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7 hours ago, polybear said:

J.K. Rowling most certainly does have the most amazing creative imagination

Indeed she does and it is very clear she had thought out much of the story arc before publishing 'Philosopher's Stone' * unlike other long sagas (A Song of Ice and Fire comes to mind) where the author appears to be making it up as s/he goes along - despite a well wrought universe in which the story is set.


* In particular where the sorting hat tells Harry "It's all here in your head". (Though you'd think the hat would have told Dumbledore what it saw and saved him some trouble.)


I enjoy the puns, ("slither in"), the faux-Latin incantations and the frequent choice of things like astronomical/floral names for the characters of 'magical' families. There are so many little imaginative details - like the Weasley's "peril" clock.


It does speak to the creative spark that once their well-known opus is birthed, many great creative authors have trouble recreating that 'magic' - despite the exhortations of their publishers. It's true of JK and you see it with others like Douglas Adams and Frank Herbert where later works don't have the same spark. That sort of creativity doesn't appear to be 'manufacturable' on an industrial scale.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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12 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

And that is why you will NEVER gain Australian citizenship but instead remain there singing "long to rain over us" for ever more.

King Charles III as weather shaman / rainmaker?

That’s a new one to me…

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9 hours ago, polybear said:

I rather fancy a visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour sometime.


Bear gone.

Definitely worth it, Bear. Although not inexpensive, it’s a great experience (and it’s fascinating to find out how clever filmmakers can be).


Two nuggets of advice: avoid visiting at weekends, on public holidays or during school breaks/holidays (unless you particularly like the company of noisy brats) and - more seriously - if you want a Hogwarts Express souvenir there’s a shop for that near the Hogwarts Express exhIbit, BUT (as I found out to my annoyance) that shop carries items that are NOT stocked in the main gift shop at the exit

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A belated “Happy Birthday” to @Gwiwer


It’s nice to know I have a fellow traveller who, like me, can continue to work for the enjoyment of it and who has not been made to feel “worthless” due to age (sadly, “ageism” seems to be the last socially acceptable discrimination).


Age, experience, world-weary cynicism, guile and an extensive - hard won - repertoire of underhand and sneaky tricks beats youthful idealism and energetic exuberance every time.


Why else would most cultures round the world venerate and respect the older Gentleman (or lady, for that matter)?


Old people have a lot of experience of not getting killed….

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33 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

King Charles III as weather shaman / rainmaker?

That’s a new one to me…



I was attempting to combine Englands favourite weather with a line  from the national anthem to create  an ingenious pun in order to convince  @polybearto  stop his continual cruel and unfounded slanging off of the  mighty 3801.


Here is a picture of  what I had in mind.






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23 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

sadly, “ageism” seems to be the last socially acceptable discrimination

Whether or not it is 'socially acceptable', it is certainly not the last form of discrimination in wide practice. 


Unlike other discriminated peoples, it is technically a 'protected category' and illegal (in theory) in hiring in the US, but is quite common in terminations - though never explicitly (by those who are more sophisticated in such things).


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8 hours ago, TheQ said:

Evening Awl,

To my surprise herpes delivered, sort of.

The keyboard was left half in and half out of the letter box. It's considerably thinner and narrower than the slot in the box and there is no obstruction to stop it going all the way in.. but no,  it was left there for all to see. It's a good job we are out in the countryside, not in a big town that would have gone.



On a plus note at least it was spared the drop test from the letterbox to the floor.

Incidentally, Bear is intrigued as to where you managed to obtain the fatter scalpel blade handles from?


8 hours ago, Barry O said:

It looked good! I saw the green streamliier ........The loco is a thing of great beauty ........




Baz is exhibiting worrying tendencies towards GW-itis...don't worry, a few hours on @Dave Hunt's consulting couch will soon rid you of that.


Bear here....

Up at 05.20 - having already been awake since 04-something.  TC's.

First mission of the day sees Bear washing the Bearmobile - all thanks to the bluddy winged rats that sit in the tree above 🤬.  I wonder if a plastic Bird-of-Prey strapped to the house guttering just a few feet away might make 'em 'eff off somewhere else?  Anyone tried it?  I'm guessing that hangin' out the bedroom window and blastin' 'em with a Blunderbus might upset the local plod just a tad.

A squint at the house opposite this morning shows the guys that did the spray rendering job yesterday have left the usual mess all down the street that only builders seem capable of 🤬 That's Rant #1.


And for Rant #2 we have this offering:


"Locals say some children here say they want to be migrants when they leave school."


And finally:

"It wasn't me, occifer - it was the dog......"



Bear gone.


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46 minutes ago, polybear said:


On a plus note at least it was spared the drop test from the letterbox to the floor.

Incidentally, Bear is intrigued as to where you managed to obtain the fatter scalpel blade handles from?



Baz is exhibiting worrying tendencies towards GW-itis...don't worry, a few hours on @Dave Hunt's consulting couch will soon rid you of that.


Bear here....

Up at 05.20 - having already been awake since 04-something.  TC's.

First mission of the day sees Bear washing the Bearmobile - all thanks to the bluddy winged rats that sit in the tree above 🤬.  I wonder if a plastic Bird-of-Prey strapped to the house guttering just a few feet away might make 'em 'eff off somewhere else?  Anyone tried it?  I'm guessing that hangin' out the bedroom window and blastin' 'em with a Blunderbus might upset the local plod just a tad.

A squint at the house opposite this morning shows the guys that did the spray rendering job yesterday have left the usual mess all down the street that only builders seem capable of 🤬 That's Rant #1.


And for Rant #2 we have this offering:


"Locals say some children here say they want to be migrants when they leave school."


And finally:

"It wasn't me, occifer - it was the dog......"



Bear gone.


No worries it's not Great Western gren.. Dave Hunt is very aware of my preferred locomotives and coaches...


One of the other locos in steam is an Oz built "Black 5 " look alike.. 



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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:



I was attempting to combine Englands favourite weather with a line  from the national anthem to create  an ingenious pun in order to convince  @polybearto  stop his continual cruel and unfounded slanging off of the  mighty 3801.


Here is a picture of  what I had in mind.






Shades  of a 4 year old son si ging"God save our Oval Queen" in the back of the car. 


Good moaning from a sunny Charente.  More soil to shovel then afternoon tea out and a visit to friends this evening.  


Anyway Happy birthday Rick.  Clickety click. 



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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:



I was attempting to combine Englands favourite weather with a line  from the national anthem to create  an ingenious pun in order to convince  @polybearto  stop his continual cruel and unfounded slanging off of the  mighty 3801.


Here is a picture of  what I had in mind.






Perhaps he was trying to prove things like the husband of  his 28th ancestor great grand Aunt did.


Mooring Awl,

3 hour sleep, very short awake, 2 hours sleep, very short awake 3 hours sleep, good that.


I just typed "fat handle scalpel blade holders" into Amazon. They're still not as fat as I would like for my XXL paws, but they are a vast improvement on the standard metal blade holders.


Ben I'm comfortable in my bed Collie, was taken on patrol, I was comfortable too, but I had to be up to produce SWMBO's breakfast, as she's off to her art group shortly. 

Heavy dew again, 50% cloud cover, cool. Forecast today 11C, When's summer going to arrive?


The way I've built our post box in the wall, the maximum drop is only 18 inches, below that is a cupboard with a push to lock door, for small parcels of up to 18 inches square, below that is another cupboard for larger parcels, of up to 2ft 6inches high.


Plans for today,

Rebuild the laptop, with new cmos battery and keyboard.

Maybe try printing some picture frames for Seco huts.

After that, sand picture frame and see what else needs doing.





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Good morning everyone 

First things first, Happy birthday Rick. 

A dull start to the day here in the northwest corner of England, but thankfully there is no rain forecast. My first task today will be to give the new sections of wall a coat of paint, after that, I shall refit the skirting boards in the corner then cut a small groove in the new cupboard top. Once that’s done, I can begin rebuilding the cupboard, hopefully by the time I finish for the day, I’ll have it back in place. If I’m at this stage when I pack up for the day, I’ll be a very happy bunny! 

Back later. 


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34 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Perhaps he was trying to prove things like the husband of  his 28th ancestor great grand Aunt did.


Mooring Awl,



I just typed "fat handle scalpel blade holders" into Amazon. They're still not as fat as I would like for my XXL paws, but they are a vast improvement on the standard metal blade holders.




I don't know if this will help, but have you looked at a Swan Morton Post-mortem knife - PM40.  This is my first go -to when cutting and despite the large blade can be used for quite detailed work.




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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up rather late today, woke up about five, went back to sleep and didn't wake until almost eight. Now feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed but I doubt that will last long. Just as well I have nothing much planned for today other than putting the bins out for tomorrow morning.

10 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I have started noticing a few newish MGs about. The one that looks like a small SUV.

A chap living near me must work for a dealer as he has a different one each time I look. They are all electric driven, I'm not sure if they all are. MG is no longer a British company. The name is owned by a Chines company and they are all produced in China.

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There's a few of the newer Chinese MG cars in Singapore. I looked at them before leaving England as if we had replaced our car I wanted an EV. Though it's still quite common for people to sneer at Chinese cars I was impressed. They seem to be offering good value for money cars with a first class warranty package. A lot of journalists criticize the cabins for being low rent but I found the cabin quality fine, not RR level but perfectly good at the price point and as good as most mass market alternatives.

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The EV that shocked me was Vinfast, a Vietnamese manufacturer. Vietnam isn't a place I had ever associated with automotive manufacturing but some of the Vinfast EVs are properly impressive.

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