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Guest Max Stafford

It sounds like Dd's wandered onto the set of Benidorm...! ;-)


Dom, I'm glad things went OK.



First of four days off today. Got up at 11, went to fetch Abi and headed for Whitrope. Ran six miles today although I had to alter my route slightly due to FC contractors working on one of the culverts on the trackbed north of the tunnel using a pretty big backhoe. so I turned back, headed over the hill again and down the route to Laidlehope Culvert then back up through Ninestanerig cutting to the summit for a total of 6.5 miles. Coming up through the cutting at a run, I felt a certain affinity with the K3s, V2s and their crews who had to work as hard in their own way...!


Tomorrow will be a day of junk clearing. I got six bags of old clothes out on Wednesday so tomorrow will be the old electrical stuff, old tents and general junk. I got rid of a big pile of old paperbacks and stuff on Wednesday too to my local bookshop. In return I received a £30 credit which I ploughed into a couple of nice Carlisle-centric railway books!


These days, I'm discovering the value of having a plan for each day, so tomorrow will be spent as described with the car going through the wash plant, a run in late afternoon and some modelling in the evening! I find it's a good idea to divide your activities up an hour or so at a time these days, so you can make progress on all fronts.


It's working for me anyway!



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Thanks for the holiday report Dd, well he description of the hotel so far.

Now for the activities............

Notwithstanding the children, I hope you returned reinvigorated and ready for more Wittering.......


Clearish, mild day appears to be today's flavour.

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like Robert TGIF don't get me wrong I love my job


So do I - but the weekends are great too!


This week has been clouded by a greater than usual quantity of bureaucracy. Although I am an Engineer by profession, I spend most of my time doing paperwork.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Ugly weather indeed - thick, grey fog which might just have been imported from 19th century London and provides a rather similar kind of atmosphere. It's been a cold night, too, so getting winter tyres tomorrow won't have been one moment too soon!

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Indeed Dominik - it is really foul, but thankfully doesn't have the yellow sulphurous colour of the "pea soupers"!


I put my Winter Tyres on yesterday evening. Probably not a moment too soon given it was 3°C this morning.

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  • RMweb Gold


Not too cold here but it isn't as sunny as yesterday. I finished painting the lounge yesterday. Today I have to empty the dining room. It should be easy to decorate but I need to empty a sideboard and display cabinet of fragile stuff like glassware. My bubble wrap mountain saved from eBay train purchases should come in useful.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sun is shining hereabouts.


Dd you have reminded me why I don't pay good money to travel to foreign climes!


No grand plan for the day, there was one but it's changed I've been told. Might do some tracklaying on the trainset if I can escape to the shed. Off to a Joe Bonamassa concert this evening.


Have fun all.




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  • RMweb Gold

My bubble wrap mountain saved from eBay train purchases should come in useful.


You mean you didn't sit and 'pop' it all?

Where is your sense of fun and adventure?

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  • RMweb Gold

I've had to restrain my self from bubble wrap popping. I recycle it (pass it on to brother's partner who is an eBay trader) usually.

I haven't got very far today, only about one shelf of glasses put away, perhaps I should get some rap music on the iPod.


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Good morning all. Am I first on today?

High level cloud and cool - 19C Max with possible rain this evening

Good flying Tony.

When I was at work I nearly murdered a colleague who had a popping bubble wrap habit..

Have a good weekend everybody..

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Yep, looks like it Don!


I'm off to Glasgow in 5 minutes, then probably down to Mum and Dad's this evening as I found out last night that 3 of my favourite actors are doing an event in a community hall about 4 miles from my folks' house on Sunday, so plans for the weekend got quickly rewritten!


Have a good weekend everyone, see you on the other side!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like a sunny day ahead. Definite nip in the air when I went round for the papers though. I have a week off ahead so I may get some modelling done, although I have been bitten by the train simulator bug. Must try to give it up, it's very time consuming.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It looks as if it will be another nice day here. Robbie will be taken for a walk eventually but I'll probably fill cracks in the wall first. I am now about to paint the dining room. I don't think even I could trip over the items of furniture I've wrapped in plastic and moved to the centre of the room. At least I won't have to bring all the glasses and crockery down. The furniture will have to be removed when the carpets are replaced (ETA 3 weeks now).

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Hi BoD, Enjoy your time off. I thought you were bound by school terms.

It can't be mid term already can it?


DD, When can we expect chapter two of "How I survived two weeks of screaming kids"?

Edited by DonBradley
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There may indeed be a chapter two (especially after the effusive appreciation of chapter one).


I seem to unwittingly attract kids.

"Hello mister, I've got an ice cream"

"You also have a filthy shirt - go away and change it"

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, fairly bright here. I feel a bit dozy at the moment (nothing new there then some might say), I went to the same Joe Bonamassa gig that eldavo went to but things went wrong on the return trip. The 23.30 National Express coach I was booked on didn't leave London till nearly 1am so ended up getting to bed at 4. Never mind, great show.


I've got a family get together today, grandson #1 was two in the week - I can't believe how time flies when you're the wrong side of 30 40 50 60......


have a good one.

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