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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, PupCam said:

it's simple go to contactless card payments only

The parking machines currently are connected by 3G networks that are due to cease operation this year (or next year for the Three network). It is the cost of upgrading the machines to 4G that had caused the car park operators to decide to avoid the cost by moving to mobile payments. They can’t lose, they save money maintaining machines, and anyone who had problems with a smartphone gets a penalty charge. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I will be painting another wall in the bedroom today. I don’t think it needs doing but Aditi can see blemishes invisible to me so I suppose while all the furniture is out after I cleaned the carpet yesterday it is a  good idea. 

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  • RMweb Premium
42 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

a bit of very dark medical humour

Much the same occurs in many lines of work where injury or worse befalls some and others are required to intervene.  I know it from the police and fire services in addition to the entire medical care profession.  And of course it is used on the railways typically as a means of coping in the aftermath of "one under".  


I did have to draw the line at the two-way radio call made by a former duty manager however.  He announced, to all on the channel and anyone within earshot, that "We are bringing the Darwin Award Winner up the stairs now".  He is no longer employed by us.  

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  • RMweb Gold
12 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

The parking machines currently are connected by 3G networks that are due to cease operation this year (or next year for the Three network). It is the cost of upgrading the machines to 4G that had caused the car park operators to decide to avoid the cost by moving to mobile payments. They can’t lose, they save money maintaining machines, and anyone who had problems with a smartphone gets a penalty charge. 


Yes that's all very well but that's not the wider picture is it!


Just because it saves them money doesn't make it right and your final sentence sums it up perfectly.    By so doing they are are discriminating against a significant and vulnerable section of society who have not got and/or cannot use smart phones.   I really must stop right there before I get into trouble because it seems that it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against one group in society  ....    Suffice to say the elderly and those unable to use such technology  for whatever reason (medical, physical, mental or whatever) are being isolated and alienated more and more in today's society.  This is all being done in the name of private enterprise screwing the most money out of the general population who they are apparently "serving" (Yeah right!).     No wonder town centres etc are dying;  there's very little there to entice people to them these days and you get fleeced and severely inconvenienced or worse in order to get there.    Still there's always public transport or your push bike I suppose ..... 😉


The ludicrous prospect of potentially having to use 30+ different apps to park as you move around the country is just plain stupid and IMVHO if* "Parking by App" is the route that's going to be inflicted on us all then there should at least be legislation introduced to ensure a standard method of payments and transactions are employed between operators and that any App MUST be able to be used to pay for any parking facility.   


I think you could possibly classify that as a rant.


Whilst I'm on the subject of rants may I recommend that everyone downloads the new "Rant Oh!" App**  to register each new rant?    The App allows you to keep track of your rants.  You can determine their popularity and licence others to use that rant (for a fee of course).   Rants can be classified by type, severity and a number of other user defined categories.   Once installed the app will track you, your activities, your associates, your inside leg measurement, your political leaning and  allow you to register new rants very economically at just £2.99 each or £10.00 for five.  The cost to download the App is a very reasonably £24.99.


*     Clearly there's no "if" about it.  That ship has already sailed!

**  "Rant Oh!" is provided by "Puppers Exploitative Apps Ltd" a wholly owned subsidiary of Puppers Group plc - well if you can't beat them, join them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning (GMT) all from Estuary-Land.  A bit late on parade this morning, just about to have brunch.

1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

The parking machines currently are connected by 3G networks that are due to cease operation this year (or next year for the Three network). It is the cost of upgrading the machines to 4G that had caused the car park operators to decide to avoid the cost by moving to mobile payments. They can’t lose, they save money maintaining machines, and anyone who had problems with a smartphone gets a penalty charge. 


5 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Yes that's all very well but that's not the wider picture is it!


Just because it saves them money doesn't make it right and your final sentence sums it up perfectly.    By so doing they are are discriminating against a significant and vulnerable section of society who have not got and/or cannot use smart phones.   I really must stop right there before I get into trouble because it seems that it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against one group in society  ....    Suffice to say the elderly and those unable to use such technology  for whatever reason (medical, physical, mental or whatever) are being isolated and alienated more and more in today's society.  This is all being done in the name of private enterprise screwing the most money out of the general population who they are apparently "serving" (Yeah right!).     No wonder town centres etc are dying;  there's very little there to entice people to them these days and you get fleeced and severely inconvenienced or worse in order to get there.    Still there's always public transport or your push bike I suppose ..... 😉


The ludicrous prospect of potentially having to use 30+ different apps to park as you move around the country is just plain stupid and IMVHO if* "Parking by App" is the route that's going to be inflicted on us all then there should at least be legislation introduced to ensure a standard method of payments and transactions are employed between operators and that any App MUST be able to be used to pay for any parking facility.   


I think you could possibly classify that as a rant.


Whilst I'm on the subject of rants may I recommend that everyone downloads the new "Rant Oh!" App**  to register each new rant?    The App allows you to keep track of your rants.  You can determine their popularity and licence others to use that rant (for a fee of course).   Rants can be classified by type, severity and a number of other user defined categories.   Once installed the app will track you, your activities, your associates, your inside leg measurement, your political leaning and  allow you to register new rants very economically at just £2.99 each or £10.00 for five.  The cost to download the App is a very reasonably £24.99.


*     Clearly there's no "if" about it.  That ship has already sailed!

**  "Rant Oh!" is provided by "Puppers Exploitative Apps Ltd" a wholly owned subsidiary of Puppers Group plc - well if you can't beat them, join them.

One little thing about these private parking companies that they want to keep secret. Any fines they impose are not legally enforceable without a court order, only public bodies such as Local Authorities can enforce fines. 

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  • RMweb Gold
48 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Any fines they impose are not legally enforceable without a court order,

The add the cost of getting a court order to the penalty charge. They deem you have agreed to their conditions by parking there. They basically rely on people’s anxiety about bailiffs turning up to get their money. 

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

The parking machines currently are connected by 3G networks that are due to cease operation this year (or next year for the Three network). It is the cost of upgrading the machines to 4G that had caused the car park operators to decide to avoid the cost by moving to mobile payments. They can’t lose, they save money maintaining machines, and anyone who had problems with a smartphone gets a penalty charge. 

Then, how does the ANPR system transmit their data if you overstay or not pay? 

Are they already on 4G?

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  • RMweb Premium
9 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

The add the cost of getting a court order to the penalty charge. They deem you have agreed to their conditions by parking there. They basically rely on people’s anxiety about bailiffs turning up to get their money. 

The company that operates the local car parking hand it over to a debt collection service. I used a car park on the first day of lockdown but the machine wasn't working. Despite my telling them of it they persisted in demanding I pay the penalty. After about a year I got a letter from the debt collector demanding payment, I explained to them that the machine wasn't working and they accepted that.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PupCam said:

By so doing they are are discriminating against a significant and vulnerable section of society who have not got and/or cannot use smart phones.

And therein lies the argument.  A significant proportion of the population would be discriminated against and therefore this move could and should be challenged.  


Arguments have been advanced to suggest discrimination exists in "card-only" retail outlets and by public transport operators who no longer accept cash.  In the latter case it is always possible to pay by other means without resorting to smart phone use.  London's buses for example have not taken cash in years but accept almost any chip & PIN payment card (there is no need to have an operator-specific card such as Oyster) plus the likes of Google Pay.  It's still odd watching someone tap their watch against the "ticket machine".  But all English seniors are entitled to free travel using their bus pass; many people have one even though it may not be used and all are entitled so there is no actual discrimination at work, apparently.  


Pay-by-app only however enters another ball-park.  

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, pgcroc said:

Then, how does the ANPR system transmit their data if you overstay or not pay? 

Are they already on 4G?

No idea, they probably are but modifying the Pay Stations to work on 4G seem to be “too expensive” compared to making people pay by smart phone. Some car parks used to have a send your number by text to the car park owner. 2G availability will last a bit longer than 3G but it’s days  are numbered too. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I am back in Singapore, it was splendid to go back to London for a week but I have to say I'm glad to be back here. I have to say that if airlines were to be judged by their livery then I would vote for Vietnam Airlines as one of the best. 


I struggled not to laugh last night when they served dinner on the flight from London as a couple in the row behind me were talking across the aisle (business class on their 787 fleet is 1+2+1 pods in herringbone configuration) whinging that everything on the menu had rice or noodles. Putting aside the fact that it was a factually incorrect statement (there was the usual chicken with potatoes) I felt like suggesting they may be going to the wrong part of the world if they don't like rice or noodles.....


One nice aspect of Vietnam Airlines is they offer a genuine business class product on their short haul services. Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore is two hours but the business section is huge 2+2 seats with heaps of legroom and full meal and drinks service served in ceramic dishes with table linen etc. It reminded me of flying in Europe 30 years ago when European airlines still prided themselves on offering high standards of service on short haul flights. For such a short flight the extra cost probably isn't worth it but it is very nice when part of a long haul business class ticket. My experience of business class on intra-european flights is the seats are economy class with the centre seat unoccupied, a nicer headrest cover and not much in-flight service.

LHR 12.jpg

Vietnam AL 7.jpg

Vietnam AL 9.jpg

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I feel a lot better after some eyelid inspection. Came down to find the foxes going hammer and tongs in the back garden. A timely reminder that the garden needs seeing too so I'll have to ask Alex when he can come and do it.

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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Not a great day, dull drizzly and an awkward strong north easterly.

Not that it mattered. I didn't get to sail.
Spent the day at the SC sorting out the new rigging, steering etc.

The steering controls were moved back to their new position, blocks moved, ropes re fitted. They'll need tightening up next week once they've stretched to their task.

Went to rig mast found a major problem, the pin for the mast jib sheave is missing, the sheave isn't, it's forced down inside the mast...
I've just been online and ordered replacements.
If they arrive ok, I don't have to worry about destroying the old sheave getting it out.

So I did try the bodgered jib, though with not a lot of tension,. I've made the leech about 3 inches longer than needed, and the luff about 6 inches short. It can be used until I order a professionally made jib.
The jib halyard needs replacement, I've tied an extension on back to the new console, but the knot gets in the way.
Tried the new main, it looks good and fits well.
Didn't extend the main halyard back to the console because it too needs replacement.

Completely rerigged the vang, the bottom is now mounted on the forward cross bar, so effectively it's got its own horse.
This gives a more vertical down pull, less forward.
It also means the blocks are closer together, so it's rope is long enough to reach the console.

Topping lift is fitted but I managed to get the rope the wrong way through the block, that can be sorted next week.

Still to be fitted, main down haul, I'll use a bit of old halyard for that. Also the jib vang needs connecting up.
Time to go order some more dyneema..


I think we are going to need an illustrated Glossary! 😂

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm dreading the answer here but its got to be said which one my Dear Bear.


Puppers is close enough - so long as he doesn't use the Beeza.....


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Now, I’m as against frivolous expense as the next Bear, but I certainly value my hide as being worth more than £479! But you can get stair ladders for less than £479: even an impecunious/tight-pawed Bear could invest in something from this list: https://www.screwfix.com/c/storage-ladders/stair-ladders/cat831458


Part of the issue is where to store the bluddy thing when not in use - which would be most of the time.  The Beary Shed is wedged - and Bear doesn't have a Garage (have I mentioned that?)



8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Mrs iD sometimes grumbles that I have bought protective goggles, a half-mask respirator and a pair of Butcher’s Gloves (Cut Resistant, Stainless Steel Mesh Gloves) and have “only” used them a few times each. But, BUT, because of them I still have both eyes, 2 healthy lungs and all 12 fingers 🤣


But doesn't iD smoke Cigars? 😁


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

p.p.s. Captain Cynical sends his regards and hopes you’ll get cracking with the wall papering using that ladder lash-up. He says he’s looking forward to having a Polybear rug in front of the fire in the Great Hall!


Cruel, very cruel.....


7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Bit harsh isn't that Captain C a poly bear rug. A head mounted on the wall would be better. Wouldn't wet from the snow as well.


That's it, you can forget the cake....


7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Please Bear, look at your ladder strapping arrangements again.....



Actually the strap is remarkably effective - it really does stop any chance of the ladder from being knocked forwards and dropping down the stairwell.

Joking aside, whilst the setup does look a bit scary it's not in practice - Bear doesn't "do" heights so it doesn't take much for a certain lower muscle to start twitching violently (I'll go up to gutter height on a house but that's my lot - you'd never get me on the roof).

Today was a significant "ladder day" - I had a cantilever toolbox** at the base of the ladder as added insurance (the feet were also wedged against the carpet gripper) and for most of the time the ladder was as long as it could be, so the angle was decreased.  Worked fine.


(** Might not sound much, but it was one of Bear's Spare Toolboxes absolutely rammed full of spanners etc. and weighs 30+Kg easily.)


7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Pursuant to my previous post, I dimly recall that - at one time - you could rent all kinds of equipment for those jobs where you couldn’t justify buying the gear (usually because it was a one-off job). Whatever happened to them?


I have looked at hiring stuff in the past, but the cost is usually silly - especially if it also requires delivery and collection.  In this instance I'd need the kit for several weeks so the cost would almost certainly exceed the price of a new one.


7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

And what has happened to all those little repair shops? They seem to be few and far between*. I wonder if the advent of cheap, pretty much disposable, made in the PRC gear has anything to do with?


I think the cost of stuff now is generally so low that it just doesn't make sense from a financial perspective anymore; manufacturers also don't help cos' for the most part spares and information is unavailable - or very expensive.


7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

That seems to be a likely scenario. Why spend £300 plus for a good quality Makita electric drill when you can get a Ferrex electric drill from Aldi for £19.99? I guess that’s what a lot of people think (althoug for the cognoscenti and people who are serious about the gear they buy, getting the best kit possible and hanging on to it forever is the way to go).


Many tradesmen working on Building Sites don't bother with "the good stuff" anymore cos' the cheap stuff is usually up to the job for a fraction of the price; it may not last as long but they don't get too upset when it gets nicked.


7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

* there’s a little repair shop near my house. Just to look at something to see if it is reparable incurs a SFr 150 charge (plus parts & labour if it is repairable). 


Bluddy Hell, that's a hundred and thirty quid 😵 - and they could just turn around and say "sorry, can't be fixed".


7 hours ago, Tony_S said:

The parking machines currently are connected by 3G networks that are due to cease operation this year (or next year for the Three network). It is the cost of upgrading the machines to 4G that had caused the car park operators to decide to avoid the cost by moving to mobile payments. They can’t lose, they save money maintaining machines, and anyone who had problems with a smartphone gets a penalty charge. 


What I don't understand is that whilst they say how much it'd cost them to upgrade to 4G machines, they don't seem to mind spending presumably quite a lot upgrading to App Machines.

As a minimum there should just be one App for all machines in the country, with the option to pay by Card.  Also, presumably many/all these car parks operate on a number plate recognition system - so why not have a system similar to the Dartford Bridge where you can pay via a website later in the day, or within a certain timescale?  At least that'd help people without Smart Phones.

I do look forward to a legal challenge in court though.


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2 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

One nice aspect of Vietnam Airlines is they offer a genuine business class product on their short haul services. Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore is two hours but the business section is huge 2+2 seats with heaps of legroom and full meal and drinks service served in ceramic dishes with table linen etc. It reminded me of flying in Europe 30 years ago when European airlines still prided themselves on offering high standards of service on short haul flights. For such a short flight the extra cost probably isn't worth it but it is very nice when part of a long haul business class ticket. My experience of business class on intra-european flights is the seats are economy class with the centre seat unoccupied, a nicer headrest cover and not much in-flight service



There certainly were proper dedicated European business class services back when I started travelling a lot for business (so, from about 1983 onwards) and some airlines, like the now defunct Swissair, also had a European first class service (which I enjoyed on one complicated London – Zürich – Genova trip when a last minute booking meant that only first class seats were available on the Swissair flight to Zürich).


Back then British Airways, which is now but a pitiful shadow of its former self, had a pretty good business class service to both Belgium/the Netherlands and Italy. And if I had to take an early morning flight from Heathrow (back when Heathrow worked) I could be guaranteed a decent full English on the flight. 

I blame the rise of the ultracheap airlines (such as Ryanair and EasyJet) for causing a race to the bottom in terms of service and amenities on most of the so-called legacy airlines (such as British Airways and Lufthansa) as they struggle to compete on price with the budget airlines (and, by the time you add up all the extras that you need to pay for to get a decent flight experience on any of the cheapo airlines, you’re not far off from a standard airline ticket price).


It used to be that you could have a very enjoyable flight experience, even at the back of the plane, with food, drink and hold luggage included in the price of your ticket (and when you got landside, there was also a support network to help iron out any problems you may have encountered on your flight [usually lost luggage]). Now the flight* experience is often not much better than riding on the Northern Line during rush hour.


Fortunately, both the Middle Eastern and the Asian Airlines provide services into Europe, which means whether you go in Economy, Premium Economy, Business Class or First, you will be guaranteed a very good flight experience (I once was an intensely partisan supporter of British Airways and for many reasons preferred to book my business trips to the US via Heathrow [BSL-ZRH-Final US Destination], but after a number of recent bad experiences with the airline, I no longer fly with them and will be using a Middle Eastern airline to fly to Tokyo in June)

* when I proof read my post before uploading, I noted that I had originally written “fight experience“, instead of “flight experience“. Although I corrected the typo, this may not be a totally inappropriate description of many cheap flights.


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