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'Morning' all... I'm wondering if we should have a sub thread for 'late starters'...? ;)


Lovely Autumn sunhine abounded heading down the M1 to the smoke this morning, 'ah' I thought, 'it's going to be a nice day by the looks of it'. Oh dear, spoke too soon.... arrived at Cricklewood right time to relieve 6M47 for Bardon Hill, only to find out it was still at Bow unloading it's contents as it was late going in due to no shunter being rostered t ocover the job. Never mind, two and a bit hours later in it rolls, a quick exchange with the Reading man ('twenty on bud, all empties and no problems' and off I go.....as far as a red 'un at Harpenden Junction, where I get on the 'phone and the Bobby at West Hampstead Panel tells me the southbound unit I'd just passed has had one of it's windscreens smashed by a stone falling from one of my wagons. Oops. Time to block the Up Slow so I can examine my train. Nothing untoward found so I mount up and trot off once more, after telling the Bobby and giving him my detals for his report. All is ticketyboo again until I drop down into Wellingborough over the viaduct, to see a lone figure wandering along the cess in camouflage gear and wellies, with a shotgun over his shoulder, as bold as you like... I give him 'what for' on the two tones and get a cheery, nonchelant wave in return! I make a quick call to Leicester panel as I'm slowing down for Harrowden Junction, thinking 'these things usually happen in threes', but all is well as I roll down the bank into Bardon later on and back the empties in. 'Sorted' I thought to myself, 'time for home'.... I get in the staff van and pull out of the car park gingerley as it's on a blind corner next to the level crossing there.... just as I edge out into the road a Transit van comes out of nowhere and just misses my front end by inches.....


At least RMWeb is loading up quicker than it did this morning...!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


Felt rather down this morning after a somewhat unsettling dream concerning my grandpa, so I wanted to get my mind tuned to happier things first. We ended up purchasing a load of suitable plants for the cold season which we then potted on the balcony as the weather was quite beautiful. I found this to be rather relaxing :) .


I'm also glad to see our local network setup at home is finally working the way I had hoped for it to do from the beginning. I assume this has to do with the cable router we got, which would appear to harmonise much better with the wireless repeater than the previous router did. However, I connected my desktop computer using good old Ethernet cable, which I think still cannot be beaten in terms of reliability and connection quality.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bet you are glad to be home then, Nidge!

Nothing too exciting here today. Robbie had an urban rather than rural walk today (all tarmac/paving rather than grass) but he didn't seem to mind, lots of new things to sniff.

I've repaired the cracks in the dining room walls and painted the ceiling. I'll paint over the repaired bits of the wall but won't be doing any more today. Robbie has been banished to the kitchen and garden as for some reason he keeps trying to take the dust sheets into the kitchen. As I'm too tired to get into a battle of wits with a spaniel he can "help" with the gardening.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Felt rather down this morning after a somewhat unsettling dream concerning my grandpa, so I wanted to get my mind tuned to happier things first. We ended up purchasing a load of suitable plants for the cold season which we then potted on the balcony as the weather was quite beautiful. I found this to be rather relaxing :) .




Fortunately although I am aware that I have had a nasty dream, the actual dream doesn't seem to be re-called by my fully concious state. Weird dreams (I may have mentioned the vampire pandas chasing me) do seem to be more available to memory after waking.

Choosing plants for winter can be difficult here. Winters in Benfleet are usually quite mild and only very tender plants are affected. However occasionally like last winter we get temperatures that affect everything except truly winter hardy plants. At least the low temperatures killed all the bugs that normally attack our pear trees, we had an excellent crop this year.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today I have been collecting leaves a first for me, into the green bin for collection on Tuesday. Now 90 minutes later it is looking much the same before I started.

We just get covered with dead needles from the nearby Leylandii! The leaves off our two fruit trees don't look infected this year so they can go in the compost. My garage seemed to be a major attraction for most of the leaves blowing down the road but fitting brush draught excluder seems to prevented that.

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BoD, Boring, boring, boring!

TV, reading and a bit of web browsing.

Notwithstanding that I have attempted to alter my bed time to much later, I still awaken at 5:30 am.

My mobility had retrogressed. I gave up driving mid year this year as It became dangerous,

I make it to the shop once a day and that is the extent of my daily exercise.

I do not want to give the impression that I am a miserable old git, because I am not, but am extremely limited in both arm and legs

movement. It is some form of creeping weakness and paralysis as a result of my having suffered polio as a kid.


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Morning all, Just had a few frustrating internetless days ( and it's not very good this morning) Must be weather related as we seem to have had several feet of rain in the last few days!


Don, I guess this is stating the obvious, but you must get so frustrated? .


Now to catch up on what every one else has been up to?



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I do not want to give the impression that I am a miserable old git, because I am not, but am extremely limited in both arm and legs

movement. It is some form of creeping weakness and paralysis as a result of my having suffered polio as a kid.


Don, my dad was in the same boat with polio when he was young. His doctor recommended a stationary bicycle. Worked wonders for him. Dunno if you can fit one in but it may be worthwhile checking out a gym or fitness centre just to see if it makes any difference.
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Just watching the Rugby.

As a neutral, it seems to me that NZ are getting some assistance from the ref. - at least two offsides, two forward passes, debatable decisions going their way, no penalty when they tackled a player without the ball etc.,.

See what the second half brings.

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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't started painting yet but I'm not watching the rugby.

Matthew had a long chat with his mother. Much of the conversation was about the content of some of his lectures, fortunately she could be re-assuring about the content Matthew was concerned about. Aditi's opinion was that either the lecturer was trying to be provocative or alternatively was mad. The rest of the conversation was about "next year". Matthew would really like to study abroad for a year. He went to a "Study in Canada" lecture and could take advantage of Leicester's exchange scheme with Calgary or Vancouver. He would have to continue getting the grades he achieved in year 1 to qualify.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Cloudy around these parts. Dog walked, coffee drunk now into the surfing bit. There is a suspicion of a list in the air and I suspect I will be expected to do "stuff" when the staff return from the gym!


Have a good one all.





Sinatra "My Way" morphing into Gilbert Vinter's Symphony of Marchs. Weird or what?

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Morning! Nothing much to say, it's not raining.


Polio was a terrible thing - I came in on the tail end of it but two girls in my class at Primary School in Essex had suffered from it.....


Best, Pete.


PS Joe Bonamassa: "John Henry"

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Pleasant couple of days off and after a bit of catching up here and there, back on to check in with the ERs.


Horrible start Friday, when we set off for Shropshire, rain coming down in sheets, meant a pretty hairy run down the M6 trying to get ahead of the Warrington traffic - visibility and spray said 50/60 mph, but the idiots in lane 3 still doing more like 90 - 6 am, pitch black, spray everywhere - I've got to say I was scared, something which doesn't happen all that often. Oddly, we drove out of it as we went South very quickly - it's happened a few times now, we cross the Lancashire border and run out of the rain almost right away.


Got back today, and though it's not raining, it's very windy here, and it's an Easterly, which means I'm having problems getting the stove to catch, as the flue doesn't draw well with the wind in that direction.


Dominik dreams about a recently lost loved one are not too unusual, and I still dream about my dad, who died over 20 years ago - the subconcious is a very funny thing, and it is better not to dwell on what it throws up, sometimes.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear about the mobility problems Don. Wat a great pity that now that you have some time you can't enjoy it as much as you would like. I hope it doesn't prevent a trip to 'your' farm when the time comes.


On a slightly different note could someone explain this to me.


Scene 1 Bedroom


Mrs S. (shouting from downstairs): Go into my wardrobe and bring a cardigan down please.

Me: Which one?

Mrs S: Any, it doesn't matter.


Scene 2 Downstairs two minutes later.


Me: Here we are.

Mrs S: I don't want that one.

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Afternoon all, just back from sunny St Lucia and pleased to say the sun is still shining here. Got delayed by around three hours leaving last night as it appeared one of the crew had got into trouble and the police had been called to the hotel. It was all hush, hush stuff so no idea at all whether they were the victim or perpetrator. Either way the Captain had to leave the flightdeck and go to the hotel where they were all staying to try and resolve the problem. After three hours he returned minus two crew members who had to be left behind with local legal support. Still no idea what it was about. The thought of being left in St Lucia with the local police is not very appealing...


Staggered to see I have numerous pages to catch up with, so will no doubt see you in the morning.


Any Man Utd fans around.... :D :D

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