages when solving a problem, and assume that everybody was keeping up. When asked to elaborate, he would make some sort of remark about how we should be able to do that in our heads. Trouble is, not everyone can do second order differential equations in their heads!


Thankfully, another Maths lecturer we had was fantastic, and had a real gift for explaining things. His office was always open and he - together with some of our Sri Lankan students helped everyone else out. I have no idea why, but Sri Lankans are almost without exception brilliant Mathematicians.

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