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17 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Hay can spontaneously combust if it is not stored properly and is not absolutely dry. If not completely dry it can ferment and create heat. This principle was used in a hay box for keeping food hot.

NAS Tillamook Hangar A - a WW2 blimp hangar on the Oregon coast was used for storing hay and was utterly destroyed. Pictures here.


Hangar B is an air museum.

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9 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

I dislike the Houston Astros as much as the NY Yankees, I doubt we'll watch much if ANY more of the post-season games.

Maybe if the Rangers can beat the cheats?


For people who don't follow Major League Baseball, the Houston Astros were caught cheating a few years ago, where the catcher's signals to the pitcher were 'translated' to someone banging on a garbage bin in the clubhouse for the batter to anticipate the pitch. Fans remember.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,

7.5 hours near solid sleep that was good...


Fleece, hat, coat , wellies,  yep it's not nice out there, wet, windy, dull, heavily overcast.


Ben the reluctant Collie  was taken on patrol,, he had a good snuffle, but returned to the house fairly quickly

We used to fill up at Moreasons if we passed their store in Cromer, not any more, the queues for petrol are no longer there, as we and many others have stopped using them.


The extra spring clamps have arrived, they have a very strong spring in them, SWMBO needs both hands to operate one. I can only just open them with one.


On that car park fire, they keep saying it's a diesel car .. But on the Landrover pages they are saying it's a Landrover diesel hybrid.. and the pictures of the initial fire are definitely not diesel.


Considering it's taken the NHS a couple of months to send me a COVID  priority urgent letter and I'm over 65 it's not surprising that there isn't a big response to the under 65s that are entitled to the jab.


Time for me to get suited and booted, it's almost time to go to the museum, I wonder how many will venture out in this...


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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

As much as I love Britain, there are times I'm glad I'm in Switzerland - this being one of them.



That does sound  like the standard doctoring experience   you get in most of the 1st world!

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  • RMweb Gold

Quite a good night's sleep, I did wake once but after visiting the bathroom I read my book for a short while before falling asleep.  This morning is dull, there has been about 10 minutes of rain which has now stopped and the sky looks a bit lighter to the north so I think the sun will appear later on.


This morning will involve a small amount of shopping as I have realised I didn't order something for the grocery delivery earlier in the week.  Then I expect I'll have a typical day sorting out photos, gardening and so on.  Yesterday I did well in the evening with the photos, I sorted out and checked the captions over just over 100 photos in 40 minutes which I think is a record.  I have to admit though that the captions only needed reading as they seemed to be correct which always saves time.


Now I must actually go out to the shop while it is still quiet.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hey ho, a late start due to the dark, wet and windy morn.


Think I'll have some autumnal porridge for brekkie.


No, NOT Ready Brek!!!



(Another of their famous radioactive children adverts...)



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Well, the overnight rain has stopped, but it’s still wet out there, very wet, I’ll definitely need to put a jacket on for my walk to the butchers today. Both bins have already been emptied, but where the refuse operatives have left the empty bins is anyone’s guess! Apart from the butchers and the usual Friday visit to the Trafford Centre, there’s not much else planned for the day. 

Back later. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A wet and windy morning it is and it looks as if it's in for the day. Not a good night last night, first the arthritis in the hip then it moved to the knee. Its OK for now after the administration of Voltarol gel. Shopping for the weekend needs to be done so I'd  better get on with it.

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