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16 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

During my delving into history I found that someone in America had written about the family. According to him the name was unknown over there in early settlement, but suddenly around 1750 a few hundred turn up at one location. Sounds like they could have made a sharp exit around 1746.


There is a street over here called Steeles Avenue. It forms the northern boundary of Toronto and continues west until it gets lost trying to climb the Niagara escarpment.


Sidebar: At one point in Canadian history (or geography) the government removed the possessives from all natural features and the municipalities with those names. That's why there is a Saint John (river) in New Brunswick but Saint John's in Newfoundland (which was not ib Canada at the time).


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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Or perhaps this "travel" article:

CNN: British food: 20 best dishes


Presumably this article was meant to be humorous.


It wasn’t 


Compared to what the late, great Alan Coren would have made of such a list, the “humour” here seems puerile and forced.


I also think that there a number of British “food” (I use that term loosely in some instances) items missing from that list such as:

  • Fagg0ts (dressed up balls of offal - but tasty)
  • Beanz on white bread toast (gloopy carbohydrates piled onto toasted carbohydrates. The ultimate UPF quick snack)
  • Chip butty (fried carbohydrates squashed between buttered carbohydrates)
  • Marmite (why? Just why?)
  • Haggis (proof, if any were needed, that enough whisky can inspire the creation of  [culinary] greatness from humble materials)
8 hours ago, polybear said:


Seems remarkably accurate:


"Jellied Eels:

Imagine the biggest slug you’ve ever seen. Then imagine eating it."

The bizarre conundrum that is, and always will be, British food, Transforming things that only the British* would consider as “food”  into either sheer culinary Nirvana (Steak & Kidney Pudding, Haggis) or into “things best consumed after 10 pints of strong lager and perhaps not even then” (marmite on toast, jellied eals, ******** pasties)


I reckon that any foreigner who can face lasagna and chips, pizza and chips or a crisp sandwich without a) fainting with shock, b) tossing their cookies or c) giggling hysterically truly has gone native…


* the Cantonese§ and [possibly] the French also transform the inedible into the edible
§ i’m wondering why some enterprising Cantonese owner of a “take away Chinese” has not yet come up with stir-fried chips n rice - could be a vote winner with certain ERs

Edited by iL Dottore
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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Presumably this article was meant to be humorous.


It wasn’t 

1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

I don’t mind what you’ve done to me, but poor Lucy!

She doesn’t deserve to be caricatured as a demented Chihuahua.


The software is still in Beta!

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7 hours ago, pH said:



That deserves the coveted Triple Barf Award:



The worst this Bear ever discovered in RoK were Pickled Silkworm Pupae and Deep Fried Chrysallis (the latter being common at roadside "Burger" vans, apparently.

And no, Bear didn't.


7 hours ago, TheQ said:

The current boss was showing another prospective new boss around. I got promoted from "Q he does some modelling for us" to. "This is Q our resident modeller".



The HoD once brought a Visitor round - when he arrived at our Section it went like this:

"This is Bert - he's the Engineering Manager"

"This is Doris - she's our Project Manager"

"This is Harry - he's our Assistant Engineering Manager"

"This is Bear - he's our Odd-Job Bear"


To say I was somewhat p1ssed at this was an understatement - unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to come out with something like "I sweep up all the Sh1t that this lot leave behind".

When I told the Boss what had happened he was less than impressed - and had words with his Boss who was going to have words with the HoD; I never heard any more so if he did have words they obviously didn't have the spine to come and apologise.  I got my own back in my own way though....😉


6 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Forgot to mention there will be much celebratory clinking of falling down water this weekend following the news from DC 🤣 🍾🍾🍾


BBC TV interviews with those "on the street" seemed to result in very black or white responses - either "good, cos' no-ones above the law" to "it's a witch hunt".


4 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

I've been playing around with Adobe Firefly, an AI text to picture generator. I fed in all the data we have on a certain ER and this came back to me. See if you can guess who it is.





WOT, No Chips?? 😲


Bear here....

Up at silly very silly o'clock (0457) - so well ahead of the curve (or I would've been if I hadn't been on this Laptop......).

Today sees.....washing day.  Poo.

Then it'll be fitting the architrave around the last remaining door frame (it's already cut n' sanded), after which I'll have two sets of architrave that'll enter the paint shop process - so danglin' on a paint brush again.  Double Poo.



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7 hours ago, TheQ said:

It seems other than a few radio problems all went well. The meeting was accompanied by tea coffee and..... LDC, I was expecting a low flying Bear to turn up.



You called?



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3 hours ago, polybear said:

…WOT, No Chips?? 😲

Over a wee glass of fine 70 year old single malt whisky, Captain Cynical was musing on how best to reduce his nemesis, The Bear, to a quivering wreck.. He concluded that the best way would be to either:


  1. keep him captive and feed him abundantly with pizza and salad, lasagna and salad and spaghetti and salad - with post prandial electric shocks whose intensity varies according to the amount of salad left. OR
  2. Like Tantalus in Greek mythology, who was tied to a rock, perennially hungry and thirsty with food and drink in front of him but which would move just out of reach when Tantalus reached for it, The Bear could likewise be tied to a rock permanently hungry with plates of pizza and chips, lasagna and chips, et cetera just in front of his eyes, but which would move away out of reach as soon as he reached for them.


But which one? That’s the question.


Voting is now open, ER boys and girls.


Edited by iL Dottore
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Mooring Awl,

5 hours sleep. Long period awake trying to find a comfortable position, then 1.5 hours sleep.

Legs no longer painful, but they feel like I've run a marathon.


Ben has been taken for his patrol slow and gentle, tis sunny and warm out there. Is today summer? There's little wind so you can hear the sea roaring against the eastern bit of coast.


SWMBO will appreciate the weather, she's out loading the car about to depart for Worsted Woolly Weekend. Where her weaving spinning and dyeing demonstration weekend is on. Ben does not approve, he's got up in her chair. I have, of course,  given her a bundle of radar museum leaflets to distribute. Many of the displays are in marquees, the weather means the sides can be left off.


The video capabilities of the SLEWC computer system which used to reside in the radar museum room I demonstrate were some what limited. (Standby Local Early Warning System) a huge room 60+ foot long, 20 + foot wide filled with a computer and interfaces to drive video, circles overlaid onto radar displays supplied to valve powered Type 64 displays..


A selection of bolts of the right diameter and a variety of lengths have been delivered. 


So today's plans are.

Find the right bolts length and fit them to the loom,

Clear the remains of the bone fire,

Trim back some jungle and knock down more pig sty wall.


Time to drink my muggacoffee.

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The cloud is breaking this morning and sun appears from time to time.  It might even be warm, but not hot.


I'm trying to decide whether to go out for the day which I don't often do on Saturdays as the world always seems full of people or whether just to have a quiet day doing not much.



Edited by DaveF
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2 hours ago, polybear said:



That deserves the coveted Triple Barf Award:



The worst this Bear ever discovered in RoK were Pickled Silkworm Pupae and Deep Fried Chrysallis (the latter being common at roadside "Burger" vans, apparently.

And no, Bear didn't.



The HoD once brought a Visitor round - when he arrived at our Section it went like this:

"This is Bert - he's the Engineering Manager"

"This is Doris - she's our Project Manager"

"This is Harry - he's our Assistant Engineering Manager"

"This is Bear - he's our Odd-Job Bear"


To say I was somewhat p1ssed at this was an understatement - unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to come out with something like "I sweep up all the Sh1t that this lot leave behind".

When I told the Boss what had happened he was less than impressed - and had words with his Boss who was going to have words with the HoD; I never heard any more so if he did have words they obviously didn't have the spine to come and apologise.  I got my own back in my own way though....😉



BBC TV interviews with those "on the street" seemed to result in very black or white responses - either "good, cos' no-ones above the law" to "it's a witch hunt".



WOT, No Chips?? 😲


Bear here....

Up at silly very silly o'clock (0457) - so well ahead of the curve (or I would've been if I hadn't been on this Laptop......).

Today sees.....washing day.  Poo.

Then it'll be fitting the architrave around the last remaining door frame (it's already cut n' sanded), after which I'll have two sets of architrave that'll enter the paint shop process - so danglin' on a paint brush again.  Double Poo.




So my dear bear what was it that you objected to the HofD calling you. Was it that he called you Bear our odd job bear or the fact that he called you odd?

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Over a wee glass of fine 70 year old single malt whisky, Captain Cynical was musing on how best to reduce his nemesis, The Bear, to a quivering wreck.. He concluded that the best way would be to either:


  1. keep him captive and feed him abundantly with oizza and salad, lasagna and salad and spaghetti and salad - with post prandial electric shocks whose intensity varies according to the amount of salad left. OR
  2. Like Tantalus in Greek mythology, who was tied to a rock, perennially hungry and thirsty with food and drink in front of him but which would move just out of reach when Tantalus reached for it, The Bear could likewise be tied to a rock permanently hungry with plates of pizza and chips, lasagna and chips, et cetera just in front of his eyes, but which would move away out of reach as soon as he reached for them.


But which one? That’s the question.


Voting is now open, ER boys and girls.


Definitely number 2, but to really up the torture replace the pizza or lasagne with chips with LDC.

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15 hours ago, polybear said:

... Then the Sainsbugs Driver appeared as promised with Bear's order - whilst it makes a lot of sense from an environmental point of view to deliver everything loose rather than in bags it don't 'arf make delivery a right PITA, being presented with numerous crates on the doorstep and having to unload them into the hallway and onto the lower stairs.  All seemed fine except for the so-called Baking Potatoes (bought loose in order to save a poly bag) - some of them were certainly no bigger than a Snooker Ball at best; I discovered later that I could've binned them back to the driver but didn't know that at the time - still, since the whole lot came to 38p I reckon I can cope with the disappointment.....😄


We put a couple of plastic crates, large bag (for frozen) and a bottle carrier in the hall for deliveries, then it's 'just' a high speed transfer from box to box and there's less chance of having to pick up 52 brussel sprouts rolling around loose on the carpet. And the crates can then be carried through to the kitchen and unloaded into the appropriate storage. 


7 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Where are the chips?


And LDC? Also, @monkeysarefun, how about a paintbrush and ladder? 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Too warm for Arthur Itis or Si Attica but the pollen is well up and the sniffling has started already, it's already 22C. At least I'll be on the 'cool' (north) side of the house.

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3 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Morning all, we await a plumber, seems we have a leak under the kitchen floor............................................I don't think turdeycurses quite covers it......................any one got a life raft?


Solid floor, or timber?


1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:


So my dear bear what was it that you objected to the HofD calling you. Was it that he called you Bear our odd job bear or the fact that he called you odd?


The "odd job" bit.....


42 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Could go for the triple whammy: a LDC Pizza with curly oven chips….




In other news.....

Washing done.  Tick.  Now to hang it to dry.

Architrave around the last door frame now fitted temporarily.  Big Tick.  Now I've got 6 lengths of architrave to paint.  Turdycurses.


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Afternoon Awl,

Tis only 17 C officially, but the places I've been working round the garden are sheltered from the cool easterly wind.

So I'm sweating bucket loads.


First the bolts were installed in the loom, those that were chosen were due to the length of their smooth shaft, they are actually over long on the threaded portion. Tomorrow I'll take the angle grinder up there to cut off the excess.

I've was sat having a ponder over the seat for the loom and realised why the original has a stool connected to the loom. 

1, so you don't have to origami yourself to sit behind the loom,

2, so you don't propel yourself away from the loom every time you use the beater.

SWMBO would like a chair rather than a stool, so she can rest her back, but to get in it will need to have it's seat turn. Solutions are being investigated.


One wheelbarrow of ash to the raised bed, various bits of metal, mostly cans, to the recycling bin.


Two wheelbarrows of brick removed from the old pig sty wall, unfortunately a lot are broken before I started. Bricks placed near where the well will be restored.


One tree trunk ( still slightly warm!!) about 9 inches in diameter dug up from under the bone fire. That leaves the two largest left of the original 5. Broke a spade while doing it, I'll have to buy another as the original has some proprietary connection to the shaft and a normal wooden replacement won't fit.


Ben the hot Collie took me for his long walk, he actually chose the shortest route, and cut it short. He is now panting away, lying on a cold floor.


A can of doom bar is slowly disappearing, when gone I'll make a sandwich and have another can before searching the cupboards to make the evening meal for us.


Time to.. inspect eyelids.


Ah swivel seat base, now ordered,

Definitely eyelid inspection time.





Edited by TheQ
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