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I wasn't aware of that story until your post DD. Just read about it via Google. Made me chuckle when it was reported the hippo chased two canoeists up a tree. He was excused by his late owner who simply said 'he was hungry'. :O


Just been frightened silly by a five litre supercharged Jag. One hell of a cure for constipation...

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  • RMweb Gold

... Just been frightened silly by a five litre supercharged Jag. One hell of a cure for constipation...

Do you think they are available on the NHS? Not that I have constipation!

My car isn't "exciting" but it is nice to get into a vehicle with back pain and get out after a journey with none.

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  • RMweb Gold

I wasn't aware of that story until your post DD. Just read about it via Google. Made me chuckle when it was reported the hippo chased two canoeists up a tree. He was excused by his late owner who simply said 'he was hungry'. :O

Also the late owner claimed his relationship with the hippo was like father - son. The hippo also used to chase golfers across a nearby golf course. I suppose the rules of golf must have something about pets / wildlife incursions?

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  • RMweb Gold

I suppose the rules of golf must have something about pets / wildlife incursions?


I think you have to play the balls where they lie.

All this talk of hippos and MiLs brings to mind Reggie Perrin.

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Yes, the Rossiter version.

Until recent years, MiL would have qualified on all counts.

Now, age, diabetes, false teeth etc., have taken their toll and she no longer threatens the integrity of the rafters when she sleeps here.

(It's also made my 'bat' jokes obsolete).

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  • RMweb Gold

Don: In the original 'Rise and Fall' TV series with Leonard Rossitter every time his MiL was mentioned he had the mental picture of a hippo, which flashed on the screen for a few seconds.


Edit: Gordon beat me to it, with a clip too.

..................I don't know - these people with all this time on their hands

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SWMBO now home after a gruelling few days.

MiL had heart test (like an ultra scan?) today and we await results.

In the meantime MiL managed to knock the damaged hand and then got the dressing soaking wet.


Received a note today from the US Post Office to thank me for the information re Scam letters which they are investigating further and communicating with other Agencies.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


It's slightly above freezing at the moment, so I may be able to do without de-icing today. I'll require a new mobile phone in the near future as I am noticing my current one is beginning to fail, so I'm making provisions to get myself a smartphone - better to take the plunge now.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning All,


It is a very chilly morning here. It was -2°C when I drove to work this morning, so I didn't get away without scraping frost off of the car.


Driving from my Girlfriends to work turned out to be more interesting than usual today. I had to stop at the level crossing - but instead of the usual (relatively boring) multiple unit a four coach train went through with a big diesel on the back. So nice to see a real train.


Dominik - what sort of Smart phone are you looking at? Do you have a contract? Or pay as you go? I've got an LG Android phone on pay as you go and I am very pleased with it. PM me if you'd like to know the details.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Driving from my Girlfriends to work turned out to be more interesting than usual today. I had to stop at the level crossing - but instead of the usual (relatively boring) multiple unit a four coach train went through with a big diesel on the back. So nice to see a real train.


Dominik - what sort of Smart phone are you looking at?


Would this happen to have been somewhere along the Niddertalbahn or Dreieichbahn? Peak hour services on the latter are often worked with loco-hauled sets... :D


I'm focusing on an iPhone. If it hadn't been for my current phone (as well as my MP3 player whose battery is now down to about two or three hours, as opposed to the fifteen or so when it was new - and that was just about one year ago!) beginning to quit, I would probably have waited a bit longer, but as I said, given the circumstances, I was thinking not to go small. Additionally, I would then see whether I might get a navigation app to also replace the ageing sat nav I have in the car.

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Would this happen to have been somewhere along the Niddertalbahn or Dreieichbahn? Peak hour services on the latter are often worked with loco-hauled sets... :D


It would indeed! Dreieichbahn.


I'm focusing on an iPhone. If it hadn't been for my current phone (as well as my MP3 player whose battery is now down to about two or three hours, as opposed to the fifteen or so when it was new - and that was just about one year ago!) beginning to quit, I would probably have waited a bit longer, but as I said, given the circumstances, I was thinking not to go small. Additionally, I would then see whether I might get a navigation app to also replace the ageing sat nav I have in the car.


The iPhone is very good, but very expensive. That's the main reason why I bought an Android phone. Many people would disagree, I know, but I didn't really want to spend more than 400€ on a phone!

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  • RMweb Premium

The iPhone is very good, but very expensive.


Yes, I admit it is. When I considered that in getting one I would, in essence, be able to also replace two other devices along the way, I but eventually could justify this fact for me. Of course, I fully understand your line of reasoning all the same.


In any case, I believe the first app I'd be installing on it would be DB Navigator, for obvious reasons... :D


On another note, it sure is good that the weather looks quite good this morning. The thick fog I rode through yesterday and which blanketed Frankfurt was very depressing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather misty here this morning. I was up early(ish) as recycling needed to be out and cars moved as we have builders replacing the felt on the garage roof this morning. Robbie seems to have accepted that they are allowed in "his" garden and has given up barking every time they move.

Matthew has an Android phone, a Sony X10 Mini Pro. He seems quite pleased with it as a phone though not as a camera. Aditi and I have Blackberry phones. Aditi wasn't too amused when the salesperson suggested she might want something "less complicated".



PS I nominate Dave (Max Stafford) for ER of the day for being nice about ER in the Blog Quality thread!

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One of those circular e-mails I thought was quite amusing:




I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots.

Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.


I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.


I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there.

I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and work.




I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.


I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.


I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.


Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.


One of my favourite places to be is in Suspense!

It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart!

At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!


And, sometimes I think I am in Vincible but life shows me I am not!


I have been in Deepsh*t many times. The older I get, the easier it is to get there.

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  • RMweb Gold

One of those circular e-mails I thought was quite amusing:




I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots.


A variation I suppose on the Essex joke, "Harwich for the Continent, Frinton for the ..."

Edited by Tony_S
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Guest Max Stafford

Dave is our PR man.

Someone pass him a G&T........


Best, Pete.



Oh, thanks awfully chaps. Just telling things like they are! :)

Looks like a nice morning here; thin cloud and patchy mist balanced by watery sunlight in a pleasant autumnal way. I'm off until Saturday now, I'll be collecting Abi shortly and heading off up to Whitrope for the weekly run. It certainly looks neater down by bridge 200 now that we've cleared the heaps of rails and dragged them to where they'll be laid. I'll try and take some photos after the run.


Pete - glad you're getting sorted with the book, thanks for the PM.


I've also taken delivery of a Gresley Third and although I can't upload pictures due to mislaying my adaptor card, I can cheerfully endorse the new coach as a real beauty. I think Gordon will like it!



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