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7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

we'd be waiting forever for a UK built one, and then it would break down.


If they'd ordered one from Cammel Lairds, the hull, superstructure and machinery would have been outsourced to the Dutch and final fitting out done at Birkenhead, which is where the delays would have set in.


Thats what happened to the new Mersey Ferry...


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Good evening everyone 


It’s been another busy day, lots of brownie points earned by cleaning the washing machine filter, dispenser tray and door seals as well as the dishwasher filter. Of course, this also meant I needed to give the kitchen sink a good clean afterwards. Then it was off outside to carry on working on the south wall of the workshop, which has now got all the paint removed, the next step is to go over it again with fine grade sandpaper, but that can wait until Sunday. Once I’d finished the paint removal, I took a break to drink my muggertea. I then began the big clean up, sweeping all the paint ‘dust’ and sawdust etc, thus filling the workshop bin. After dinner I started tidying up in the workshop, giving the floor a vacuum and putting away  power tools that are no longer needed for the repairs. I also continued with the reorganising of the workshop shelves and tidy up space for Charlie and me to work tomorrow afternoon. 

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:



Wikipedia says “Outside the United States, Yank is used informally to refer to an American person or thing. It has been especially popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand where it may be used variously with uncomplimentary overtone, endearingly or cordially.


There is actually  a rhyming slang term MORE widely used here, which definitely  is pretty offensive. Though its not intended to be, we are just being Australians. 



3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:


 At least we don't officially have the "100 points of ID" system which Australia does.  A driving licence is, I think, only 80 there and it can be quite hard to get the other 20.  It can be very hard (as indeed it can in the UK and elsewhere) to establish yourself as genuine without any recognised form of ID.  Far from everyone has a driving licence for example.  Those who do not, in Australia, are significantly disadvantaged when it comes to setting up bank accounts, obtaining credit or even signing a tenancy agreement for a rented home.


Many of the other forms of ID require you to have a driving license in order to obtain them in the first place, which makes them a bit redundant. In NSW at least, those without a drivers license can get a photo-id card that contains name, address,  piccy and DOB, this is usable in place of the driving license when making applications etc. 


In the 90's an "Australia Card" ID was mooted by the Feds which met with almost universal condemnation by all other than the "If You've done Nothing Wrong You've Got Nothing To Fear" crowd. 


The subsequently introduced universal Tax File Number, Medicare number,  the photo license  and the subsequent linking of pretty much every database we are on has just about  achieved the equivalent these days  in as far as what 'they' know about you but we havent noticed that yet. 


There was a thought bubble  by the government during lockdown that we be required to carry photo-id when out and about -  that was instantly  jumped upon by everyone else  and lasted about 10 seconds. 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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A belated evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very interesting talk on the S&C this evening. I also picked up a couple of second hand books, a bargain at £2 each. Now totally knackered.

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4 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

There were a litany of them (originating in the UK) that I learned as a youngster, one for each of the larger countries of Europe, with particularly nasty ones for the Spanish and Italians which I won't repeat here.

Apparently we are called "Skips" by those here of Middle-Eastern etc origin who wish  to denigrate us. Its a shortened version of Skippy, so I'm not sure how they figure we'd be offended by that. 

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BTW, despite certain assumptions being jumped to I do not have a major objection to the need for some sort of ID cards which are an inevitable part of modern life. I had one of sorts for many years. It was called a Green Card (although it wasn't actually green 🙂)


My objection is to the devious method by which they are being introduced in the US. Call them what they are. They have little to do with driving.

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I have no objection to ID cards, they can be very useful. We have ID cards here, and they have implemented digital ID with a very useful app.


However like others I think governments should be honest and have the argument in Parliament or equivalent. At the moment we have de-facto ID cards such as photo card driving licenses.


I think British scepticism stems from several things.


Some people object on principle, there is a culture that unless something is expressly prohibited by law then it's allowed and none of the government's business. That leads to a general resistance to anything perceived as extending state power.


A more prosaic reason is a lack of faith in government to deliver IT programs. Multiple expensive failures have led some to assume any government IT program will turn into a hugely expensive failure.


And they're oversold by some, which leads to scepticism. There's one particular prime minister who appears whenever there's any sort of crisis to claim it demonstrates the need for an ID card scheme which would be some sort of panacea.


ID cards are useful, but they don't fundamentally change anything and most of the more critical uses for them are addressed with other mechanisms. For example employers in England and Wales (I can't speak for other parts of the UK) are legally required to confirm that new employees have the right to work there. So a standard routine on day one of a new job is for HR or a manager to take a copy of your passport, any visas, work permits etc. If companies ignore that then they'd also ignore ID card requirements.

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I remember a story about people being called Yankees.  Outside the US, they're all Yankees.  The Southerners say it's just the North, and it reduces to New Englanders, New Hampshire, finally "people who eat pie for breakfast".


I had a Political Science professor at university who said he'd worked on the founding of the NHS.  One suggestion that they'd made was to treat anyone who showed up as it would be cheaper than a bureaucracy to trace who was eligible.


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1 hour ago, BR60103 said:

finally "people who eat pie for breakfast".

That's a witticism rather than anything historical:



To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast



* the author of 'Charlotte's Web' and 'Stuart Little'.


EDIT: Structurally it's the same as the Emo Philips joke from the 1980s once ranked the "funniest religious joke". (I'll let people search for it, there's an original recording on YouTube.)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
Emo Philips
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17 hours ago, BoD said:

I hope it’s not your ‘that’s out’  finger.

It's on my left hand.. but it can still be used (just to show I can!)



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Ey up!


Managed to get through yesterday without falling asleep. Boy was I tired!

Slept very Welland feel better for it. 


Guess what? Another cricket meeting scheduled for today....but it should be in Pasta Romana and should involve lots of Lavazza Coffee and home made Panini. Great!


Photo I'd cards would get rid of a number of other cards I carry around. Driving licence, Senior Railcard.. shortly A Bus Pass will be heading my way (and Leeds has a fantastic bus service. With the card I could get to Blackpool for.. free (but why?).

 Having, like @TheQ had photo I'd for various work places, I have no problem with having a photo I'd card. It would come in handy in tracing some of the badlads. how it is "sold" to the public is the problem.. no its not an invasion of privacy.. compare it to the social media people use...

Time to drink my tea and head off tocatch a bus into town... a 1, 6, 8 or and X84... choices are large..


Stay safe!




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Good morning from a cloudy Nortumberland, though the sun was out earlier.


Driving licences - when I had to renew mine at 70 I did it on line telling them to use my passport photo.  It didn't work as my passport has my full name, my driving licence uses my intials as my full name doesn't fit on the licence card.  I had a long talk on the phone with someone very helpful at Swansea who expained that it is a common problem for those with one of more middle names but the IT people won't do anything about it.  In the end I went to a post office which has a camera booth which sent a photo electronically to Swansea along with a paper application form.  The licence came back in a few days.  Last year I had to renew after the statutory 3 years, I did it online withno problem as I told them to use the same photo.


This morning will involve a small amount of housework, I want to throw out or put away a few things which came from Mum's flat which I don't need or want, suddenly I feel OK about that.  Then I might do some gardening or I may just go out for a while and take some photos - if the sun puts in an appearance.


The "going out" might be just down the road to Seaton Delaval Hall (National Trust) or it could be further afield or I could go to a garden centre to look for a plant I "need".  So many choices.


I suspect I may end up at the beach as usual.



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7 hours ago, Dave John said:

Kafka would love us.


HMRC wants a picture driving licence to verify my existence. 45 years of paying them money ( and 30 years of VAT) counts for sod all. It must now be done online with their crap beta software.  But DVLA won't issue me one since I have not changed my name or address.


Tell the DVLA you lost your old one - then miraculously "find" it down the back of the sofa ten seconds after you've hit the "send" button....


Bear here.....

Today?  Danglin'....


In other news....

Anyone else disappointed by the last episode of "Maryland"?  Came across to this Bear as very, very rushed.  Poo.


Bear gone

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I just renewed the boys passport. These days UK embassies/consulates don't issue passports and everything is done in the UK (though I hope they can still issue emergency travel documents). That said, it was quick and it all worked well. Three weeks from mailing his old one to recieving the new one.

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I had to get a new driving licence having lost my old one en route to Australia/New Zealand.. Cost me not a lot apart from the courier fees to get it shipped "OW MUCH??"



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Good morning everyone 


It’s a bright sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner, currently 9C out there, but very few clouds, so I should have a nice walk to the butchers shortly. After that it’s a visit to the Trafford Centre, where a visit to WHS will be on the cards.


I also carried a photo ID card for my last job, never a problem as far as I was concerned, in fact I was able to use several times outside of work to prove who I was. 

Back later. 


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Morning All!


11 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

The green cheese version?


Any strange overall colour casts are due to the inadequacies and failings of the astronomers colour vision I'm afraid.   If only I could get a cone transplant!


9 hours ago, Dave John said:

HMRC wants a picture driving licence to verify my existence. 45 years of paying them money ( and 30 years of VAT) counts for sod all. It must now be done online with their crap beta software.  But DVLA won't issue me one since I have not changed my name or address. The old green paper one is still valid till I hit 70. By which time I will be earning sod all and will be able to verify my existence to HMRC  to whom I will by then owe nothing. I can't apply for a passport since " I want one to fill in tax online " is not a valid reason for issuing one. The credit agencies refuse to believe I exist since I have neither a mortgage nor a picture driving licence . My saltire card, which does have a picture counts for nothing, why would a Scottish travel card work for a person registered as a Scottish taxpayer. Far too sensible.


Precisely what I've been harping on about Dave.     Another form of identification I could use is my "self-employed accounts" according to communication from HMRC.    You'd think that they if any would know that I've never been self employed!


Very sorry to hear your particular tale of woe!


3 hours ago, TheQ said:

I then carried a company photo ID for more years and that card could not have been issued without HMG clearance, it too would have been useless other than getting onto military bases.

Now all I have is my driving licence, which has 4.5 years till it needs renewing.


You and me both.   I had a company pass complete with mug shot danglin' round my neck for ~40 years and similarly wouldn't have got it (or even the job)  without HMG's say so.   In my case it's 3.5 years.


3 hours ago, TheQ said:

Funs going to be getting SWMBO'S state pension checked and if necessary topped up. She's not worked for many years, has no credit / bill history, she only has her driving license issued 20+ years ago.


What amazingly parallel lives we lead 🤣


1 hour ago, DaveF said:

Driving licences - when I had to renew mine at 70 I did it on line telling them to use my passport photo. 


But you have to have a passport photo in order to do so .......


54 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

I just renewed the boys passport. These days UK embassies/consulates don't issue passports and everything is done in the UK (though I hope they can still issue emergency travel documents). That said, it was quick and it all worked well. Three weeks from mailing his old one to recieving the new one.


That must be far quicker than getting a passport renewed from Puppershire (if applicable)!



In Other News


I might start the investigation into the "Noisy Beeza" today.   Wish me luck!






Edited by PupCam
Added Dave's quote
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Morning all,


Positive vibes to @PupCam in his mechanical investigations...


I have mixed feelings about ID cards. I could see them being useful if it was tied in with a wholesale think and overhaul of ID documentation as a whole. Though I won't hold my breath. I confess I use my passport solely for proving my ID. I have an old style driving licence and though I have (successfully) used a 'firesticks' certificate for ID, there are some places I would not want to use that. The same with a work ID - while it can legally prove ID, there are some things you'd rather not advertise in certain places. So the passport gets used as a de facto ID card and has lots of blank pages. 


Fine and sunny with clear blue skies outside. Some Internet hesitations and hiccups inside. The garden is looking colourful. The peonies are blooming, as are the aliums. I suspect neither will last long but it's nice while they do. The insects seem to have approved of the aliums, it's rare I go past without seeing two or three on them. Now we are nearly into June, I hope the fuchsia is going to wake up soon. They look dead, though we know from previous years they like an extended lie-in. 


Time to fill up the birdbaths again, then a lie down, feeling a bit tired. 





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