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14 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Essex County Council have just finished another round of the Solar Together scheme which offered substantial savings. We joined in last years scheme. Just under £10000 for south and west facing roof panels, hybrid inverter and 7.2kWh of battery storage. Not forgetting the pigeon proofing  either!


Bear received a call this morning from a Solar Panel Company....

"Would I be right in saying you're the home owner?"

"Nope, the local Council"

It's amazing how quickly those four words make them lose interest....

I've had a couple of calls in recent weeks from a Window Company - I don't bother even speaking and just hang up.  These nuisance calls seem to be a new thing - I've never had issues for years after registering to block such calls with the Telephone Preference Service.


14 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land.

The price of the solar panels includes installation and surveying the roof. Installation requires the use of scaffolding (not cheap) and I opted for battery storage. There is enough room on the roof for eight panels of 400 watts each giving 3.2 KW . backed up with a 4.2 kWh battery that can also be topped up at off peak rates. They have estimated that I will have an excess of energy over my usage, 

The system we have designed for you will generate ~ 3110.4 kWh per annum.

Assuming you use 67% of the energy generated, in the first year alone you will save £729.39 on electricity and make £56.45 from exporting energy


So a fifteen year payback period, based on those figures.  Do they give info on Panel Life, Battery Life and maintenance costs during that period?


13 hours ago, Barry O said:

We await our survey but 9 panels plus batteries will be less than £2k!




Sounds suspiciously cheap to this Bear, unless there's a very big fat Gov. handout to cover a very large wedge of the cost.  The scaffolding charge alone would see off a third of that for Bear Towers, based on when Bear had the house roof stripped & re-felted recently; fortunately the NNN picked up the tab for that bit cos' they had a leaky roof (lead flashing) which required the scaffolding across part of Bear Towers.

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Bear here....

Washing done.  Tick

(Bear's Tip of the Day:  Such Technology tends to work best when you push the Start Button.....)

Lines on the walls drawn.  Tick.

(Bear's Tip of the Day:  Such lines work best when put in the right place the first time.....)

Pizza scoffed.  Big Tick.


In other news.....

I see the residents of Puppershire ( @PupCam ) have made the news headlines.....



- Apparently it's all down to the imminent withdrawal of the 3G Phone Network - cos' that's what the Pay & Display phone machines use to take payment using a Credit/Debit Card;  the Daily Mirror are running a poll at the moment to find out what payment method people (and Pups) prefer - the results at the moment are as follows:


Pay and display machine 


Using an app 





And finally....

This'll take some fixing:


I guess the easy way (assuming the hull is still watertight) would be to flood the Dock and re-float it; otherwise they'll need some pretty big trolley jacks to sort that mess.

SBT's to those injured.


Right, time to remove some leccy bits before wallpapering starts (tomorrow?).

Bear gone.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

This'll take some fixing:


I guess the easy way (assuming the hull is still watertight) would be to flood the Dock and re-float it; otherwise they'll need some pretty big trolley jacks to sort that mess.

Some rope and a couple of good Highland Games tug-o-war teams should sort it.

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Afternoon ALl.


Firstly, belated condolences to @TheQ, family and friends at the sad loss of his brother.   

It seems that in the event it all happened very quickly so hopefully there is a crumb of comfort to be had knowing that the suffering was at least short lived.

Yet another event to remind us all of our own mortality.


1 hour ago, polybear said:


Grrrrrrrr!!!   Funny enough I used exactly the same term in my Rantogram to my MP concerning "the requirement" to have a Photo driving licence and/or valid passport in order to register to use the Government's Portal.    Grrrrrrr! Squared!


1 hour ago, polybear said:

Apparently it's all down to the imminent withdrawal of the 3G Phone Network - cos' that's what the Pay & Display phone machines use to take payment using a Credit/Debit Card;  the Daily Mirror are running a poll at the moment to find out what payment method people (and Pups) prefer - the results at the moment are as follows:


Well, the answer is to upgrade the machines to 4G/5G then isn't it!     Or how about this for a radical idea?     Town centres are "dying" by all accounts.    How about NOT CHARGING AT ALL FOR PARKING to encourage Mr and Mrs Joe Public to actually come into the towns to use the shops and facilities.    No, completely stupid idea of course - it's all about money without a sniff of the wider picture.      Yep; rant!


In Other News


Still not heard about the cancelled hospital consultation debacle from last week (why am I not surprised) so I phoned this morning to enquire as to progress.   None was of course the answer and the detailed explanation by the nice lady only served to contradict previous statements from others but at least the reason why the apparently available slot could not be booked was forthcoming.   A cynical person might jump to the conclusion that that slot was reserved for private patients but of course I am not at all cynical and I'm sure there must be a far more logical and sound reason.     I also noticed as I summarized the discussion for my "Doctors Diary" notes that I'm now up to page 33 (A4, typed notes) and the first entry was made on the 17th March 2021 some 3 months after my battle to be seen by a GP commenced and some 2 months before my "Great Inconvenience".     I figure the notes might be of use for the family if ever there's the need for an inquest ....


To go back briefly to the Council Tax debate from a few days ago.    Although we are fortunate to own a detached, notionally 4 bedroom (actually 3 bedrooms and a study) it's not a huge mansion by any stretch of the imagination but a 1970's square box  (as a certain @polybearcould confirm).   Quite how it ended up as Band F with a council tax this year of ~18 Deltics I do not know!   Yep; another rant!


On a brighter note. Mr & Mrs Puppers have been out and about today to celebrate another trip round the sun for Mrs P.    A trip out to a new-to-us and highly recommended garden centre to spend a birthday voucher came first.   This entailed a pleasant drive through the country lanes out towards St Ives (Cambs NOT Cornwall!).   The GC was good and vouchers may have been exchanged.  Then we had a little prowl around the local (to it) village church followed by lunch in the local pub.    The pub was good, the food was OK if rather too plentiful.   That's probably a sign of advancing age but we are finding it harder and harder to find  really good quality, modest portion reasonably priced pub/restaurant food.     We'd much rather have less quantity than the typical servings but better quality and more choice for the same price.    Are we unique or do other ERs have the same problem?   


On our return to Puppershire it was very nice to be able to drop in to Old Warden without a 3 mile detour and have a wander around the Swiss Gardens where, it has to be said, the Daffodils are looking particularly splendid at the moment.     To show willing and support the recent changes we partook of coffee in the cafe before returning home.  Remember we don't pay to get in as we are both Shuttleworth Veteran Aeroplane Society members so the previous ridiculous admission policy apart from the long detour did not affect us anyway.     I thought the coffee demonstrated plenty of scope for future improvement but small steps and all that and overall I'm so glad that "normality" has returned to the place.    Let us hope that a lot of the goodwill that was lost during the recent past can be regained quickly but goodwill, like respect, is hard won and easily lost.   Indeed, they must succeed as the place is too precious to contemplate its demise.






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50 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

I'm currently sorting out a talk I'm giving on the Royal Scots to the Bedford branch of the LCGB on April 4th. Our dear late friend Chrisf was a member and used to write their reports on meetings and it was he who first asked me if I would give it way back before covid interrupted things so preparing it now is bringing back memories. When he first raised the subject I said something like, "Only of you go easy on me when doing your report Chris," to which he merely gave a wry grin.


Oh that's good, I see that they admit non-members to their talks.    Even though red is really the wrong colour* for a locomotive I might try and come along!


*   They should of course be apple green, garter blue or black and most certainly NOT British Railways blue .....



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13 minutes ago, PupCam said:

To go back briefly to the Council Tax debate from a few days ago.    Although we are fortunate to own a detached, notionally 4 bedroom (actually 3 bedrooms and a study) it's not a huge mansion by any stretch of the imagination but a 1970's square box  (as a certain @polybearcould confirm).   Quite how it ended up as Band F with a council tax this year of ~18 Deltics I do not know!   Yep; another rant!

We are in same position, 2 years after purchase and 5 years after extension added to create 4 bed house (and one sale 3 years ago), we opened a missive from up North telling us our home is now re-banded to Band F, and it is nearly the only Band F property in the village. An appeal looms.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The arthritis/sciatica was going full bore this morning, it seems to follow the weather, worse when it rains. Trouble is that according to the forecast its raining for the next week.

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23 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

I really hate that  video pop-up  and will NEVER buy a Connatix due to this, whatever it might be



They are the provider of the pop-up video software.


Their tagline is "Deliver successful video experiences without compromise". Meh!


The advertising videos include a Rapido Hunslet. Interestingly the video stopped when I opened the Connatix website in another tab. There are other advertising videos. I wouldn't hold this against Rapido. This is a Warners/RMweb IT issue.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

To go back briefly to the Council Tax debate from a few days ago.    Although we are fortunate to own a detached, notionally 4 bedroom (actually 3 bedrooms and a study) it's not a huge mansion by any stretch of the imagination but a 1970's square box  (as a certain @polybearcould confirm).   


It also has a Garage.....with a Myford and two classic bikes.....


A bereft Bear....😢


1 hour ago, PupCam said:

The pub was good, the food was OK if rather too plentiful.   That's probably a sign of advancing age but we are finding it harder and harder to find  really good quality, modest portion reasonably priced pub/restaurant food.     We'd much rather have less quantity than the typical servings but better quality and more choice for the same price.    Are we unique or do other ERs have the same problem?   




Triple Cooked Chips.....




...or oven chips.......




Tough.  For about a nanosecond.

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On 20/03/2023 at 11:54, monkeysarefun said:

And we  apparently have never even noticed this one until meddling scientists discovered it last week!


(gum leaves might give scale....)



CNN displayed this image of Euoplos dignitas:

Looks quite different.  (Gum leaves evident.)


CNN: Rare giant spider species spotted in Queensland


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Evenin' each,


1 hour ago, PupCam said:

The pub was good, the food was OK if rather too plentiful.   That's probably a sign of advancing age but we are finding it harder and harder to find  really good quality, modest portion reasonably priced pub/restaurant food.     We'd much rather have less quantity than the typical servings but better quality and more choice for the same price.    Are we unique or do other ERs have the same problem?



Couldn't agree more Alan.  Portion sizes in some places are ridiculously large.  I did make an observation to that effect to the landlord of a very nice pub in Devon a few years ago when he queried why I'd left quite a bit on my plate.  He said "All our customers expect large portions."  "They're obviously not all in tonight!" I said looking around at several tables  where others hadn't managed to clear their plates.  The food there was excellent though.

I've not been to a Wetherspoons for quite a long time due to a couple of naff meals but I noticed that they do actually offer some smaller portions on their menu.  Perhaps others should take note because as you say I think we do eat less as we age, probably due to not being as energetic as we once were.  Certainly applies to me.

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34 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

CNN displayed this image of Euoplos dignitas:

Looks quite different.  (Gum leaves evident.)


CNN: Rare giant spider species spotted in Queensland




Male VS  Female, your pic is of the male. They have  a body length of up to 50mm, then you add the legs.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

CNN displayed this image of Euoplos dignitas:

Looks quite different.  (Gum leaves evident.)


CNN: Rare giant spider species spotted in Queensland



47 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:



Male VS  Female, your pic is of the male. They have  a body length of up to 50mm, then you add the legs.

Could you please send a breeding pair to my good chum @polybear, I’ll pay the postage and import fees.

Thanking You in Advance

Captain Cynical

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