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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had to shop for bread and milk today, not a good day for shopping for bread as the bakery doesn't operate on Sundays and not today as its a bank holiday so most of the bread was sold out. Fortunately I have enough bread to last until Wednesday but I bought a couple of packs of rolls just in case.

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31 minutes ago, BoD said:

Not Exact Editions but I had a similar experience with my Ordnance Survey subscription.

When my card changed they couldn’t take out my subscription and informed me so.  I went to their website to change the card details but couldn’t find anywhere to do this.  I contacted them and was told the only way to do this was to cancel and take out a new subscription - at the current price which was, predictably, higher than that which I was paying.  I really felt like telling them to stuff their maps where no one could read them, but I find them so useful that, whilst telling them what I thought of their methods, I bit the bullet and re-subscribed.


Gosh, that was almost a rant from me too. 
I try not to do rants.
Need to go and have a lie down.

Yeah, I'm somehow expecting that's what'll happen to me.

All I'm going to do is wait until they try and get the next payment (about 4 weeks) and see what sort of notice I get regarding the fact the card doesn't work!

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23 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Yeah, I'm somehow expecting that's what'll happen to me.

All I'm going to do is wait until they try and get the next payment (about 4 weeks) and see what sort of notice I get regarding the fact the card doesn't work!

My RM subscription is through Pocketmags. From their website (not the app) the payment card is easily changeable. Perhaps an easier option when renewing. 

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6 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

My RM subscription is through Pocketmags. From their website (not the app) the payment card is easily changeable. Perhaps an easier option when renewing. 

Yeah, my BRM was easy too, Pocketmags seem to "have a clue", already changed to new card 👍

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4 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Headliners are "The Turtles", I recall "Happy Together" but not much else, the Mrs knows a lot of their stuff.


Are Mark Volman and Howard Koylan in the line-up?!   They were founding members of The Turtles. After they broke up they appeared on several Frank Zappa albums, particularly "Live at Fillmore East", before releasing a few albums as Flo and Eddie, most of which are on my Spotify Liked playlist.


My Flo and Eddie highlight would be Marmendy  Mill - what an opus!  The start builds up and up into  a bombastic orchestral "The Who circa Quadrophenia" style before settling down to  a  wistful song about childhood.


If I was ever on a desert island and could only take 5 songs downloaded onto my media player app, ("Desert Island Downloads"!)  this would be one of them.  6 stars!


Rock on.




Edited by monkeysarefun
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just finished bidding on E-bay for some items hauled on parallel strips of metal. Five items in all. I missed out on a couple more items but that meant that I had more to spend on the items I did win. One or two of those went for silly money, more than I was willing to pay anyway.

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Well that was sixty minutes I won't get back. To what are you referring to WB? I am referring to a television programme on Britain's attempt to launch a rocket from Cornwall. Whilst I knew the end result, I had hoped it would be a bit more 'Intelligent' but guess what it wasn't. Hence my previous statement. One thing I did learn was that apart from a couple of token Brits it appeared, to me at least, to be Yank led attempt. Whether that was due to editing? Apart from the chap flying the launch aircraft and another who was already in post at the airport that was it. One other telling thing was that the company Virgin Orbit had ceased operation. The cynic in me wonders whether that was down to just the failure or  whether there were no more tax pounds on offer?


On a completely different topic. I happened to read in a newspaper article that the number of people volunteering has dropped significantly. Now I'm not surprised by that. Firstly because people can no longer afford to do it, but also due I think to lack of any support. I've noticed this myself. Organisers seem to think that because you volunteer that's it. They don't seem to realise that unless you keep the motivation up interest will disappear. Or at least that's what it seems to be to me. Could it be that they don't see why they should have to 'work' as they are getting paid no matter what.

Anyway  on that cheery note I'm off to bed, but I'd be interested to learn whether fellow ER's have different thoughts/experiences on the matter.

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Good evening everyone 


Despite the the rain, I’ve had quite a productive day all told. I started by removing the 2 inspection pits I’d glued up yesterday and built the last one and clamped that up. Each inspection pit is just under 24in long, they are made up of 2 kits, each making 2 short pits, or 1 long pit. They come complete with 4 - 6 in lengths of code 75 rail. I already had 2 lengths of code 75 flexi track, which would be enough for 2 pits, but I was 4 short. So, I could either buy 4 more lengths of flexi track or, as I hate to see all those short lengths of track go to waste and there was 40 of them, sitting there doing nowt! I could see if it would be possible to join them together. Now the space between the moulded on rail chairs isn’t wide enough to use standard rail joiners and cutting one in half was also out of the question. So I thought I’ll try to see if I could solder 2 lengths of rail end to end as it were. However, there’s not much surface area at the end of a piece of code 75 rail, so I thought about chamfering them instead. To keep the joined sections of rail perfectly straight, I needed to ensure that all the ‘joints’ were all the same angle, so I made a jig, that the rail sits in securely enough for it not to move, but free enough to be able to put the rail in. I then set the angle on my mini table disc sander and chamfered 2 lengths, then inserted them into a second jig, that holds 2 lengths in a straight line. Flux paste was then applied to the solder faces and the the two were solder together. The finished result was much better than I’d hoped for, a short section of 2 soldered rails slid on to the inspection pit with great ease. 


I didn’t have time to take any photos today, but I’ll try to take some photos tomorrow of both jigs and a joined up section of rail. 

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Our next public holiday is Friday, for the presidential election. I am a disinterested observer as I don't get a vote but it's striking how normal the news is. In Britain TV and newspapers would be wall to wall talking heads spewing nonsense, providing comforting confirmation bias while feeding the tribalism which is tearing society apart and telling us all it will be the most momentous decision in human history. And the candidates would be trying to persuade us that voting for them would mean we'd be taking wheel barrows full of £50 notes to the bank every week, have more free stuff than we would be able to shake a stick at and waking up next to a super model having done the equivalent of a marathon. The the media and politicians wonder why so many have little but contempt for them.

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9 hours ago, polybear said:

I figured I'd send Amazon a Snottogram to ask "Don't your Couriers EVER ring the bluddy doorbell any more?" but it seems that Amazon is wise to such things and actually sending an email isn't an option any more.

Never had them ring the bell here. They do photograph the parcel sitting on the porch and send an email confirming delivery, with the photograph, asking you to 'rate the delivery'. This email is almost instantaneous.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Am watching the tennis in NY. Unless someone has some serious insomnia, I doubt any of you are watching in BST at 3:00am.


There was a lot of histrionics and mind games / games(wo)manship in a big evening first round match. Very entertaining (not in the usual way) with an umpire who was not fully in command of the match and may have overcompensated on a subjective call.


Some good tennis too.


At least we don't have to worry about coaching being against the rules any more. That mitigates some of the unnecessary drama.


They plan to commemorate 50 years of equal prize money at the US open at the end of the match.

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What a difference a day makes. After a hot somewhat smoky weekend, today saw a fine mist in the morning and overcast all day. I don't think we were even close to the forecast high of 26°C.


From being fairly consistently above average temperatures for some time, the forecast suggests below average temperatures for the week. I'm not ready to say Autumn is here but the weather pattern is changing. Some proper rain would be nice.

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19 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

So would it be the university where someone called Andy was messing with his chemistry set at the turn of the century and managed to get it to 'chain react' thereby helping the Yanks to win the second world war?

You've stumped me there.


I can think of a Kiwi (Lord Rutherford of Nelson) who made some tremendous leaps forward in atomic physics around the turn of the 20th century, particularly related to radioactive decay, at the University of Manchester but his name was Ernest. There he collaborated with Danes (Niels Bohr*), someone who would later be a Kiwi named Ernest (Marsden), Germans (like Hans Geiger) and many others.


* Adapting the theories of German, Max Plank to a new model of the atom.


In his department, a Nobel prize (in 1951) was awarded for "splitting the atom" in 1930, to John Cockcroft and Irishman and yet another Ernest, (Walton) with a particle accelerator, but the father of the nuclear chain reaction** was Hungarian Leó Szilárd whose vision, the Italian Enrico Fermi made happen with the first self-sustaining chain reaction in Chicago in 1942.


** Actually first suggested by a German, Max Bodenstein in 1913.


Perhaps Isaac Newton put such scientific 'discovery' best:


If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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4 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

On volunteering, I've noticed a recurring comment (complaint) among people I know that they no longer enjoy volunteering at various museums and heritage sites because they're increasingly being burdened with procedures and managed in a way which feels like they're neither appreciated or especially wanted. As a result quite a few of those who once volunteered have moved on. The big complaint seems to be that they don't particularly like odious management when they're being paid to put up with it but they're not going to volunteer to endure it.

It appears to me that, at least in the UK and probably elsewhere, the paid so-called “professionals” that run museums and heritage sites come from a small - definitely incestuous - circle of (upper?) middle class individuals who went to the same universities, took the same sort of degree and are very much in thrall to a rather pernicious “group think”.

This group think has definitely two significant components: (1) jumping on every “trendy political bandwagon” going - whether relevant or not; and (2) having disdain, if not outright contempt, for “the little people” - whether visitors (talk down to them/fleece them) or volunteers (make volunteers jump through hoops to volunteer/subject them to inane, pointless and frequently inappropriate “awareness” training).

A good example of this group think in action is the “decolonisation” of museum collections: no opportunity is missed to stress any and all links - no matter how flimsy or tenuous - to slavery; and doing so in the most simplistic, reductionistic and myopic*, immensely condescending way possible. 

Y’know, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they’ve even gone as far as to “decolonise” collections of Anglo-Saxon artefacts with plaques stating things like “the great, great, great, great grandson of this Anglo-Saxon chief was a slave trader”

As least that’s the way it appears to this old cynic…


* i.e, only giving a biased <W Europe Bad, W Africa good> narrative - conveniently obscuring or glossing over ALL the historical facts. By all means reveal the grubby underside of history, but don’t cherry pick what you present to fit your modern narrative.

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6 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

On a completely different topic. I happened to read in a newspaper article that the number of people volunteering has dropped significantly. Now I'm not surprised by that. Firstly because people can no longer afford to do it, but also due I think to lack of any support. I've noticed this myself. Organisers seem to think that because you volunteer that's it. They don't seem to realise that unless you keep the motivation up interest will disappear. Or at least that's what it seems to be to me. Could it be that they don't see why they should have to 'work' as they are getting paid no matter what.


A Buddy has been a volunteer at a rather large Air Museum for a lot of years - he was telling me just a few weeks ago that the number of volunteers has dropped to a tiny fraction of what it used to be; what's worse is that many of the volunteers treat the place more like a social club than anything else and stand around talking to each other rather than doing anything useful.  There are also those that cause more harm than good when supposedly restoring or repairing items as they just don't have the necessary skills to do so.

Add that to management that don't have a clue and are rather good at making dumb decisions and it'll not end well.


5 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

The big complaint seems to be that they don't particularly like odious management when they're being paid to put up with it but they're not going to volunteer to endure it.


It's worse than that - in many (all?) cases the volunteers actually have to pay to be there, not only by becoming a museum volunteer member but also travel costs - which can be significant if you're travelling quite a few miles.  Bearing in mind many volunteers are retired and so on limited income it's not surprising that numbers are dropping.


3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Never had them ring the bell here. They do photograph the parcel sitting on the porch and send an email confirming delivery, with the photograph, asking you to 'rate the delivery'. This email is almost instantaneous.



I'm waiting for the day when something of value goes walkies from Bear's doorstep - it'll be interesting to see how Amazon respond when I want it replaced**.  I'm fortunate in that Bear's doorstep is pretty discrete; the view of NNN's front door is 100% wide open (as in very open plan); purely by chance I noticed some kids playing in the street a couple of weeks ago and one of them looked at her door step - I looked over the hedge and saw a parcel dumped on the door step (it practically had a sign on it saying "Nick Me!!") so I rescued it quick (she was either at work or possibly on hols).


** Any arguments and I'll try the Section 75 Credit Card route first, and if that doesn't work I'll use the small claims court.

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