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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, polybear said:

Why not just say the 'sterd blew up when it wasn't s'posed to?

It appears that they were trying a new method for first and second stage separation. Instead of some sort of hydraulic separator, they just fired,up,the second stage. One assumes that didn’t go well and the first stage went bang.

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  • RMweb Premium
26 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

It appears that they were trying a new method for first and second stage separation. Instead of some sort of hydraulic separator, they just fired,up,the second stage. One assumes that didn’t go well and the first stage went bang.


Unlike at least one of our number, I don't claim to be a rocket scientist - but from my limited knowledge of such things, wouldn't igniting the second stage while the first is still attached, lead to 'blowback' which might cause sympathetic detonation of all the fuel? 

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  • RMweb Premium

On the local BBC news, the fake QR codes are appearing on parking machines in Basildon so watch out there folks. That means if you can make a payment on a machine in Basildon its almost certainly a fake because as a rule the genuine machines never work. The private company that runs the parking in Basildon make their money from penalty charges. As a private company they can't enforce any fines/penalties anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium

I knew the seasons were getting a bit variable or out of kilter, but when I was in Saint's buries this afternoon they had (individual) blood oranges. Not idea of the variety, nor the country of origin (the label only said blood oranges). I only bought 3 because they looked to be on the point of turning and just about at the stage apparently beloved of the hooligans at Basel karnival for throwing at people. So, not so much Christmas comes early as February/March comes early. Weird.


Google thinks they might be at the beginning of the season in the USA at the moment, but usually I have to wait until January.

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Reading today’s posts (and links) made me think that The Powers-That-Be in the UK (at all levels - from local council to the highest reaches of government) must be thanking the gods of the choice every day that the British are rather supine, phlegmatic and stoic.


Try any of the shenanigans the UK populace puts up with in Britain on The Continent and there’d be rioting in the streets, Madame Guillotine would come out of retirement, the tumbrils would be running 24/7 and there’d be a run on available walls…


I know the Continentals get a bit excitable at times, but maybe that’s a good thing?

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I’ll be at Warley this year after a long absence (various reasons) and would love to meet up with both old and new faces.


I’m there all weekend, so possible meeting times could be

  • Saturday: about 14:00 (so just after the lunchtime rush)
  • Saturday: shortly after show closing
  • Sunday: about 14:00 (so just after the lunchtime rush)

Probably at the ‘Spoons just outside the hall.




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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, polybear said:


Assuming (a) there's lotsalotsa fuel in the tank, and (b) the fuel tap body doesn't leak air in without letting fuel leak out then could there be a situation where air is somehow, under certain conditions, coming up from the Carbies into the fuel line, then when fuel is needed (= most of the time) it sucks in the air and, well, snuffs it?


edit:  Does the arrdee have rotary disc valves or reed valves?  I'm guessing the former.


Reed valves.


I couldn't say that on this occasion there was "plenty" of fuel in the tank as I wanted to minimise the amount to be drained out should the need arise again however if the pipe to the carb is removed there's sufficient head for fuel to absolutely pee out of the tap.            The only way to encourage fuel down the tube initially is actually to pressurize the float bowl by blowing back up its breather tube.  I had wondered if the original problem was due to the design (conical seat with ports) of the tap that was stopping the air travelling back up the pipe through the valve and into the tank (and no, the tank breather is fine) however the replacement has a completely different design (flat face with disc and ports) so presumably it's not that.    I'm tempted to follow the lead of WW1 British aircraft and use a Rotherham pump to pressurize the fuel tank by a couple of psi to force the flaming fuel down the pipe! *     Here's the 1/3 scale one I made for the Tripehound, a nice little Unimat 3 project.    Really must finish that beast sometime.




*   Where's the Tongue-in-cheek Emoji when you need it?


2 hours ago, BoD said:

Earlier this year in Keswick none of the payment machines were able to read cards, although they went through the process of trying to. Apparently this is is occurring in an increasing number of areas where the 3G signal has been turned off.  The parking meter, which is based on 3G technology can't talk to your bank to verify the payment. Some councils are saying that they can't afford/don't want to update all of their meters to 4 or 5G and are insisting that people start using Apps to pay. 


There was only one meter in the whole carpark that took cash. Guess what the queue at that meter was like.  I fortunately had enough change to pay but I know there were quite a few disgruntled people there.  I understand too, that there has  been no agreement on standardisation of apps, so in theory you could have to download an app for each carpark you use, if you decided that you are willing to pay that way.  I’m not too sure I’m happy about doing it that way anyway.


As for calling the phone number given to pay for parking - you are joking.  I tried this once and had no success in entering card details via the keypad.  By the time I had eventually heard the instructions (I'm quite hard of hearing) and then switched to the keypad on the phone  I was trying to hold my card in one hand and the phone in the other and  enter the details.  The system obviously got tired of waiting and hung up.


I'm guessing that was almost a rant.


I first became truly aware of this nonsense in Hitchin station car park on a dark, cold November morning at 06:30Hrs when the contactless machine said "NO" you need to download this app, register for an account and then enter all your credit card details.    I was on my way to my first consultation at the big hospital up-the-smoke and, as Mrs Puppers may have spotted at the time,  I was in no mood for such b*ll@cks!


No!  Making a simple contactless payment (or even using cash)  at the point of use is far more sensible PARTICULARLY as there is no standard app to use.   That is of course a complete red Herring though as not everybody has the wherewithal (equipment, physical, mental or any combination) and therefore excludes them from using the car park and therefore the railway.    Of course, if the person concerned was a one legged, lesbian of colour (any) who identified as cat there would be laws against such discrimination and that most definitely is a rant but I'd best leave it at that before I get evicted for stating something which should be common sense.


2 hours ago, DaveF said:

Fortunately here in Northumberland many car parks are free.  In my town you can generally remain in a car park for up to 72 hours, even at the local beach which also has free parking.   You need to pay at some very popular seaside ones and at country parks if you want to stay for more than one hour.  I think you also pay in parts of Corbridge.


At the moment all the country park car parks take cash as some of them don't have a mobile signal so both cards and phone apps do not work.  The same applies at the car parks run by Northumbrian Water but for some of those (at Kielder) you can pay in advance online.


Perhaps I need to move to Northumberland?    Have you got any good cardio & respiratory hospitals to hand and do the houses have nice big garages in which vast collections of motorcycles can be stored?





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  • RMweb Premium
24 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:



I’ll be at Warley this year after a long absence (various reasons) and would love to meet up with both old and new faces.


I’m there all weekend, so possible meeting times could be

  • Saturday: about 14:00 (so just after the lunchtime rush)
  • Saturday: shortly after show closing
  • Sunday: about 14:00 (so just after the lunchtime rush)

Probably at the ‘Spoons just outside the hall.




Sorry.. as I am demonstrating , even with my trusted new apprentice St Enodoc around I can't guarantee to get anywhere other than my Stand B42. If anyone needs a place to drop stuff off come over and a space will be available... for... free!!


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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, Barry O said:

If anyone needs a place to drop stuff off come over and a space will be available... for... free!!

No guarantee that you will get it back though.

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  • RMweb Gold
27 minutes ago, PupCam said:

I first became truly aware of this nonsense in Hitchin station car park on a dark, cold November morning at 06:30Hrs when the contactless machine said "NO" you need to download this app, register for an account and then enter all your credit card details.    I was on my way to my first consultation at the big hospital up-the-smoke and, as Mrs Puppers may have spotted at the time,  I was in no mood for such b*ll@cks!


No!  Making a simple contactless payment (or even using cash)  at the point of use is far more sensible PARTICULARLY as there is no standard app to use.   That is of course a complete red Herring though as not everybody has the wherewithal (equipment, physical, mental or any combination) and therefore excludes them from using the car park and therefore the railway.    Of course, if the person concerned was a one legged, lesbian of colour (any) who identified as cat there would be laws against such discrimination and that most definitely is a rant but I'd best leave it at that before I get evicted for stating something which should be common sense.



Perhaps I need to move to Northumberland?    Have you got any good cardio & respiratory hospitals to hand and do the houses have nice big garages in which vast collections of motorcycles can be stored?






The local hospitals have good ratings and you have the RVI and Freeman in Newcastle which can do just about anything anyone might need.

Houses are not too expensive in most of the county, you could have a farmhouse with a barn if you wanted!




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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, PhilJ W said:


You have not explained what happens when you are sealed up in the suit and you break wind or even worse if there's a follow through.


My dear fellow,  gentlemen don't fart.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a late lunch due to watching 'Ice Station Zebra' so I'm still rather full so I'll probably make myself a sarnie later. I wish I could go to Warley but now I'm getting a bit too old to travel that far. A local coach company advertised a trip to Warley but apparently they only got six takers so they dropped the idea. I went there in 2019 (on the Sunday) and had a good time but I doubt I could do it again.

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Then tried to spend a penny.....at Kirkby Lonsdale, and...same issue.  Ended up getting a passing couple to use their phone and gave them the cash, just to have a pee.  Crazy



You got charged to use a toilet - who does that?!

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10 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:



You got charged to use a toilet - who does that?!

Where do you think the euphemism “Spending a penny” comes from?

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Try any of the shenanigans the UK populace puts up with in Britain on The Continent and there’d be rioting in the streets, Madame Guillotine would come out of retirement, the tumbrils would be running 24/7 and there’d be a run on available walls…



Here a stop would be made to it by  simply  invoking  the catch-all cry "Thats Un-Australian!"

Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, PhilJ W said:


You have not explained what happens when you are sealed up in the suit and you break wind or even worse if there's a follow through.


Just ask a passing Fighter Pilot......

Edited by polybear
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6 hours ago, polybear said:

"Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly"

5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

It appears that they were trying a new method for first and second stage separation. Instead of some sort of hydraulic separator, they just fired,up,the second stage. One assumes that didn’t go well and the first stage went bang.

5 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

Unlike at least one of our number, I don't claim to be a rocket scientist - but from my limited knowledge of such things, wouldn't igniting the second stage while the first is still attached, lead to 'blowback' which might cause sympathetic detonation of all the fuel? 

The "news" story I read was terrible. There are tons of analyses on YouTube that are very informative.


The booster did not blow up with separation from Starship. Stage separation appeared perfect (T+2:48).


Telemetry was lost with Starship long after stage separation (around T+8). It self-destructed over the Caribbean. There is footage of it allegedly burning up on reentry over Puerto Rico.


The super-heavy booster had problems with programmed Raptor engine restart after stage separation. It had flipped properly for the return landing flight, but there was non-symmetrical Raptor re-ignition, small explosions and leaking gasses before the booster exploded (around T+3:20). Unlike IFT1* all the Raptors fired for launch, but not all of them reignited correctly for soft landing return.


* Integrated Flight Test 1


The IFT2 launch was a dramatic improvement over IFT1 - with relatively very little unexpected damage to the launch platform and surrounding infrastructure, compared with IFT1 which was a mess. Flight was a huge improvement over IFT1 - which resulted in the assembly somersaulting and shaking itself apart well before planned stage separation.


IFT2 objectives:

  • Launch - success
  • Stage separation - success - this was the primary mission objective
  • Booster return simulation** - fail
  • Starship orbit - fail
  • Starship splashdown in the Pacific Ocean - fail


** Mission profile was to 'soft land' the super heavy booster in the Gulf of Mexico


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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15 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Believe me, Chimpey, if I thought for a moment that you were a male stripper, instead of the highly skilled and experienced IT professional that you are, that would have been a very different photo indeed….

On second thoughts, maybe...


Edited by iL Dottore
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