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8 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

It amazes me tyres don't get more attention as getting the right tyres is critical to performance. ... 


The Jimny is a good example of a car which is superb for a specific use (small off-roader) and mediocre at best for other use cases (like as a Tonka alternative to a Ford Ka). I love it and have genuine respect for it. If I needed to go off road it is a cheap (both to buy and run) off roader which is unlikely to go wrong. And it's great fun. However I do wonder about those who bought them in the UK as a fashion accessory as on road they're slow and drive like a tractor.


When I worked in electricity our line engineers at the time used 1st generation Nissan X-Trails. Despite being a consumer market SUV the AWD models had genuine off road capabilities yet drove like a regular car on-road. At the time those who selected the vehicle fleet in the company said it was the best of the SUVs for going off tarmac and cheaper than looking for a military or industrial utility vehicle. Given it got their engineers everywhere they needed to go it did what it was bought to do 


Yes, after all, the tyres are the only part of the vehicle in contact with the road. Or ploughed field, etc. 


One of the reasons for thinking about a Jimny was the off-road ability and higher ground clearance. It would have been useful on trips into the countryside, though at the moment I don't know how many of those I'd be able to do. I have also looked at Subarus and know someone who used to have a Nissan X trail (and liked it). Both of which would be more comfortable on the road. A farmer's son I knew some years ago had a Toyota pickup, wonderful reliability but he did get people calling it a technical! 


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4 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear here.....

A busy day is planned - with scope for things going horribly wrong......






2 hours ago, PupCam said:

Early Morning All!



We called them targets .....


Got to get a wiggle on.    A trip to the North Pole is on to go and wake @polybear for a day of adventure,




1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Good Morning all from a very quiet Londonium



Wonderful beasties, the Wolfpack.,,,

Dont go Bear, its a cunning trap. I bet you've  been promised a free all you can eat pizza lunch!


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2 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


I think it's about 2005-2006. The retailer I bought it from is no more, so I went to Hornby direct. I wouldn't have minded so much if I'd been able to play with use it. But over the last 15 or so years, a combination of work, caring duties and keeping two households afloat meant very little or no time for hobbies and so relative safety from the awl. I checked on it (and another on RMW's list, which so far is OK) when the first news of mazak broke and again a few years ago - it was fine then, so, to quote Basil Fawlty, I thought I'd got away with it... 


I wonder if they would - at face value, yes, easier just to settle but it could create a precedent for them and open the door to other claims. 


If they won’t play ball, how about starting a forum on RMW aimed at getting others affected to start a class action against them? That may shock them into being more co-operative.



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23 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

And that is why we use Ocado.  The only delivery business which doesn't pick from supermarket shelves but uses their own warehouses and distribution centres.  They generally have a good idea of stock levels when you place the order.  Anything you try to order which is not in stock (or for which stock on hand is already fully spoken-for and no more is expected before your delivery) will show as "Out of Stock" an not allow you to select it.  Almost all of the very small number of substitutions we have had over five years have been reasonable alternatives although not all were accepted.  Fine-cut not thick-cut marmalade of the same brand, for example.  The only time we reject a sub is if a specific item is wanted for a particular reason and nothing else will do.  Or on the one and only occasion they substituted non-dairy yogurt with dairy which Dr. SWMBO needs to avoid.  


Other opinions and deliveries are available.  I tried to get my friends in Cornwall onto Ocado a while back after they repeatedly complained about ASDA delivering nothing like what they ordered including up to half an order completely missing and offering peanut butter instead of butter and dishwash instead of laundry liquid.  Ocado don't yet reach Cornwall.  

Exactly why we use them and have done since Mrs Lurker was heavily pregnant with Younger Lurker. I think the hormones were getting to her when she told me Ocado had transformed her life...but you get the idea!

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2 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


If they won’t play ball, how about starting a forum on RMW aimed at getting others affected to start a class action against them? That may shock them into being more co-operative.




There's a certain type of retailer which works on an assumption that the majority of customers they rip off will complain to friends and be unhappy but won't pursue things. A few years ago I went to trading standards after being told to s*d off (in as many words) by a shop which sold me goods not as advertised and as soon as I mentioned the shop the guys eyes rolled. He told me that not only do the retailers work on a basis that very few people will go beyond being angry, they also know that many of them after a while will drift back despite assuring themselves they'll never darken the doors of said shop again. He recommended using the small claims process (it's there, it's cheap, use it) but before filing the paperwork he recommended a final try. He gave me his card and said 'ask for Mr.xxxxx, tell him you've seen me and that I've said you have a good case and that you will therefore be filing a case under the small claims process'. I did as advised and wouldn't you know it they immediately gave me a full refund. I guess it's just another numbers game, they probably have it all worked out how many sales they lose and what it costs vs. what they make by playing fast and loose (it was a big national chain, a household name).

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5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

My last three cars were made in Liverpool…

I understand that a lot of cars get "un-made" in Liverpool too.  


Just back from a difficult morning at the House of Fun followed by a most convivial lunch with certain members of this august establishment.  Of which more will no doubt be posted anon.  It wasn't my finest morning either as I was suffering the effects of pollenitis requiring the application of both the Beaky-nose antihistamine spray and the steroidal asthma inhaler.   


The lack of action by most drivers meant only a modest number of trains were able to run through the House of Fun today.  This number was abruptly brought to a grinding halt when the signals went PHUT at Vauxhall.  The twin facts of it being Friday (not normally a busy day any more) and a strike day for most rail operators meant passenger numbers were quite low but the frustration boiled over at one point.  I wasn't closely involved but it was all a bit too much for one woman who picked up and threw her suitcases (all three of them) at the coffee shop whilst screaming torrents of abuse aimed nowhere in particular.  


Luckily the coffee shop still has its Covid-related screens in place which took the brunt of the frustration and prevented damage or injury to anything more than a few pieces of cake.  @polybear may however wish to administer the Last Rites in absentia for the loss of several slices of chocolate cake and millionaire's slice.  


All, as they say, in a day's work.  I hope that having vented her spleen and any other organs involved that she then calmed down.  


Tomorrow requires me in Surrey for another meeting and a trip in the Little Red Driving Box enforced by ongoing lack-of-action by selected members of the railway industry.  And on Sunday I plan to do as little as possible.  

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3 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

It seems that ArchBish Justin has been slightly naughty.

Intrigued, it seems this was the news hit:


The Most Reverend Justin Welby was recorded driving at 25mph in a 20mph zone in his Volkswagen Golf last year.

Hardly sinful to my lights. Perhaps royal patronage extends to a the royal prerogative of mercy (for recent services rendered)?

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15 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

... whether or not a certain manufacturer of things that run on two parallel strips of metal is “well dodgy“

If that is the same manufacturer that I am thinking of then a rant is likely forthcoming. (I'm keeping my powder dry until the credit card statement appears.) In the fulness of time I anticipate you'll see some westerly whining. In this case it is more to do with business practices than the quality of manufacturing.

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Most estate streets here have 20 limits, however most folk just drive at 40 everywhere, I have never seen a radar in a street.  Just in the places they know they can make a profit easily where a lot of drivers speed as the there is no need for a limit - there's a few of those.

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