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Mooring Awl,

4.5 hours plus 2 hours sleep not to bad a night.


Paws are just the routine annoying. They should have a relaxing day except for 2 hours driving.


I see white stuff is forecast for Monday and Tuesday, officially to the north of us, but I wouldn't be surprised if it comes as far as us.


The first 920 series computer I did any thing with took a large room, well ok there were two of them in there. The last you could hold in your hand . Though by the time it was cased, with interface boards it was definitely a two handed lift, and the case was liquid cooled.


Most of the radar equipment rooms were heavily air-conditioned, especially the valve ones due to the amount of heat generated, you didn't smell much of the equipment unless you had to get your head in there to work on it.


I think it will be boots today supporting my ankle, as there is the walk from the car park to show hall, that at the show, on to "the works" then back to the car all on hard surfaces.


Time to, look at the route there, and remind myself of the walking route in town.







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10 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Was just looking at Pegasus board photos on the web, and had a flashback - they had a smell, a really particular old-time-electronics smell.  Funny that a photo could put a smell into my brain.

You are so right Neil….and it’s not just Pegasus board photos that can put a smell into one’s brain either….


As you look at the photo below I wonder if you can guess what smell is in my brain right now??? ……answers on a postcard….🤣



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The last time I was in one of those... 

The smell was the sea., Several windows were broken, especially around the ankles. If you looked west it was the Atlantic Ocean just a few feet away.


The BBC have gone mad, saw an episode of antique road trip. They visited a salvation Army building, and said so , they interviewed people wearing SA uniform which of course says Salvation army on the collars. Then they showed ladies practicing the tambourine wearing very loose sweat shirts...

And fogged out the SA logo!!!??? Why?


Just Google street viewed the destinations to day. Very handy as I would probably walk to the wrong side of the buildings containing the works.


Been out on patrol with Ben the it's time to go out Collie, very chilly wind, threatening dark clouds from the north. He's gone back to his pit.


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Good moaning from the volcanic rock.  Off back to La Belle France today.  A good fortnight has been had and a very good meal out last night with some friends thatvwe have made.





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40 minutes ago, Grizz said:

Ooooo I just noticed that BT managed to put a no smoking sign in that phone box…..shame that they didn’t think to put a no urinating sign in there as well. 

Morning all..


Fair to say that last night’s sleep was reasonably carp. Back pain hasn’t gone away, despite Grizz’s night time little helper / weapon of choice….dihydrocodeine. So I therefore deduce that it is likely to be leaning more towards muscle related. Trouble is that I can’t take little, medium or large sized pink pills, due to pre-existing respiratory issues so I have to rely on something more in the way of muscle relaxing meds. 

Off to Gotham this morning to drop off youngest cub for 45 mins, whilst I then go into Waitroads to score my latest Portuguese Custard Tart fix. Then scoff that whilst sitting in the car listening to an episode of the utterly brilliant Andy Hamilton’s ‘Old Harry’s Game’. 

Once back at Grizz Castle I’m back on painting detail again. The new skirting and various components for the en-suite need further painting. At least I’ll be in my workshop with the radio on, breathing in the paint fumes, happy in the knowledge that I could be really enjoying myself doing anything else, somewhere else. 

Later it looks like I’ll be running Grizz’s cabs back to Gotham’s East Side, to drop eldest cub to watch Brighton v West Ham, then back to drop youngest cub in Gotham Central for 3 hours, then back again to pick up again and finally….I plan to slob out with some modelling…..if all goes to plan that is. 

Back on the smells subject…there is a particular disinfectant, which I don’t know the name of by the way, however very occasionally when I get a whiff of it, I am transported straight back to my first two years at South Park Junior School…amazing. 

Have a great all…


ATB Grizz


…my memory of primary school is the Izal toilet paper and I’m in no rush for any rerun reminders of that! 😀



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4 minutes ago, BR traction instructor said:


…my memory of primary school is the Izal toilet paper and I’m in no rush for any rerun reminders of that! 😀



Izal?  You were lucky. 

We had Bronco. 

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2 hours ago, Grizz said:

We had ‘The Evening Argus’…..so you could read it and…’Use It’….

Just don't  accidentally  grab a nettle along with a hand full of grass when having a wild one in the woods.


There, that's a nice thought on a sunny morning.



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Good morning everyone 


Yet another dull, grey but dry start to the day here in England’s northwest corner. There seems to be no wind and with a temperature of 3C it’ll be quite cool outdoors. I’ve just had a message from Vickie telling us Ava has a bad cough and hasn’t slept well, so she’s staying at home, just in case it’s something catching. It’s understandable that’s she’s being kept at home, but we’ll miss seeing her. So, the plan for today has changed and I shall get changed into my old working clothes and potter about in the garden and cellar. 

Back later. 


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Only a few relatively minor aches and pains this morning, but I overslept. Nothing really important to do today except pay a bill on-line which can be done at anytime.

2 hours ago, Grizz said:

We had ‘The Evening Argus’…..so you could read it and…’Use It’….

Reminds me of the 'Steptoe & Son' episode were Albert was stuck in the loo.

 I see that Prince Andrew 'wants a royal estate' according to todays papers. I could make a few suggestions as to what it could be named.

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Greetings all from a grey and slightly drizzly Sidcup.


nice to see a name check for Wall of Voodoo- I have a couple of their albums, one with Stan Ridgeway and one after he’d left.


I do wonder if the syncretic nature of Christianity in various phases was something that was inherited from the Romans; they and no doubt other empires too co-opted local gods and made them part of the pantheon- Aquae Sulis is good UK example where a local cult became part of the wider tradition. I suspect Islam has the same habit - you include local traditions to help conversion. And both Christianity and Islam go through paroxysms of orthodoxy where they try to get back to the pure religion, often with nasty consequences for those that were happy with their traditions. Examples might be the puritans and the taliban.

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Sorry to hear that Alan, it's always hard losing a good friend.



Managed a mile and a half earlier, things are looking up.

I think I should be renamed "Minty" for today.  I've been chopping mint as I am in the process of making pea and mint soup for lunch and the aroma seems to be following me around.  Better than smelling of leeks like I did last week!  🤪

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1 hour ago, bbishop said:


 A previous auditor, with a reputation as an ar$ehole, had spent an afternoon looking for a physical clock.  Bill

The BBC microcomputer often had word processing and spreadsheet software on separately purchased ROM chips.   One similar auditor we had wouldn’t accept the fact that the software was working as evidence but insisted that each computer be opened up so that he could actually see the ‘chips’ in place. 

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Northumberland is having a cold dry morning, not much wind and it is much cooler and dull.  Looking at next week's forecast I don't think I'll be going very far. 


Yesterday turned out to be a more interesting and enjoyable day than I had expected.  After breakfast I ventured into the loft again and brought down more things to go through and either keep or throw out.  Under a box of modelling things I found two shoe box size boxes, in them I found the original tapes from various camcorders from the 1990s and 2000s.  Then I found a carrier bag with two old video cameras and some more tapes.  Downstairs I plugged the newer of the cameras in to a power supply and found it worked.  It still had a tape in it from 2006 which is when  I started using an ordinary digital camera if I wanted video so it must be from the last times I used the video camera.  The tape had never been copied so looking at it on the little screen was interesting.  There were several more tapes in the bag which don't sem to have been copied.  In the loft I also found an old Sony VCR - I wonder if it still works.  In the the loft are a lot of old connecting cables - I think most will go - for example scart cables are no use at all now.


The camera had an adapter with a USB socket, on plugging it into an old laptop it wasn't recognised, I found the required software on the web but it dated from 2000 and will not work with Windows 10 and 11 - hardly surprising.  I didn't have any other connectors so have ordered an analogue to digital convertor from Amazon to try.  It should come this afternoon. If it works, good, if not it will not really matter as I haven't seen the tapes sinec 2006!  If I have any real problems I can always go and chat with the man in the computer shop in town.


Then I looked at my DVDs to see which tapes I had copied to DVD when I had a DVD recorder.  I thought it would be a good idea to copy them to a hard drive as DVDRs don't always last for ever.

I found my portable DVD drive and plugged it into the laptop and used a copy of VLC to reformat and copy it to a hard drive so I can them stream it to my TV.  I need to look at other software to see if I can save it as mp4 rather than any other format.  But at least it works - but takes ages.  


In the post was a letter from the funeral directors saying there was nothing more to pay for the headstone, the original payment for the additioal engraving also covered the reinstallation, so that was nice.  They also sent a certificate to say the headstone complies with the required standards.  If it falls over in the future it will be the council's fault as they did the final installation.


In the afternoon I went into town to do shopping, I saw a very nice secondhand Nikon 18-55 mm lens but decided I could do woithout it for now - I usually use either an 18-200mm or an 18-135mm.  I also bought some more seeds.  Then I drove to the Quayside  - it's only a few hundred yards from the shops - and had a walk along it to the park and back which was pleasant as it was fairly sheltered from the wind.


After tea I found a programme on German TV about the area around St Gallen and Appenzell in Switzerland, it showed a number of places I have visited over the years - and a couple which I think I am pleased to have missed!






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2 hours ago, The Lurker said:

I do wonder if the syncretic nature of Christianity in various phases was something that was inherited from the Romans; they and no doubt other empires too co-opted local gods and made them part of the pantheon- Aquae Sulis is good UK example where a local cult became part of the wider tradition. I suspect Islam has the same habit - you include local traditions to help conversion. And both Christianity and Islam go through paroxysms of orthodoxy where they try to get back to the pure religion, often with nasty consequences for those that were happy with their traditions. Examples might be the puritans and the taliban.

I saw something yesterday along the lines of when Jesus was alive (as an atheist, I can accept his existence as a human without having to accept the faith elements) he was for the ordinary person, he helped the poor; but the current version of Christianity in the US, Jesus is all about denying medical help unless you can afford it, ignoring the homeless, giving money to very rich churches to make them richer, supporting war and big business, he's probably also anti-union and more than a little racist at times.

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