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1 hour ago, PupCam said:



What is better than the sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin* ?      Four Rolls Royce Merlins .....



A Bezza on full throttle?


It flew over our house a few years ago, I think on the way to Derwent reservoir for some celebration.

I think it was on that occasion BofB Memorial Flights C47 few over our house and I dashed in to get my camera  but missed the photo opportunity. I took the camera back in and just as I came out the Lancaster arrived, flanked by two Spitfires.


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7 minutes ago, Hroth said:

At one point I had to make a phone call to HMRC* (?) to get a magic number to make the payment.  Getting through took three days.  Eventually I got the number and made the payment.  The new pension forecast took 6 weeks to get onto the system, but at least it was A. Correct and B. my state pension was maxed out.


Book, Play, Film, T-shirt.....

No Cake though.  Turdycurses.

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11 hours ago, TheQ said:

Funs going to be getting SWMBO'S state pension checked and if necessary topped up. She's not worked for many years, has no credit / bill history, she only has her driving license issued 20+ years ago.


No bother at all for us, even from here. And MrsID had not worked in the UK for 35 years.

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9 hours ago, Grizz said:

Recently we had to vote in local elections, which now requires I.D. to be provided to prove who you and where you live, with photo I.D. Not and unreasonable request if it will help to reduce voting fraud.


... Despite all this, apparently this was not considered sufficient by the polling station Herberts and it was refused as proof of who I was and where I lived.

Many of the attempts to address so-called "voter fraud" result in the disenfranchisement of eligible voters. Sometimes this comes under the law of unintended consequences and sometimes it is deliberate.


EDIT: Hadn't noticed this when I posted, but it is exactly the sort of thing I refer to.

5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

The voting ID thing has deprived far more people entitled to vote than the number of voter fraud convictions. 


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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As far as I am aware there is historically very little voter fraud at polling stations in the mainland UK.  I have heard that Personation as it's called certainly used to be rife in Northern Ireland where the motto was vote early and vote often.  There is some evidence of more fraud in the postal voting system since it was made easier to obtain a postal vote.  No one appears to want to do anything g about that. 



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I haven’t done much today. I did re-fit a loo seat that I replaced the hinges on recently. It became wobbly again so I reinstalled it with Loctite on threaded bits that were not meant to undo. Hopefully it will be ok. The instructions on the Loctite packaging were in French and Dutch but I only needed to know the bit about how long for maximum strength. 
Aditi needed to visit a post office so we went in my car and while she was returning more unwanted items I went and got some petrol. I didn’t look how much it was but that garage is usually competitive on price and I can’t be bothered going elsewhere to save fractions  of pence. My petrol company app did appreciate my brand loyalty by knocking £1.20 off the total for making 10 visits to Shell garages though. I only filled the car tank up as we are going to Enfield tomorrow. When we met Aditi’s brother last weekend he said he and his family would be in Enfield this  coming Saturday and would we be there too. We said we didn’t know anything about his visit. We have been asked over since! Yesterday we were at the Chelsea Flower Show. While there we were getting loads of calls lasting seconds, either private number or number withheld, which usually means BiL in Enfield. Mobile reception in the flower show was very patchy, so many people there, not surprisining if there was over capacity. Also when we finally managed to sit it was near the bandstand and couldn’t have heard a call anyway. These attempted calls were on my phone and Aditi’s. Hardly anyone rings me so we began to wonder if there was some sort of family problem. It wasn’t really as when we discovered when we finally exited the show, went somewhere quiet and phoned back. 

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

... the books that I acquired at last nights SEERS meeting ... reeked of tobacco

In the earlish days of Amazon (when they mostly sold books) I bought a second hand book of George Vancouver's voyage, which (of course) was long out of print. It was quite yellowed and stank of tobacco.


I did read it and haven't opened it since. It probably still smells.

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18 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Many of the attempts to address so-called "voter fraud" result in the disenfranchisement of eligible voters. Sometimes this comes under the law of unintended consequences and sometimes it is deliberate.



Based on actual convictions (in the US) the great majority of them were by people who could legitimately vote but who attempted fraud (like voting multiple times). I'm pretty sure it's highly unlikely any illegal immigrant is going to risk deportation by casting an illegal vote. The whole thing is just a gigantic political "dog whistle" but sadly many fall for it.

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8 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

am aware there is historically very little voter fraud at polling stations in the mainland UK.

Someone got 6 months suspended for electoral fraud locally. However it wasn’t a voter but one of the candidates and involved signatures on nomination papers. 

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14 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Northern Ireland where the motto was vote early and vote often.

An expression long associated with elections in Chicago.


14 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

There is some evidence of more fraud in the postal voting system since it was made easier to obtain a postal vote. 

I am of the impression that the opposite is true here. Oregon has been 100% postal vote for many years, along with several other (mostly Western) states. It works exceptionally well and provides a nice paper trail for audit purposes (preemptively addressing those who stoke fear regarding electronic voting machines).


There are other opinions of course. An out-of-state colleague bent my ear (for far longer than I wanted to patiently listen) on how 'corrupted' voting is in these states and how they always return a result for a particular party (overlooking the fact that in one of these states the other major party enjoys the lions share of returns). 


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5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Switzerland has a very efficient referendum process. Something the Swiss government and Swiss government agencies are very very much aware of..

You p1ss off enough Swiss, the next thing you know the necessary number of signatures will be collected, and then you’ll be looking at the wrong end (or the sharp end) of a legally binding referendum.

About half of the US states also have a citizen ballot initiative / referendum process variably called "propositions" or "measures" that can result in citizen-enacted law. While there are always unintended consequences of such things* I see them as useful and good.


* One being the ballot initiative corollary of Newton's third law: "For every ballot initiative there is an equal and opposite ballot initiative" resulting in much confusion created by counter-measure advertising.


Democracy being messy and politics being what it is, the process here is now mired in maneuvering to thwart new laws when citizens enact new measures. For avoidance of politics I shan't go into specifics, but it's a bit of a shame and diminishes an otherwise good exemplar of real democracy.


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As expected I got some gardening done today, in all about 80 plants are now in the ground, most of them summer bedding (african marigold, antirrhinum and lobelia) along with some pelargoniums and fuchsias.  The bed by the back door and most of the tubs should now look OK all summer.  I have about 6 perennials to plant once the honesty and Winter/Spring bedding is removed and the bulb foliage cut back.  Then I have to find place to stand some smallish tubs of dahlias and 3 fuchsias.  The long term is to have fewer tubs as they are getting heavier as the years pass - nothing to do with me getting older of course.


I only had one minor mishap, while I was planting a clematis by the fence I moved in the wrong direction and was attacked by a climbing rose.  It was only a superficial scalp wound and was quickly cleaned up but I couldn't actually see it so took a photo to make sure there wasn't an embedded thorn.


Then coffee, reading, and a light salad lunch.  Light as I am losing weight gradually, according to the scales about 8lb gone so far.  Next was a 20 minute walk during which I noticed how well the wild flowers planted in the verges in the road into the estate are doing.  At 4.30 I had an appointment with the podiatrist so I had to venture out in the busy traffic as he is about 6 miles away in the next town.  It took me nearly 20 minutes to get there but just under 15 minutes coming back.  As usual I was able to park outside his premises.  I suspect what I think of as busy traffic would be very quiet to many of you reading this.  He checked my damaged toe and thinks the nail will recover and has told me to  ring him if there are any problems and he'll see me the same day.


I was back in nice time to get my tea, the greenhouse has been watered and shut up for the night and now I am going to listen to music with TV later on.



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5 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

At this point the supervisor came over, asked the ticket person to go away,

It is curious how a uniform and 'authority' can turn some people into real jobsworths - particularly when their role is intended to be "helpful". Fortunately not all are so affected.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Finally got everything put away, a couple of years ago it would only have taken a couple of hours but now it takes half a day. Got to get things ready for tomorrow, visiting the Billericay exhibition. Not a big exhibition but usually very good.

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Evening All,

Not much to report BUT I have made a start on the bookwork!

As one of the  nephews is here I’ve been relegated to the spare bedroom which is fine by me.

An early night beckons as I need the sleep. I’ve noticed today that I appear to have a bit of backache but it’s really more the top of one of my hips that hurts. Uncomfortable but no more at the minute but with a return journey down the smoke on Monday I’d like to get it cleared up ASAP. No pink pills for me, I’m allergic to them!


Edited by Erichill16
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