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Er, 'morning all'... must have been a slip of the old digit yesterday, that's night shifts for you!


A beautiful day, I suppose I ought to be outside enjoying it really (by which I mean helping her good self in the garden...) but there's a backlog of diesel / steam gala photos to bung through the patented Kodak-Time-Machine-Filter-Software-Doodah-Wotsit ™. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.... :secret:

Edited by Rugd1022
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Fingers crossed she is young, well maintained and blessed with a cracking set of buffers :D

With my luck "she" will be a former member of the East German Olympic Women's weightlifting team. :-)
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Morning all, it's Saturday again!


Dark and dismal looking out here at the moment, been quite a lot of rain in the night. Busy day ahead of me, containers to get off loaded (the ones that should have turned up yesterday!)

Enjoy your day whatever you're up to!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still dark (either that or very overcast!) here.

I think today will be spent shopping, we think we have finally chosen a carpet so we'll go and place an order. Then a trip to the garden centre. One of the items I'll look at strimmers. Every strimmer I have ever purchased seems to have trouble with the allegedly automatic line feed and therefore it becomes very irritating stopping every couple of minutes to adjust.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Clear blue skies this morning but a definite nip in the air.

I could go over to Carlisle to see Princess Elizabeth and a couple of diesel charters or stay at home for a morning of rugby and football and then get some exam marking out of the way to free up Sunday. Decisions, decisions.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I tackled a home improvement project of sorts today. We had ordered several metres of 0.007" polyester foil which we were meaning to fix to the lower third of the living room walls to keep the rabbits away from the wallpaper. I ended up wedging the foil between the skirting boards and the wall at the lower end and literally pin it to the wall along the upper edge with pushpins. I found physical work like this to be a nice kind of distraction at this time.


I was also notified a loco I had reserved some weeks ago is now available, so a bank transfer will be in order next week in order for it to be here in time for my birthday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, I tackled a home improvement project of sorts today.


I've started thinking about starting the home improvement project I've been thinking about for a few years. I really should have painted the lounge / dining room years ago but I'll have to now, as we went and ordered the new carpets today, so I've got about a month to get everything done. No worries about the colours, matt magnolia as before. I can't remember what the ceiling colour is but I'll look on the tin left over from when I painted the ceiling in Matthew's room, some sort of matt off-white. Lots of my uncles were builders or painter/decorators so perhaps the liking of magnolia is genetic.



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  • RMweb Premium

We did, in fact, have to touch up some spots along the walls where the rabbits had left their marks on the wallpaper (i.e. torn off bits of it). Thankfully, we did have a bucket of the paint left for repair purposes.


P.S.: REM - Everybody Hurts.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't wallpaper. My first attempt at trying to fit a delicate flowers on diagonal trellis pattern onto a trapezoidal bulging wall many many years ago was so traumatic I've only painted walls. Fortunately my dog doesn't damage the walls, though he did hasten the demise of the carpet!



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Morning all! Up and watching the F1. Setting off for Glasgow at 0845, so hoping the race is finished by then!


Was out to a gig last night, a young band called Chasing Owls, folk rock is probably the best way of describing them. Really enjoyable.


Have a good Sunday, all.


PS - Alex Hodgson - Isobelle

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Good morning all.

Sorry Mike, Grand Prix is still underway.

Back from Church with lots of GP still to run, then the the Rugby.

I was gutted that Wales lost to France after having dominated play the whole way through.

Have a good Sunday all

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Good Sunday Morning all,


I see the GP is nearly at the half way stage. Off to go into Lagos this morning for some shopping, (last Sunday's trip was abandoned after 10k!) as the cupboard and freezer are looking a lot barer than I like! (Not that I enjoy shopping, but, needs must!)

Whatever you're up to enjoy the day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looking sunny outside, but it is chilly once again, and slightly breezy as well. Uni starts again tomorrow, though I guess there won't be much going on in the first week, aside from formalities.


Wishing you all a pleasant Sunday!

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Morning all. bright, sunny and chilly so far.


Yesterday morning I went out to the train shed to switch on the heat for a bit to make it comfortable to work. Came back an hour later to no lights, no power, no heat, and the wonderous smell of melted insulation. Switched on the RCD and everything was fine. Switched on the heater again. So far so good. The heater is one of those combined Air conditioning / heat pump units. When switched on for some reason it flipped to air con mode. Grabbed the remote, clicked on heat and "crack" followed by darkness again. Opened it up and the circuit board is fried, the motor to the heat pump had siezed solid. Cost of repair, more than I paid for the unit. Went looking online for a better quality replacement. Lots of highly recommended units but as its the wrong time of year, none in stock. Looks like a cool winter of modelling or I'm going to have to install a separate heating system and add a plain air con unit in the spring. For now the little greenhouse frost heater is keeping things comfortable but it's not going to be adequate once temps drop below 5c. :angry: Any shedizens with recommendations for efficient heating? (12 by 24 shed, 2" jabalite insulation around all walls and roof, drywall lined walls)


On that note, its almost warm enough now to fire up the bbq for our usual Sunday cooked breakfast.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I didn't watch the GP. I did intend to but fell asleep again.

It is a really nice morning here. Yesterday afternoon it was also really sunny and warm. It felt very strange going round the local garden centre which had been transformed into a giant Christmas shopping display.

Andrew, sorry to hear about your heating problems. My garage (it is part of the house, rather than a separate structure) doesn't appear to drop below 8C in the winter since I insulated the garage door. If I require extra heat I've got a 3kW heater from B&Q that I bought when our central heating boiler failed last year. The garage never gets hot enough to need air con cooling though.

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