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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Quite a bright one hereabouts. No lie-in here as we have a new resident...




Fintan, a 6 month old Lurcher pup. Left abandoned tied to a tree in Ireland with an open wound in his leg. Initially the vets thought they would have to amputate his leg but he has made a full recovery and this is not a typical pose!



... I was amazed at the length of their attention span with it, and it has made me doubly determined to get the brass track and make a small layout in the garden for them. ...


Yeah right, "for them"! We all know you want a Thomas layout in the garden. Then it'll be an Aristocraft G scale class 66 with sound and smoke and...




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Whilst planning the new version of ET, I couldn't let go of this idea of a station lower than the surrounding area. It suddenly came to me that this is where I did most of my trainspotting as a kid. Funny how memories of your youth impact your thinking some 50 years later.


The sight, sound and smell of an A4 with a dozen coaches thrashing through here will stay with me forever.





Palace Gates station which was a small terminus, was where Dorset Road is now. It's still possible to trace the old line by following the tree line eastwards.

Edited by gordon s
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It's going to be a stunning day, weatherwise, in New York too - long range forecast looking at slightly above seasonal temps as well.


Gordon, Had an interesting time trolling around the Seven Sister's Road area in your link. Have you seen the interesting view from above very close to Seven Sister's Station?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dave, the new resident looks at home already. Have you been out for a walk yet? Are lurchers keen on exercise?



Certainly seems to be settling in. It's 12 years since we had a puppy in the house so we'd forgotten how much has to be made puppyproof! He's been out for a couple of walks each day but kept on the lead until we sort out a bit of basic training. Lurchers need regular exercise but not a lot. Two halfhour walks a day will ensure they do what they do best, sleep!




Generally they don't bark and they spend most of their time asleep. They are poachers dogs after all!


Our elderly Deerhound Lurcher Henry doesn't walk much these days as he has a heart murmer. He's very tolerant of puppies which is just as well given that his world has been invaded by a very lively bundle of fun. The first night we had Fintan he even crept into bed with Henry and the old softy didn't seem to mind. He has put the young whippersnapper in his place a few times though if he tries to get through a doorway ahead of him or disturb him when he is in bed!




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  • RMweb Gold

Another one to lookout for in sattelite views is two very similar trains on on the same track just yards apart. Or half a train.


I'm sure an example was posted here or on one of the old versions.

Edited by BoD
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Goodness gracious. I'm late yet I'm still first.

The rain ceased just on lunch time yesterday and the sky cleared to blue.

Today and the next two days are supposed to be clear, but it's rather cloudy and chilly..

Enjoy your new family member Dave.

Very happy that your grandsons are receiving a good grounding in model trains, Phil. Keep up the good work

Trev must still be having net troubles. He's been missing for a few days.

How was the exhibition Warren?

Happy new week all.

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Morning All,


Gosh, it's cold this morning! It was very foggy first thing, and the temperature dipped as low as -3°C on my drive to work.


The trip to Belgium went quite well all things considered. Getting everyone together at the start of the meeting on Friday was absolute chaos though (as predicted) - people not being where they said they would be at the time they said, people turning up late at the station and then getting shirty because they had to wait for someone to pick them up. Considering these were all supposedly adults it made us wonder if some people should be let out on their own!


I'm back at work for a rest this morning.


Have a good day everyone...

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SWMBO had to dash up to MiL yesterday.

MiL had managed to cut herself quite badly cleaning bathroom tiles (???? !!!!).

As she is on blood thinning pills, they couldn't stop the bleeding and subsequently spent five hours in A&E.

I await SWMBO's return for a more coherent explanation of events - if there is one.

Currently MiL has her arm in a sling.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning. Last night the forecast suggested it would be foggy here but it isn't. There wasn't even any condensation to clear from the car.

Tasks today may include cutting the grass, and cleaning bathrooms.


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Thank you.

She seems to weather these continuous problems very well - to the extent that it is becoming part of everyday life and the family don't panic too much.

Perhaps the sling will keep her out of trouble for a week or so but I doubt it.

We will, of course, respond as required.

BiL (who lives with his parents) gets back from Sweden in a couple of weeks and he can again take up the emergency response duties.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our MiL was rushed into hospital last Monday - looked like she had had a stroke, so duties now consist of a daily visit.

She is keeping them all entertained by going round tidying up after everyone. A nurse brought a bowl of water to wash her, disappeared for a few minutes so MIL took her night gown off and washed that in the bowl.

We couldn't find her teeth when she first went to hospital. We found them in the oven.


Funny but very sad


I don't think it a coincidence that I came down with last weeks bug after visiting her in the hospital's assessment ward.

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Sorry to hear about that, BoD.

I can imagine your circumstances very well.


My own update this morning is that SWMBO has managed to cut a six week wait for another heart test on MiL to tomorrow.

This means that she will be staying up there another day or two.

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Oh dear, Oh dear, BoD and DD, i'm very sorry to hear of your MiL travails! My best wishes to you both and I hope you well in coping with the daily hastles. I well remember the limitations when having to look after my Mother in her declining years.

My thoughts are with you both

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As I was cooking lunch in the absence of SWMBO, I decided on something simple.

Here's the recipe:


i) Find kitchen.

ii) Find loaf and appropriate tin of food.

iii) Find tin opener (probably the trickiest part of the recipe in unfamiliar territory - I found ours on the wall).

iv) Obey printed instructions on tin. Phone a woman for additional clarification ("cook gently in hot but not boiling water" had me flummoxed).

v) Wait until cool and then give the frankfurters to the cat.

vi) Go to the pub for lunch.

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Good Lord! I have no problems to match some of you guys. Can I just send a Good Morning and trust that things will get better.

Best, Pete.


PS: "Robin Hood" - Dick James (original tv series version).

I knew Dick (and his son Steven) and dreamed about him last night - Dick did not match his voice at all and was a genial, roly, poly type guy from Golders Green who became richer than Croesus due to The Beatles (he was their Music Publisher until his death when Steven sold the rights to Michael Jackson (and can you blame him).

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