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17 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

... regular exercises replicating that situation cost as much, and that the experience gave those involved and those in charge invaluable experience and knowledge ...

A large property (once upon a time a farm) is being developed for housing not too far away.


The old farmhouse was not demolished when the outbuildings were destroyed. The local fire department recently used it for a live exercise, as they had done a few years ago with the property next door.


I don't know if the developers get some kind of tax break by donating the structure for the exercise, but working with fire in a 'real' situation has to be a better training environment (if slightly more dangerous) than the fire department training facility.

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All this talk about diversity and awareness is most interesting, especially about the “training” of such which invariably - as Gwiwer has pointed - is given by white trainers to white trainees. Surely everyone, regardless of ethnicity, should have “D&A” training? Otherwise it’s meaningless.


I belong to a verein which is very international: at the last count we have Sunni muslims, Shiite muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, various Christian and Jewish denominations, pantheists, one Zoroastrian and one Kirant. Ethnically, the verein spans the whole gamut from white with ginger hair to sub-Saharan African. We all get along pretty well and guess what?  We’ve never had a single moment of diversity and awareness training!

Of course, it’s not as though there aren’t moments of friction - humans are humans after all - but with us if XX is being a PITA we don’t think it’s because XX is a [____________], we think it’s because XX is being a plonker.


“D&A training” is like many such things nowadays: originally conceived with good intentions and aims, the whole “D&A” business has been hijacked by a certain socioeconomic/political stratum who have turned it into a well paid sinecure for the members of that stratum.

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6 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



But you'd assume a knock-on effect - those who usually get the train have to get the bus or drive themselves and thus clog up the roads causing disruption for all commuters and travellers?


Here during industrial disputes rail workers have been turning  off the ticket barriers instead of striking, hurts the government but everyone else benefits! win win.

(My emphasis) Very, very clever…. And probably very effective as well - as you are hitting the decision makers where it hurts: in the wallet.


I recognise the value of unions*, but I do believe too many British Unions are stuck with the “All Out, Lads” mentality. There must be many creative and innovative ways of withdrawing one’s labour so as to inconvenience the decision makers. For example, withdrawing services only from certain postcodes would certainly impact on many of the decision makers….

* a good union will work with “management” and “keep ‘em honest” and vice-versa. Win-Win allround.

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Ey up!


As it happens I did watch the Coronation. A splendid affair but her indoors commented (quite rightly) she would have preferred to listen to the music than hear the verbal gushing of commentators.


No cricket for me yesterday  (which was good as it rained later in the afternoon and lots of games were abandoned).  I have a game today. Heavy rain yesterday and overnight means it will be squelchy. It is supposed to get up to 20C today.. really?


@monkeysarefun.. don't ever cross the working Royals.. especially not the Princess Royal..she is dead hard! 


and, unlike a lote of "State" leaders in Oz  a lot have seen active service and have been shot at!


mugatea time then prep for cricket!


stay safe!



Edited by Barry O
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These jokes made me smile. 


Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are going camping.
They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. In the middle of the night Holmes wakes Watson up: "Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce."

Watson: "I see millions of stars and even if a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."

Holmes: "Watson, you idiot, somebody's stolen our tent!



A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing. The other whips out his mobile phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps out to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: "Just take it easy. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: "OK, now what?"



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Questionable or inappropriate product naming when viewed by a different nation. These two are genuine examples from Denmark, found during our last trip home. 

One is a bit abrupt and the other is perhaps best described as just wrong…can you spot which one is which?








Edited by Grizz
Too many froms
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9 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

There's a story in the news of a Florida man who punched and knocked out the 63-year old umpire of his son's high school baseball game.


Hopefully he'll do time for it.


9 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

In the (so-called) "sport of kings" today:


CNN: 7 horses have died at Churchill Downs since the start of Kentucky Derby week


The mile and a quarter, "fastest two minutes in sports" is yet to be run. (There were commercials on that channel as I typed but just called 'riders up'). The broadcast for a two minute event lasts five hours (reminding me of another event* today) and still has most of an hour to go.


* That one has a post-match commentary show on presently. That is nauseatingly unwatchable.


I wonder if some of those being "euthanised" are being done so because the Owners/Trainers are deciding that as they'll be no good as a race horse any more then the the expense of getting them back to health just isn't worth it?

And are race horses being bred for speed at the expense of being robust enough?


8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Monkeys feels that if he was innocent of the alleged incident then he would have held out for justice rather than paying for it to go away  and  thus have  it forever hanging over his head causing him to be banned from everything for ever more and totally bugg3ring up his life.


I suspect that decisions were being made way above a certain person's head on that one - the thought of having a Royal in the witness box as the accused being far too much to handle.  If stories are true it seems that HRH is less than happy about Harry's current court proceedings against the media and wanted him to drop the case.


Bear here.....

More danglin'....and pondering colour schemes....


In other news.....

Bear has just made a sale on the 'bay - at long last as I've been trying to unload it for quite a while; it's collect only so no aggro packing n' posting it - the buyer tried a cheeky "what's the lowest you'll accept?" message last night but I held out for the start price and he's paid up.  A bit more room in the loft.


Edited by polybear
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much sign of the sciatica this morning but pills have been taken just in case. My mobility problems are coming to the fore. I can only take a few short steps before having to lean on the furniture. I'm off to the Rayleigh toy fair shortly with some tokens to spend. 

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

* a good union will work with “management” and “keep ‘em honest” and vice-versa. Win-Win allround.

The union that I 'repped' for (GMB) had their own training college in Manchester. They not only instructed their own reps but also management from several employers in things such as the Health and Safety at work act. Regrettably many companies would have no truck with the unions, usually ones with bad labour relations.

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15 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

The union that I 'repped' for (GMB) had their own training college in Manchester. They not only instructed their own reps but also management from several employers in things such as the Health and Safety at work act. Regrettably many companies would have no truck with the unions, usually ones with bad labour relations.

Forgive me for being cynical - but these wouldn’t be those companies with lots of Tarquins and Cressidas in “management”? God forbid that a Tarquin or Cressida have anything to do with (let alone listen to or heed) “the Oiks”

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Back in my NHS days I spent a year on secondment to a project - positive action for ethnic minorities & asylum seeking qualified medical practitioners - it was about getting a fair deal to get them registered and working, and we were desperately short of said staff.  Not long afterwards my commitment to equality was questioned in one of those courses mentioned earlier.  To say I had a field day is putting it mildly!


Oops, getting shouted at to go to archery.  Laters.

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15 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

> interesting to note how the Metropolitan police failed to move on the eco-protesters when they interrupted normal people’s live and stopped ambulances, but as soon as they started their idiocy at the coronation the Met suddenly remembered the law…


New laws were introduced just a few days ago






2 hours ago, Barry O said:

. .  she would have preferred to listen to the music than hear the verbal gushing of commentators.


I can't be sure but I thought I heard something about that being available " on the red button " ??


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Morning All,

Like most, spent much of yesterday watching the old gogglebox and felt very proud of what ‘we’ can put on.

Also managed some paperwork and completed the monthly ONS surveys and even managed a bit of the m word.

As for today, the last regular match of the season beckons, Hovis will need her walk and I have a feeling domestic engineering may be on the cards. ‘We’ve’ managed  quite well with SWMBO’s incapacity, but I fear I have been less than thorough with some of my tasks so a bit of catch-up may be in order.


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Morning all,


A TV free day was had yesterday and a perambulation indulged in instead. Very few houses round here had any flags or other visual signs of enthusiasm for the big day. It was very quiet though, so I suspect the TV had more than average numbers watching. 


Presumably a coincidence but yesterday was the first time this year I heard a cuckoo. Up by a small gill near a farm, it was sounding off as we walked past. Then a little further along, another one, from somewhere in a small straggling spinney which acts as a field boundary. 


Scanning the papers this am, I noticed https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/may/07/revealed-modern-humans-needed-three-tries-and-12000-years-to-colonise-europe - may be of interest to those following the evolution debate? 


And - admittedly most of this is probably on the lines of a revelation that most Bears have toilets in the trees - I read https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/may/07/the-walking-cure-why-we-should-all-be-putting-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other - Though one item I saw (a little over half-way down) which caught my eye mentions bespoke walking boots which don't taper to the toes and don't have a heel. 'Barefoot' walking shoes sound like they might have some health benefits and I wondered if that included those with foot injuries? @New Haven Neil


The sun is out here and some blue sky. We had some overnight rain but it's warm and likely to be a good day for the plants. To imitate GDB, it's time to gerramoveon and get some air. 

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45 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

domestic engineering may be on the cards.

I have been doing some dusting and vacuuming. . Aditi invited a few relatives to lunch but they are coming for afternoon tea instead as Aditi’s sister has a hospital outpatient appointment late this morning. I have got to put the temporary handrail by the front steps so MiL can get in our house. There isn’t any bunting on our house so it isn’t a coronation party. There might be quiche though. 

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12 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:

Though one item I saw (a little over half-way down) which caught my eye mentions bespoke walking boots which don't taper to the toes and don't have a heel. 'Barefoot' walking shoes sound like they might have some health benefits and I wondered if that included those with foot injuries? @New Haven

Barefoot running shoes were all the rage about 15 or so years ago. They looked a bit like gloves for your feet, with individual toes and no sole. I'm not sure what's happened to them since.

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2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Back in my NHS days I spent a year on secondment to a project - positive action for ethnic minorities & asylum seeking qualified medical practitioners - it was about getting a fair deal to get them registered and working, and we were desperately short of said staff. 


Bear is all for that - though I have struggled at times with accents at times.  A previous GP (a nice Guy) once mentioned that Bear's lower back pain could be the result of "Attritis" - I asked if that was anything like Arthritis..."Same thing", he said.....


In other news.....

Priming danglin' done....now to think about din dins, then probably a 3rd (and final) top coat on the newel post and base rail.  Oh yes, and I've rescued the Ebay sale from the loft and given it a dust ready for collection; the buyer has paid me via paypal rather than cash on collection (= more charges 🤬).  T0sser.


In other, other news....

Did Bear detect a bit of War Film music being played at The Big Party yesterday - Dambusters/Battle of Britain/633 Squadron?

And there was mention of how many in the Church - 2000; apparently QE2's Party had 8000 - that must've been "cosy"....



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