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3 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Which one? Idalia or Franklin?


Idalia looks really bad for the Florida west coast. It has appeared out of almost nowhere and will land as a cat 4 overnight and into the morning with the surge perhaps around Tampa tonight. It wasn't even a hurricane yesterday. They're projecting a 9' surge at Cedar Key (north of Tampa).


Idalia. It's projected to head northeast then veer off to the east after leaving NC. Hopefully it will have lost a lot of energy by then but it could still be pretty nasty. I'd be inclined to get out while the going is good.

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8 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Until the advent of the Industrial Revolution, political and economic success was built (often literally) on the bodies of the poor, the disenfranchised and the enslaved (slave/serf/indentured servant) no matter where in the world that dominant culture was (is).

Yes but. I'd add:


After the advent of the Industrial Revolution, political and economic success was built (often literally) on the bodies of the poor

Little changes, though I will happily accept your point that "the poor" are treated *somewhat* better by the modern world than their ancient counterparts.


Even our hobby is based on low-paid (by western standards) but skillful workers.


Even mobile telephones not unlike that @polybear is trying so hard to purchase were assembled in a factory where not that long ago they had to install suicide nets to stop the workers from jumping to their deaths because working conditions were so miserable.




Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, liked to say (on more than one occasion I believe but certainly in 1968):


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice

Which I find a hopeful perspective, and I think encompasses what you say.


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32 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

…Little changes, though I will happily accept your point that "the poor" are treated *somewhat* better by the modern world than their ancient counterparts.

I think that it’s a lot more than just “somewhat” better. For the most part poverty nowadays (certainly in the Western World) has become relative.

Unless you live, by choice or circumstance, on the very edges of society, you will have a plethora of things in your life that were once the province of those with money: clean clothes (and the means to wash them), regular meals, vermin free accommodation, an income of some kind (even if provided by the state), personal and/or public transport, access to medical care and the ability to enjoy leisure activities.


Certainly, the lower you are on the social totem pole the poorer the quality (and occasionally the absence of some of) the above  but you still have them (mostly) which is why I refer to poverty being relative. It’s when you read accounts like London Labour and The London Poor by Henry Mayhew (1840s) that you get a sense of what absolute poverty is like.


I think, without getting into politics, you could argue that what we need more of is “enlightened self-interest”. In other words “I get what I want, by ensuring that you get what you want”. A good, and possibly classic, example is that of a business owner who make tons of money selling “X” because he has a well paid, well motivated and well treated workforce that makes “X”


Unfortunately, too many have the attitude “I must win and you must lose”. We’d do well to abandon this zero-sum approach.

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  • RMweb Premium

My issue with a lot of the arguments over historical injustices is that I can't help wondering about some of the motivation. For some it is a useful way to channel outrage to avoid it being directed at contemporary issues, or as a way to justify modern political ideas on the back of past events. Depending on political motivation I can't help feeling it is more about being a useful tool in contemporary politics than genuine concern over historic injustices.


Slavery and colonizing others were both wrong. Most empires achieved positives but it doesn't alter the fact that they were built on the back of subjugating others and invading other lands. Even in Singapore which has a nuanced view of the British empire there's no regrets about independence. 


Racism should have no place in any society, but the unfortunately it is still rife. During the pandemic Mrs JJB was at the receiving end of some appalling comments directed at Chinese people. She's not even Chinese (ethnically yes, but she's never been to China and has no great love for the PRC) but I suspect to the sort of people externalizing such unpleasant views 'they all look the same'. SE Asia is a powder key of inter-racial strife which at times has exploded into mass killings, such as the Indonesian genocide following the 'year of living dangerously' when Suharto took power in a coup backed by the western world as part of the anti-communist cold war struggle.  


So I have no issue with highlighting the injustices perpetrated in the past and fighting against racism, but do wonder why this often coexists with indifference to current awful conditions, racial injustice and continued efforts to treat poorer countries as not much more than colonial possessions. If people want to feel outrage I can't help feeling it'd be better directed towards what our great leaders do today and the complete debacles they've helped create around the world.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All!

Firstly condolences to @Weeny Works on their sad loss.


A run to the Super Sausage (liquid refreshment only today) is planned this morning.   As it is some distance I think it’s a job for the AJ.    I don’t think my fillings would survive the run on the Girder/Rigid Beeza!


The radiator valve should arrive today apparently.


I’m also eagerly awaiting the delivery of a travelling steady for the Myford and the next batch of Arduinos but no ETA for those yet.


Back later with luck.






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  • RMweb Premium

Bear here....

Up at pretty silly o'clock again (0500) thanks to No. 1 number 2.  TC's


Today sees the deep clean of the muddlin' room finished off (dead easy), followed by a D.C. of The Bear Pit.  Getting there.


I'm waiting to hear back from the EE Store to find out if my phone purchase has been successful - the CC website suggests it should be, but.......



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  • RMweb Gold

The Gas Man Cometh....


Or rather, its "Smart" meter day!


The bod arrived and did a visual site inspection and pronounced it good to go and that all the gubbins can be shoehorned in. So first the documentation of serial numbers and meter readings, then all the new boxes...  Apparently the leccy will be off for 40 minutes or so while that bit of shoehorning occurs.  At least I've got some real books to keep me occupied while that's going on!


Its not so much about energy saving, more that it'll save my knees come meter reading time.



Edited by Hroth
a bit more...
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  • RMweb Premium

Our meter is still read by a meter reader on a regular basis. The philosophy here seems to be to maintain a lot of what might be derided as low value jobs which can easily be automated or abolished as deliberate policy to support societal cohesion and provide opportunities to those less well positioned to get more demanding jobs. For example even though the MRT is all ticketless (only stored value or contactless bank cards) which work using automated barriers all MRT stations are staffed with ticket offices and still have platform staff. For various reasons (not least the underlying tensions in a multi-ethnic country in a region where those tensions often become very unpleasant) the government places a very high priority on societal cohesion and stability. 

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  • RMweb Gold
24 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

that has one more sleep until squatter leaves.

When I was young we lived for a few years in Somerset. So many relatives came down from the Midlands to stay with us. 
MiL told me that when she was a child her father would rent a house in Mussoorie for the summer to avoid the heat. Certain relatives were known to drop in “while passing” and stay for over a month. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The tree surgeons are back this morning massacring the three remaining trees. One of them there is little left except the main trunk. Again they are ash trees and they are very thorough in clearing any debris so perhaps they do have ash die-back. No problems sleeping last night and just a few grumbles from the joints that soon passed when I started moving about. A parcel has just arrived which contains items that should not be mentioned here and is about to be opened, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Leccy back on, now for the gas...


Or, not the gas. The meter to be installed was faulty so the gas component has been put back until one is available.


Hey ho...


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