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  • RMweb Gold
12 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm also fairly certain English was his first language

Aditi sometimes mentions that English is her third language. However English is the language she counts and dreams in so it probably is her first language. 

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9 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Aditi sometimes mentions that English is her third language. However English is the language she counts and dreams in so it probably is her first language. 


A good friend of mine is an Argentine diplomat, she always makes a stand on speaking in Spanish with simultaneous translation yet her English is impeccable. I am not just saying this for effect, her command of English shames most native speakers. The one that really impressed is my friend Yuri, he speaks in Russian while listening to the simultaneous translation in his ear piece and takes the interpreters to task if he isn't happy with their translation. His English also shames most native speakers.

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I had another amusing sight of a young Malay lady wearing a black head covering and face veil with a micro skirt on the MRT coming home this afternoon. It's something you occasionally see here, young Malay (or Indonesian) ladies dress to look suitably attired for zoom calls etc whilst being ready to......ahem...impress once they are done with work.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, polybear said:


I see The Orange One is to be hauled in front of the Beak. 



3 hours ago, AndyID said:


One reason I post here is to stay well clear of political commentary regarding the USA. Seems I was mistaken.



I have never been able to work out our press's (particularly the Beeb's) obsession with news from the USA.

Don't we have enough of our own?

Does the rest of the world not exist?

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  • RMweb Premium

On flights from the UK to Saudi You see Saudi women in mini skirts and similarly small tops, as the flight gets into Saudi airspace the scuttle off to the  loo, and then come back fully blacked out..

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, grandadbob said:

ISTR that the late GordonS appeared on Eggheads.


He did indeed.

I don't think he invited Sam to be on his team though.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, BoD said:



I have never been able to work out our press's (particularly the Beeb's) obsession with news from the USA.

Don't we have enough of our own?

Does the rest of the world not exist?

Cheap TV, the USA has vast amounts of TV news coverage, you can pick up news clips for peanuts and they don't have to translate the coverage.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, BoD said:



I have never been able to work out our press's (particularly the Beeb's) obsession with news from the USA.

Don't we have enough of our own?

Does the rest of the world not exist?

The reorganisation of BBC News starts today.Expect more news from Singapore.  

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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, TheQ said:

On flights from the UK to Saudi You see Saudi women in mini skirts and similarly small tops, as the flight gets into Saudi airspace the scuttle off to the  loo, and then come back fully blacked out..

Aditi said the reverse happened at the college she worked at in Newham. 

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  • RMweb Gold

A dismally dull drizzly day with the cold wind coming in off the sea today.


As usual yesterday I went to church, the road works and traffic lights have reappeared at the same place as before on the way there but they only delayed me by a couple of minutes.  After the service I had coffee as usual and then went to do a little shopping - some paperbacks I "need" and DAS clay which is on offer at The Works.  I also stocked up on small plastic bags ready for sorting out some costume jewellery (i.e. not gold or silver) so it can go to a charity shop in due course.


The sun came out so I took a few photos of plants in the garden before going to Seaton Sluice for a walk, the daffodils by the harbour are out.  Then I went onto Rocky Island, it was warm enough to sit on a bench for a while watching the sea and birds.  There was a lark singing and rising and falling overhead and a heron flew past very near me on its way to go fishing in the rock pools. When I got back home I finished sorting out the plant pots and got rid of the plastic ones where the plastic had deteriorated so they fall to pieces when you touch them.  Then I picked up the plastic box they had been in  and it fell to pieces so it also went in the bin.  UV stabilisers do not prevent plastics from deteriorating in strong light eventually.


I received a leaflet through the door informing me that Virgin are cabling in the area and will soon be doing my road - this entails lifting all the pavement and bits of road.  They tell me access to my house will be possible during the works, I just need to speak to the workmen on site.  I think I'll just stay in while they do it, I don't fancy trying to get the car out having seen what the roads they work on are like while they are doing it..


Then it was time for tea.  Later I watched a pleasant programme on an Austrian channel about a German saxophonist, did a supposedly difficult Sudoku and a crossword puzzle.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All!


14 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

So you ring them and you get 'we are extremely busy why not try on line'. Try again and again and again in the end after listening to this for 30 minutes I got through to a cockwobble who was about as useful as a chocolate teapot.


Welcome to the world of "normal" these days.   People may have noticed that I'm perpetually  hacked-off by this sort of "Customer Service".  It doesn't matter what field, line of business or care service you are talking about this is the universal treatment they inflict on the people they purport to serve.    I'm very sorry to hear that they didn't constantly reassure WB that his call was important to them* 


Personally, I think making "customers" endure a ~ 2 minute pre-recorded message (of anything) every time they get through on the telephone should be made a criminal offence.   Is that too harsh?   No, thought not.    The only ones to benefit from such waffle are the telecoms companies as they get paid (one way or another) for every second of the connection.  A cynical person might venture to suggest that they were in-cahoots with the peddlers of such drivel.  Of course, we don't have any cynical folk on ERs .......


Yes, that qualifies a s a rant I fancy.


* If that was really true they'd employ more call centre staff to deal with the consistently higher call volumes driven by the fact that all in-person contact with organisations is fairly rapidly being eradicated.


2 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

Listening to customers is one of the indicators of a good business (or organization). The British are very bad at it, we like to rant to friends about the indignities we suffer but just nod politely when faced with poor service (the classic example is restaurants). The modern evolution is to rant on social media and whip up the equivalent of virtual lynch mobs on Twitter etc. As much as I favour honest feedback (emphasis on honest, and I am just as enthusiastic about positive feedback) I also think if people lack the you know what to complain directly then I don't support them ranting on the Internet and trying to review bomb businesses.


That is very true.   And I (nearly) always provide suitable feedback when something "isn't right".   However something, alright another thing,  that really does does irritate me is the modern way of bombarding you with requests for feed back on each and every transaction.   No, work on the basis that if something is wrong you'll be hearing about it.  If you don't hear anything it is not unreasonable for you to assume that everything is fine aka "congratulations you've done you're job adequately" or on rare occasions I may contact you to thank you when you've gone above and beyond the call of duty.      But no, I'm not going to rate every single transaction to buy some batteries, shoes, sheet metal or whatever it is  and no, on the odd occasions I'm "in store" I wouldn't like an Email receipt (just so you can flood my Email account with dross).


Probably another rant?


In Other News


Sorry, been rather quiet for a few days as we've been down 'ampshere again.    Consequently there's been a degree of skipping through the multiple pages of ER.    Oh, I do like a Daff or six.     Anyway, managed to dodge the humongous road works at the M25 J10 (A3) on the way down by nipping down the M3 and weaving our way over to Guildford.   Unfortunately the A3 was stuffed at Guildford so we then had to weave our way over to Farnham and then Hindhead.   It was a very slow journey ......


On our return yesterday I received 3 appointment letters from the hospital.  They'd obviously travelled through the post system together as they were all neatly stacked together and wrapped up in the latest issue of Real Classics (@New Haven Neil) and wedged as an ensemble in the letter box courtesy of the Postie.   


The first letter confirmed the non-conformable appointment from a few weeks ago                                         - Big tick

The second was for a subsequent consultant consultation I knew nothing about in September                      - Big tick

The third was to cancel the subsequent consultation in September                                                                       - No comment  🙄


Whilst visiting we saw the Postal flowers we had sent previously as a gift.     After a week or so some of the buds have still not opened and now beginning to shrivel so they won't be happening.   Yep, snottogram already sent to the supplier!








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  • RMweb Premium

I often see the BBC news from Singapore I'm often awake at stupid oclock,

Sharanjit Leyl, Mariko Oi, etc.

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  • RMweb Premium
47 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Essential Vegemite facts!


For several years after it was introduced Vegemite failed to gain any market share over Marmite, for a short while it's creator changed its name to Parwil in order to use the corny advertising line "If  Marmite.. then  Parwil!" which made no difference to sales so it reverted back to Vegemite shortly after.


Popularity finally grew in  the 1930s and the brand gained official product endorsement from the British Medical Association in 1939 and began advertising in the British Medical Journal.


During WW2 Vegemite was mandated as an essential part of military rations and civilian supplies were cut in order to provide adequate Vegemite to the troops in North Africa and New Guinea.


The first grocery item barcode scanned in Australia was a jar of Vegemite in a Woolworths supermarket in Chullora NSW.


Many Vegemite jars have long   been designed to be re-used as drinking glasses when emptied and it is estimated that 98% of homes have at least one former Vegemite jar in with the glassware.



Which is why I carried the biggest pot of Marmite (catering standard sized) to Australia in January for a chef friend.. why even Oz Customs are used to Brits with Marmite.. Vegemite is nowhere near as good.. of course you can also get "Our mate"  in Kiwiland.. made by Marmite... for Kiwiland only?  (Go figure!)



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, PupCam said:

That is very true.   And I (nearly) always provide suitable feedback when something "isn't right".   However something, alright another thing,  that really does does irritate me is the modern way of bombarding you with requests for feed back on each and every transaction.   No, work on the basis that if something is wrong you'll be hearing about it.  If you don't hear anything it is not unreasonable for you to assume that everything is fine aka "congratulations you've done you're job adequately" or on rare occasions I may contact you to thank you when you've gone above and beyond the call of duty.      But no, I'm not going to rate every single transaction to buy some batteries, shoes, sheet metal or whatever it is  and no, on the odd occasions I'm "in store" I wouldn't like an Email receipt (just so you can flood my Email account with dross).


Went to the ivory sculptors this morning.    


Got an Email from them this afternoon; "Would I like to do a survey on how well they did?"    


What do you reckon .......


4 hours ago, PupCam said:

Whilst visiting we saw the Postal flowers we had sent previously as a gift.     After a week or so some of the buds have still not opened and now beginning to shrivel so they won't be happening.   Yep, snottogram already sent to the supplier



Had a reply to the Snottogram.   They are very sorry to hear that and are sending a bigger, better bouquet to say sorry.   Big Tick!



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