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HMS Calshot, huh? :lol: Doesn't actually sound far off the mark, does it?


Just trying out my girlfriend's MacBook, BTW. Boots up fast as a lightning - perhaps 15 to 20 seconds max. Only thing I can't really get to like about laptop computers in general is the trackpad - I do need my mouse! So, if I should go ahead and buy a laptop myself that would be a must add-on.


buy a Magic Mouse - they're superb!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Don and Mick.


I'm also awake early and drinking tea. I'll probably try and go back to sleep though as later today I've got to drive to the other side of London to meet my brother and mother. Mum will be coming back to spend Christmas and New Year with us.



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Morning all. Bins out and it's gently raining. Temperature is up a few degrees and the snow is disappearing from the drive, so should be gone later today.


A friend of ours left Wokingham at 1.30 yesterday to go home to Dundee. Thought she was bonkers based on the news reports, but finally arrived at midnight last night. So a trip of 450 miles in just over 10 hours including stops. Doesn't sound too bad considering the weather conditions as reported on TV. Maybe they've glammed it up to make a good story...


Have a good Christmas Eve, whatever you are up to.....


Piece of useless info: Just remembered that the Danes celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so if you're Danish, a very Merry Christmas....smile.gif

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Morning All,


The Germans do indeed celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. Today is actually a normal working day here - but many companies give their employees the day off. Although many shops will be open until lunchtime.


Thomas will be going to his Mum for Christmas this evening and will get his presents from the German side of the family then - they are brought by the Christkind. Tomorrow morning he is coming around here to see what Father Christmas has brought him.


Weather is cold here - but nowhere near as cold as it has been.


I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and all the best for the year to come - wherever you are and whenever you celebrate it. Especially all the very best to all the Early Risers. You have all made this year a little easier for me.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:


Mick - Hope you got back to sleep. Don't want you collecting the wife and taking the lizard to Tesco's :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Merry Xmas everybody, fresh fall of snow last night, given I live at sea level the amount of snow we have had this week is just beyond belief :blink: Got my son to clear the paths yesterday now covered with 5 to 7 cms of snow again.

Oh well, day indoors by the woodburner with a glass in hand beckons ;)

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  • RMweb Premium



I, too, would like to wish you all a merry and peaceful Christmas, and hope that you will be able to spend some time with your loved ones :) . Dinner tonight will be raclette - we never really had one of the traditional Christmas meals, to be honest.



The Germans do indeed celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. Today is actually a normal working day here - but many companies give their employees the day off. Although many shops will be open until lunchtime.


Far as I read, under German law Christmas Eve is considered a "quasi holiday" from about noon onwards - or at least a so-called "silent day" where even more stringent restrictions than on normal Sundays apply. However, these may differ from one "silent day" to another.

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Today the Cards arrive from all those you've forgotten to send one.

SWMBO will add them to her Christmas Card List and then lose the list before next year.


We have a friend who is a BigC visiting nurse.

She was called out at midnight.

With the dangerous state of the roads, I wouldn't have attempted it.

One near neighbour in a 4x4 has already tried to slide through a fence and off the side of the mountain.

I think she deserves a medal.

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  • RMweb Premium

MIL is tomorrows collect and deliver with FIL the bad driving conditions would stop them visiting otherwise. Am I in a minority of one for enjoying playing in the snow with my car?

Edited by skipepsi
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It is a dwarf monitor and I suspect it can only empty Matthew's bank account but each to their hobby.


My mother likes watching wildlife programmes and a couple of years ago we took her to see the animals at Colchester Zoo. She told me that they had a pair of Komodo Dragons and was looking forward to seeing them. Instead of being about 12 foot long they were quite tiny as they were young. My (slightly disappointed) mother said they looked bigger on television. I told her this was due to her widescreen telly.

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Will Fr Christmas be providing any train stuff for Thomas?


No, not this year. We have still got quite a bit to do on the layout though - so there is still some stuff that he hasn't got to use yet. This Christmas seems to be a Lego Christmas!


Am I in a minority of one for enjoying playing in the snow with my car?


You are not alone Mick - I enjoy it too!

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MIL is tomorrows collect and deliver with FIL the bad driving conditions would stop them visiting otherwise. Am I in a minority of one for enjoying playing in the snow with my car?


No I'm with you Mick. As a young lad, just as soon as the snow was down, I was off to the local deserted car park to thrash round in the snow with handbrake turns and rear end power slides. May have been a hooligan, but it has stood me in good stead to deal with adverse driving conditions.


Also picking up Mum and MiL tomorrow. I have an idea the roads will be pretty hectic today and sitting in queues all day is not my idea of fun.


Just done the last minute bread/milk/beer run at Tescos. Had everything I needed and relatively quiet. Job done. If we haven't got it now, we'll do without....smile.gif

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This Christmas seems to be a Lego Christmas!



Lego's good, too :) . Gave me countless hours of enjoyment when I was a kid. Even today I am particularly impressed by their Technic line kits, although they can be amazingly expensive.


OTOH, I never really got to liking their Bionicle line.

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Morning all! Last day, thank goodness! Our work canteen closes at 12pm today so I suspect most in the office will take that as a sign to go home shortly afterwards...


I quite enjoy the snow - though I didn't much enjoy driving in it on Saturday when it was falling and the road was shut! Still, it adds an extra bit of excitement to the drive, and looks very pretty!


No fresh snow in Leith this morning, so the pavements will be treacherous with yesterday's stuff compacted down into thick ice.


Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it today!

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That is absolutely ludicrous! It's Winter - How can they run out of grit?!?


My next door neighbour used to be on the council, and saw one of his ex colleagues, who is the contract delivery driver who fetches the grit in to the depot. He apparently called the council depot and offered, when he heard that this bad weather was on the way, to make some runs to the grit supplier in Cheshire, so that the depot was well stocked up - only to be told by the supervisor that they had plenty - at that stage the stockpile was 2000 tonnes, and the capacity of the hoppers was 6500 tonnes - hopefully the supervisor will have some explaining to do now, as the lack of grit caused a lot of problems also on the A683 which is a main road off the M6 across to the Pennines.


As for today, I looked out at 6 am, and found yet another blanket of snow, and heard the milkman pulling up outside (he's got a 4WD with knobbly tyres!) and decided to give him a surprise and wish him season's greetings (I had this idea that not many of his customers would do so, and this was indeed so). When I got to the door, the snow was already melting, and he said all the main roads were clear, and that his car thermometer was showing a temperature above freezing!


So I went back up, reset the alarm for eight, and pulled the duvet up again. Got up and allowed 45 minutes to get to work for 09.30 - drive took just over 10 minutes!


This is likely to be my last day on here until after Christmas as my home PC is next to useless now with every change of webpage taking over a minute (line synchs at 8.2Mbs) and waiting the attentions of someone who is more clued up than I, and who is also celebrating so won't get to me until next week.


So in case work gets hairy today (as it can) I'll wish all my fellow RMWebbers a very happy Christmas, and my best wishes for lots and lots of nice festively wrapped train sized parcels containing whatever your layout craves.


Best wishes to all.


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