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Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I think this is fascinating. Unlike many other mammal species humans are unusual in that we have a very small genetic "spread". In other words, we are all very closely related to one another. This research might explain why that is.



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14 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I’ve never understood the rationale of going for the lowest bidder and then see the overall cost rocket past the highest submitted bid because of variation orders (a.k.a. “change orders” in my biz where CROs who bid stupidly low to get the contract then - whenever something even vaguely, remotely,  “out of scope” comes along - whack up the price via a CO).



It's a strange thing, everybody agrees it's not a good idea and leads to all sorts of undesirable consequences. The really telling thing is that outside the bubble of government procurement (and some large corporations which act like governments) many vendors aren't interested. I  mentioned Korean shipbuilders and their position that variation orders aren't worth the interruption to production, they're not unique but  it's a cultural thing in government where there's a  ridiculous focus on pennies to the point they don't notice the  £50 notes going up in smoke.


There's an old adage about nickel and diming yourself out of business.  Obviously cost is important and seeking value, but minimum cost is not synonymous with maximum value. Where this becomes particularly telling is balancing up front cost to acquire with through life cost, service support etc. 


People talk about the evils of private companies,  I would resolve issues with commercial shipowners and yards with a phone call. An issue would arise, it'd be discussed and a way forward agreed. When necessary I would do the work at my end and let the commercial people sort out payment stuff later based on a verbal agreement (which in England and Wales at least is a contract strictly speaking). Part of that is that people have genuine trust based on a history of working together but it's also true that people are kept honest by the consequences of breaking such an agreement.  Shipbuilding and class societies are actually much smaller worlds than people might think and if a yard or shipowner pull a fast one they''d find life a lot more difficult going forward. If the yard ripped off the owner they'd make a quick buck at the price of destroying a long term relationship. All parties recognised each had their own interests but had a shared interest in delivering a good product. With government contracts the same issues would drag on for months and they were convinced everyone was motivated by a desire to rip them off.


The last point can almost become self fulfilling.  Many years ago I was given a side job to look after a new hospital energy centre and electricity feed as I was based in London and it'd be good experience (my real job at the time was originating renewable energy projects). I was told to remember it's the  NHS, we're not a  charity but look after them blah blah blah. After a while I was told if they're determined to hang themselves give them the rope, it was the job from he'll and sucked in more of my time and gave me more headaches over what was in reality a two bit work package than huge multi-GW projects that were my real job. It was so bad they couldn't tell me how many MW they needed and refused to let me talk to their facility engineers. How are you meant to plan a power supply arrangement if the customer won't define their power need?


I thought it was like a horse seller with a  customer who needs a  horse but decides they want a pig. The seller will try to persuade the buyer and explain why they need a horse but eventually it will get to a point of 'OK then, the pigs are over here.....'.

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2 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

It was so bad they couldn't tell me how many MW they needed and refused to let me talk to their facility engineers. How are you meant to plan a power supply arrangement if the customer won't define their power need?


Gordon Bennett! I admire your restraint. I've had to deal with some ridiculous contract situations but that one would have pushed me right over the edge. The Norse/Celt would have emerged and resorted to violence 😆

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5 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Still Going Up ...

Regions vary, but the overall trend is upwards.

This evening, FLOTUS, Dr. Jill Biden tested positive for CoViD-19. Recently, so did tennis commentator John McEnroe. (He returned to the booth today after being isolated.)


My Autumn booster (and flu shot) can't come soon enough.


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6 hours ago, Barry O said:

It has been refreshingly warm today. I much prefer warm days to cold damp ones. Only complaint is when it goes abovec45C as it can get a tad gloopy.


Night awl




PS no news from these insultants..pah!


Rocket Scientists are made of sterner stuff.


Here's a  bunch of Brit boffins in big baggy pants blowing things up in our backyard.  No cowering in the shady bits for them!


Bonus - features a who's who of 1950's RAF paraphernalia



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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Rocket Scientists are made of sterner stuff.


Here's a  bunch of Brit boffins in big baggy pants blowing things up in our backyard.  No cowering in the shady bits for them!


Bonus - features a who's who of 1950's RAF paraphernalia



Erm.. how can I break this to you?  I was... a rocket scientist......



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Morning, from a rock that is 15c at this early hour (relatively) and it looks as if it may be a cracker.  Autumnal condensation dampness but the air smells fresh as a result.


Bike ride arranged, an 'Extraordinary Old Fart Gathering' as it isn't Friday - there will be much confusion.

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It's about 20 here and going to be in the 30's again today.  Most of yesterday afternoon was spent in the pool once Beth had finished making 5 jars of plum chutney.  Various things to do today some G work this morning. 


Regards to all. 



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28 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Erm.. how can I break this to you?  I was... a rocket scientist......



I know! I posted  the video as  a tribute to you and your  ilk, lapping up the  heat.

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Looks like it's going to be 25C high/10C low all week here and we've more rain which we really needed.


I'm trying to organize the Equinox meet of the North Idaho Fiat Spider Owner Club but the other guy's Spider is in the shop 😄


(It has some electrical lurgy which isn't a huge surprise because it was a salvage rebuild after being written off due to an engine fire.)

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Good morning all,

The sun is shining and it's warm.  A very hot day is forecast, now only 18°C but might reach 31°C.

Nicki arrived in Turkey over 2 hours late and in a thunderstorm.  At one stage the pilot thought he might have to divert but went for it and got them down safely.  Nicki is not keen on flying and I suspect that that won't have helped.  However the sun is now shining so that  should keep her happy.

In view of the weather I will be staying under cover.  The Shed will be visited until it gets too hot down there.

Have a good one,


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48 minutes ago, polybear said:


When Momma Bear was in UCH (in a 6 bed bay with a corridor running at right angle to it, with a desk and phone at that end) there was a situation where a Doc was phoning someone to say that "sadly we lost **** last night etc".  It didn't help that the person in question had the same name as Momma Bear (who was at the furthest end of the bay - which of course wasn't that far away, being only 3 beds on each side).

I did mention this to one of the Ward Sisters some days later - who gave me the standard "this is a hospital blah blah blah etc." but I did think that such calls would've been better made from a Nursing Station, or even better an Office.  There are some things that people really don't want to hear, despite knowing they happen.



The doctors and nurses were the worst for making unnecessary noise at night, it didn't quieten down until around 2.00 am when they all got their heads down for a sleep 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was watching the Breakfast show on BBC this morning and they were doing a piece on water pollution, specifically the illegal dumping of untreated sewage in rivers and streams. Apparently most of the water companies have been doing it and covering up what they are doing. Naturally they have been ordered to clean it up but they are saying that to do so they will have to increase their prices.What sticks in my throat is that the government is allowing them to do so. This is Railtrack all over again, money that should have been spent on maintaining the system has gone on shareholder dividends.

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