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Phil, can the new phone control trains? Mine can't but I have seen such things demonstrated by AndrewC.


Morning all!


Tony, Phil & Dominik - I picked up a nugget of interest about this on Saturday... Was in Harburn Hobbies for their annual event (Simon K was out at lunch) and Malcolm the rep was demonstrating the Hornby PC train controlling programme. I asked if it would be coming out for Mac, and was told no, they didn't think there were enough Mac users to justify the expense. But I also mentioned the possibility of an iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch / smartphone app, and was told "no comment" with a twinkle in his eye.


And they say that Early Risers isn't model railway related enough! Tch!

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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Well, not about Model Railways (or about those bluddy phones that I can't work) but I've just watched all the recycling bags in the village tipped into a compactor lorry again.

All the carefully organised glass, plastics, paper, household waste crushed together.

Perhaps it's about keeping jobs going.

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I really, really hope BoD supplies some pictures of his outfit.

That would cheer us all.

I expect it's for C in Need. I'm sure much of the money raised makes a real difference but I'm not impressed with the purchase of plastic toys for playgrounds and similar projects. Can't please everyone, I suppose.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, 'Tis Friday apparently. A day of track fettling and electrical gremlin hunting looms. I've been told I have to have everything working by Sunday morning so that my operating crew can do some training (read tea drinking).


... Phil, can the new phone control trains? Mine can't but I have seen such things demonstrated by AndrewC. ...


If the old bu**er can figure out how to use it certainly can...




There's an Android app called "Engine Driver" that can link wirelessly to a PC running the JMRI software. Haven't tried it out yet but I plan to.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

It has certainly been an odd sort of week this week. The days have just flown by and I haven't really achieved anything either - I just can't find the impetus or enthusiasm for uni work right now. I need to get my act together though because otherwise I'm going to start falling behind if I'm not careful. I have handed in one bit of work, but the rest of it is spread over a few weeks so it's hard to motivate myself to do it now. I've also missed quite a few lectures this week and last because I've had real trouble getting into uni in the first place.


Still, it's not all doom and gloom, I had a great night at the pub quiz last night - funniest one yet I think.


Here's one 'question' for you:

bidn bidn bidn bidn




I thought our answer 'David Dickinson' was brilliant, but it was wrong. Certainly made the quiz master laugh for a good couple minutes though!



Just waiting for my first lecture which is at 11am - 1pm and then my workshop session from 1.30 - 4.30. I'm already yawning!

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  • RMweb Premium

sorting my internet/phone package out. Anyway we are now about to get more for less. So next week first the new router/modem arrives then an engineer will call to install a new socket for it.


Sounds like you're getting Infinity Broadband - did you order it yesterday, or earlier in the week, as I am currently on the Infinity sales team, so it could even have been me who took your order!


Morning All


Well getting back to the drivel, I'm off the the hosiptal this morning for a pre-operative assessement for further surgery to my leg to remove the metalwork which is causing my gyp from time to time. Also had a right do with the boiler - no heating or hot water on Tuesday night, phoned the maintenance people, who gave me some self help which didn't work, and I booked an engineer's visit - tried the same routine Wednesday morning, and the boiler fired up fine, and remained fine all day, then repeated the failure overnight, so booked another visit, and had to take a day off as they cold only offer an "open" appointment - ie the engineer would try to get there, but would give us about an hour's notice. He rang and I described the symtoms, and he said "I think I know the problem, I'm just doing another one the same tight now". He turned up with a toolbox, a bucket, and a car foot pump and proceeded to drain the boiler, then pumped up something in the back of the boiler. Callout was 50 quid - looked like a quid's worth of work, and 49 for knowing where and how hard to pump.


Anyway, 30747 calls, so

Regards to All


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Morning all. Its a Friday and this bloody week is almost over. I can't recall a 7 day period that has been so s*** for so many people. Lets hope next week brings some good news for everyone.


Work has died down as projects and other bits have all been delayed/cancelled/lost so its pretty quiet until the end of Jan when I will get redeployed. Today I will be mostly: bored


Modelling this weekend will consist of finishing off the component recovery on the old Southern Region layout. Once I have all the tortoise & dcc bits off I can start to recycle them for the "Essex" fiddleyard staging. Just a shame the baseboards aren't worth keeping. A trio of 60" by 30" ultra-light boards that as an experiment were a total failure.


Enough of my dribblings. Have a good weekend all and take care.

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  • RMweb Gold

Stewart, it is BT Infinity.. There is fibre to the cabinet, just down the road. Unless you were doing a female impersonation it wasn't you! Very pleasant person though. I didn't phone originally with an Infinity query, I first got through to the "Anywhere" team to cancel my BT mobile and then enquired about "Infinity". Apparently it is a good thing I'm not on a limited package as strangely my monthly usage is higher during University holidays! I have been thinking about this upgrade and while decorating I've been tidying up my network. I've moved the HomeHub next to the main phone socket and run some Cat 6 cable up to the study with a 1 Gig switch on the end. The network cabling in Matthew's room looks like one of those pictures in manuals of how not to build a network. I suspect at the end of the day I will have a few switches and patch cables no longer needed.


Completely changing the subject. I've been finding it difficult to finish novels recently (except for Snuff by Terry Pratchett) so I thought I'd look for something different to read. It always annoyed me even after 5 years of "Music" I school I couldn't understand anything. Years ago I went to a session run by a support team colleague on music for infants and realised that perhaps the problem hadn't been me but the original teacher. Let us say that for him the F in EGBDF was flogging not fish. I've been reading Music Theory for Dummies and although the main complaint on Amazon is that it is written in American (not surprising for an American book!) even the first chapter explains all the confusing things from school music lessons. I suppose it was similar to grammar. At school we never learned anything beyond verbs and nouns in English but German teachers assumed we understood much more grammar than that. Fortunately Aditi has very patiently explained grammar to me over the years and at least I know enough now to know that I make mistakes.


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I've just spent most of the morning trying to get my work PC running again. Wretched Linux was playing up - which makes me wonder about the future...


I have just had a discussion with a few colleagues, and the general consensus appears to be that Linux has reached a pinnacle of development and is now sliding. I am sure this would produce howls of derision on the "appropriate forums", but this is the way that I am starting to feel. Thousands of different distributions, too much variety and too much effort spent on making flashy graphics and other eye candy that the basic functionality seems to be suffering.


We've had three documents corrupted this week by the travesty that is Open Office - Or was it Libre Office? It pretty much amounts to the same thing.


On the subject of controlling trains with Mobile Phones - there are a number of possibilities out there. Still, I still like a dedicated DCC station - I must get my homebrew one finished!

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  • RMweb Premium

On the subject of controlling trains with Mobile Phones - there are a number of possibilities out there. Still, I still like a dedicated DCC station - I must get my homebrew one finished!


Please do remember to show us when you're done - I'm always intrigued by scratchbuilt electronic devices! :)

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Thousands of different distributions, too much variety and too much effort spent on making flashy graphics and other eye candy that the basic functionality seems to be suffering.


We've had three documents corrupted this week by the travesty that is Open Office - Or was it Libre Office? It pretty much amounts to the same thing.

Agreed. The hobbyists may love Linux in all its various forms and flavours but in 22+ years of IT I have yet to come across any large(or largish) corporation that uses it or Open Office as an enterprise solution. One firm I did some consulting for was looking at replacing their 3000+ Mac estate. They looked at Unix+Open Office. The year on year support costs for keeping up with the patches, upgrades, fixes, etc was more than the cost of the MS licenses for Windows + Office.

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