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  • RMweb Premium
2 minutes ago, PupCam said:


More than likely I would have thought although the design info is no doubt lost in the mists of time ....



Only if the felt is in large white sheets of a wool based material.


I believe a number of telephone boxes in London have information where you may get some other forms of "felt" if desperate ....


I think it is to stop it from vibrating off-center.

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Evening Awl,

The treasurer is an extremely happy bunny, we've sold the second group of parallel bits of metal  in three days, at full asking price, the secondhand stall at the show made its  biggest ever amount, and we've got another new member.


I think , il dottore is having a good effect on the bears cooking , may be il dottore should become il veterinario.


I've been missing a lower molar each side for many years, in fact it was so long ago I can't remember loosing them.


We've an ( ex ) policeman or two on here, I'm sure they've felt a few  over the years, collars that is.


As for my other purpose at the MRC, several buildings are no longer on the huh.

Muggachoccy gone

Good night Awl.






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2 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... marking, marking, marking. 121 submissions of spreadsheets, 15 worksheets each, therefor it’s marking over 1,800 separate calculation and chart sets ...

@Coombe Barton So thats your Whitsun brreak sorted.  

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With regards to teeth I have had 6 premolars and molars removed over the years, I don't have problems eating but I do not bite on very hard things any more, gave up toffees years ago and tend to cut up food more than I used to - even apples.  One more is slowly on its way out I think.  The only "full set" is my lower left jaw.


I am very fortunate in still having an NHS dentist, in an emergency I am usually seen within 48 hours, often the same day.  A few months ago I developed a lump in my jaw in front of one tooth, I was seen by the dentist in a couple of hours and had an immediate X ray in case it was a growth - fortunately it wasn't



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2 hours ago, PupCam said:


More than likely I would have thought although the design info is no doubt lost in the mists of time ....



Have you considered making a cross-section in CAD of the various bits? That might help you determine the required clearances. I can crank one out if you like.


I had a BSA once but it was rather small push-bike!  IIRC the cross-bar consisted of two curved tubes that extended down to the rear-wheel flanges. It went to a cousin when I grew too big for it.





Edited by AndyID
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2 hours ago, The Lurker said:

In better news I also booked us a week in Lisbon for Elder Lurker’s birthday in the summer.


we’ve not been there but looking forward to it


You'll love it; Lisbon is a very friendly and laid-back city, as well as being one of Europe's most underrated beauties.

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Good moaning g from a warm Charente. Hair got cutt yesterday and then the supermarket got raided.  Apparently today I am due to go to a charity store called Emmeus to inspect a sofa for possible purchase. Not a lot else happening.  An ecstatic Archie the pooch was reunited with his owner. It's been good having him but life I quieter without him.  The crops are continuing to grow and ripen.  We eagerly await the sighting if the first combine of the year as some of the barley looks ready.  One of our cherry trees us within a few days of being ready to crop.  I have been informed that they will be used for either cherry brandy or cherry vodka. 



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9 hours ago, polybear said:

I casually asked the Dentist how many he'd done - "Around a thousand" came the reply.  "Bluddy Hell" says I - "that's two million quid!!"

At that point I did notice the two Nurses were staring at him - probably with thoughts of a pay rise on their minds; the Dentist suddenly went unnaturally quiet rather quickly and I got the impression he'd wished he hadn't said how many he'd done.



But I can safely say the dentist didn’t trouser £2 million. Apart from materials (dental materials like aircraft parts & materials, the real stuff - in terms of safety, longevity and durability - costs a lot), there’s also the costs of the premises (rent or mortgage), the equipment (leased or purchased), staff costs and the like - all taking a significant chunk of that 2 million quid. You’re also paying for the dentist’s expertise (= education+training+experience).


Furthermore, in the UK dentists can loose money by treating NHS patients (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/02/rotten-state-broken-nhs-dentistry) which makes no commercial sense (ultimately dentistry, like all of medicine, is a a commercial concern: you have to pay salaries, buy materials, rent/buy and run equipment and premises in order to treat patients). 

Another factor affecting British teeth is the huge amounts of sugar consumed, not that that is anything new - in Georgian England, when sugar was still pretty expensive, many of the aristocracy had black and rotting teeth due to the consumption of large amounts of sugary foods (paradoxically, back then the poorer you were, the healthier your teeth).


I have read about some research being done on growing teeth for implantation into a patient’s mouth (a sort of tooth cloning if you will), but that’s quite some way off - so regular brushing, flossing and dental checks ups (and intervention if so needed) is all that stands between you and a set of plastic teeth… 


The implant I had installed, nearly 20 years ago, cost a lot (about £5000 or so back then), but is still going strong and I’ve never had any problems with it - so money well spent.

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Read the article and have to agree.  Fortunately (?) wisdom teeth remobved while NHS many years ago ... required 22 stiches and was carried out under GA.  Have alwyas cleaned my teeth but ... dentist says will lose all like my father.  My brother on the other hand has had relativel little problem with teeth ... like mother.  It also therefore seems to be the 'luck' of the draw.  As you can imaging 'hate' the idea of a dentist visit especially since moving as there are no NHS dentists locally.

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8 hours ago, DaveF said:

I am very fortunate in still having an NHS dentist, in an emergency I am usually seen within 48 hours, often the same day. 


Bear predicts that becoming a Dental Technician may be a lucrative career pretty soon (if not already) - the loss of so many NHS Dentists won't be good for dental care and I reckon the number of people needing false teeth in the coming years will rise considerable.


7 hours ago, The Lurker said:

In better news I also booked us a week in Lisbon for Elder Lurker’s birthday in the summer.


we’ve not been there but looking forward to it


Bear has never been there either - but have pondered it a few times (I wonder if there's enough there for a week though - without having to resort to a hire car?).  Another place that's been recommended to Bear was by one of the stand holders (Primo Models) at Railex - he was Polish (but now living in Edinburgh; he said that Krakow is well worth a visit.


Bear here.....

Today's fun starts with....doin' the washin' ☹️  Poo.

Once that's "on the go" it'll be back to The Great Refurb - yet more door frame trim to do.  I also need to phone and arrange for Mickey to go in for the repair to the rear bumper to be carried out.  Apart from that it's MIUABGAD.


Bear Gone.

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Mooring Awl,

6.5 hours, then 2.5 hours of semi dozing a very good night.


Ben came for his head polish, and a gave a hint of a request to go for a patrol. It was a gentle stroll with me inspecting the jungle, there's some brambles that need moving before mowing.


Weather womble says welcome to another sunny day, not round here it ain't. Forecast max 14 C and mostly cloudy. It was drizzling yesterday afternoon, it is this morning.


For some reason a huge 4x4 forklift has been trundling up and down our road. Not seen it carrying anything.


SWMBO has been approached about another big loom, it looks like we'll end up with two. But one will be passed on when we can find a taker.


We were lucky with dentists here, we first could only find an NHS one on the edge of Norwich 20+ miles away. They went private several years later, so we had to find another, luckily we found one this time only about 11 miles away. It takes about 40 minutes to get to, as it's well and truly across country mostly on single track roads, one although tarmacked is often covered in sand, is classed as a green lane, there many junctions on the way as well.


Plans for today,

Check over another cash box,

Do some online MRC banking,

Maybe mow some jungle.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It has rained here overnight. It is forecast to be cloudy and cool today. 
We will be having a day trip,to Lisbon in July. We haven’t been before, the only Portuguese places we have been to are Porto and Funchal.


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A dull morning again, the forecast is for cloud all day and not very warm, probably 12C all day.


I'm just about to start my monthly accounts, at first glance the bank statements look about right.  Then the garden and greenhouse beckon again.


There was another bang on the window this morning, but no unconscious bird so whatever it was must have managed to continue flying.


The bin men have just been so I can now put the bin away.





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Good morning everyone 


A dull and overcast start to the day here in the northwest corner of England, the temperature is currently 11C so it’s not cold. I would like to get the sanding done today, but I don’t think it’ll all be finished. The plan is that once the south and west walls are done, I’ll apply a couple of coats of primer/undercoat before starting on the north and east walls, that way, should the weather change, at least there won’t be lots of bare wood. Once the workshop is complete, as I’ve still got Ian’s chop saw, than plan is to get back to finishing the cellar. I still need to fit the flooring, the skirting boards and the architraves, so the chop saw will certainly speed things up. At that point I can then think about painting the wall ready for the layout. Speaking of which, since I’ve saved £xxxx’s doing the cellar myself, I’m going to treat myself and buy flat pack baseboards for the scenic area. I’ve spent the last few days working out what I need and how much they’d cost, which wasn’t as much as I’d thought they’d be. I also priced legs for the baseboards, but they ARE very expensive, so I’ll make my own legs, as they would have cost more than the baseboards!


Back later. 


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My former place of employment, the conference and training rooms were regularly being hit by birds , in their floor to ceiling windows. They solved that by sticking on hawk stickers on the glass.



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7 hours ago, The Johnster said:


You'll love it; Lisbon is a very friendly and laid-back city, as well as being one of Europe's most underrated beauties.


 And the trams look interesting too . Route 28 looks good on Youtube .

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Stiff joints again this morning but the stiffness disappeared once I started moving about. Today I have to sketch up my ideas for a new small gauges test track for SEERS and present it to the committee tomorrow afternoon, at the moment its still all inside my head. Thats it for now, back later.

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