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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

... weekend beckons, but with not as much work done this week as I thought I would get done I know what I’m going to be doing ...


I thinks its time for radical action. No jabs means no trip to hospital as others need the bed more. Fully jabbed.. no problem. Time for consequences to be shown to the great unjabbed...



Edited by Barry O
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36 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:


Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs is said to have said that  "it was his desire to "walk into a Margate pub as an Englishman and buy a pint of bitter" "

Shouldn’t have robbed a train then. 

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2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:



The NHN's did once visit Margate, having also endured the disappointment of the Hornby factory experience, we won't be going back to either in a hurry.  There are far nicer places in the UK to visit - indeed, almost everywhere is nicer.....

This talk of Margate reminds me of a Morrisey song. Please listen to the lyric it’s, it’s,  ….well so Morrisey.



Edited by Erichill16
Original video was terrible, lip syncing
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5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I’d love to give it a go…


BUT although it’s affordable they don’t ship outside the UK or US 🥲😡



(Assuming you're ordering it from the Company and not from Amazon)


Use Code AST100 at Checkout and it'll get you a cool one hundred quid off.......


Now that's gottabeworth an LDC.....😁





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9 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

 ... we visited the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials, the Vietnam memorial and a few other places. The memorials are stunning at night, this was around midnight.

9 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

Something that impresses me about the USA is the ideals upon which the country was founded.

I'm guessing not, but did you see the George Mason Memorial? (It's across the street from the Jefferson Memorial.) It is quite modest and when I last saw it (long ago) it was not well kept.


Jefferson (and the committee of five) largely plagiarized* much of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence (which you photographed) from Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights (drafted May 1776). 


Section 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.


* open to interpretation, but the coincidence is uncanny.


The Committee of Five is thought to have drawn on it when they drafted the United States Declaration of Independence in the same month (June 1776)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I used to go to Margate quite a lot, Herne Bay too when I was a student in Canterbury. Some friends had a flat in Herne Bay so it got visited most weekends. When we all lived in halls in the final year, Margate was often visited.  Or just for a change , Ramsgate, to watch the hovercraft arrive and depart. 


I have a group of friends in Whitstable - Herne Bay is a swear word to them!  There is a ...mmmm.... certain amount of discord between the two towns.  The Whitsables are also full of criticism of their town being full of 'DFL's'.  Down From London - ie second home owners.  It is quite cool and trendy there now.  This depends upon your personal viewpoint of course!

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3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Adult white men mainly.

Usually property-owning or tax-paying adult white males. It also varied by state. In Massachusetts you had to be Congregationalist until disestablishment in 1833.


3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Other countries were not much better. Until the end of the First World War many men did not have the vote in the UK. It was 10 years later that women got the vote .My grandmother was in her thirties then. 

Of course in Britain around the time of the founding of the US, those professing Catholicism could not sit in Parliament until the Catholic Relief Act of 1829.


The Kiwis were first with women's suffrage in 1893. Australian women* were granted suffrage in 1902 - and the right to stand in Federal Elections (the latter being a worldwide first).


* Except indigenous people


It's worth noting that there is nothing in the US constitution that explicitly guarantees equal rights to women. 

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33 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

The Kiwis were first with women's suffrage in 1893. Australian women* were granted suffrage in 1902 -

The then Territory of Wyoming granted women the right to vote in 1869. 
In Iran and the UK senior religious persons get seats in legislative assembly. Women bishops can sit in the House of Lords but the Iranians have other religions represented. 
Some countries have their suffrage so universal it is not unknown for winning candidates to have 105% of the vote. 

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5 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

One night in Broadstairs was enough to have “been there done that”



As A Half Man Half Biscuit enthusiast I assume that their song from  The Cammell Laird Social Club album  got a play while you were there?  Maybe the town could put up a Half Man Half Biscuit statue to entice the crowds, like The Beatles statues in Luverpul, or the Bon Scott one in Fremantle WA. I'd go see it as long as I didn't have to go more than 5 minutes out my way.


It might catch on, after all The Beatles changed planes in Walnut Ridge in Arkansas  during their 1964 US tour , in honour of that  there is apparently a Beatles statue, Beatles cutouts,  a big Yellow Submarine and an annual festival. 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Evening All!


2 hours ago, polybear said:


(Assuming you're ordering it from the Company and not from Amazon)


Use Code AST100 at Checkout and it'll get you a cool one hundred quid off.......


Now that's gottabeworth an LDC.....😁




In Other News


Today I have mostly been fitting replacement LED strip lights in the garage.    So much better than fluorescents!   

In order to get the last one in place I had to remove the Tripehound wing panel storage rack (6 wing panels of course) dangling from the ceiling close by.     They have always obscured the light falling on the Myford so I thought I'd take the opportunity of re-siting the storage place further down the garage.


Wow! It's going to be great using the Myford when I will actually be able to see what I'm doing!


I've been wondering about how to source replacement pushrods for the Beeza engine.   The old ones don't directly match the now correct cam followers and replacement (either new or second-hand)  ones aren't exactly thick on the ground for this not overly numerous 80+ year old machine.   You may recall the agro of sourcing a replacement crankcase!


Anyway, after applying a good coat of looking at and some fiddling with old and new tappet adjusters it became apparent that  I  could easily match the new followers to the old push rods with a simple 5/16" 26tpi  stud and a couple of lock nuts. 


Hooray!    I feel an order to Tracy Tools for a set of taps and dies coming on 😀


Night All!

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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:



As A Half Man Half Biscuit enthusiast ..........


Who??  This Bear has never heard of them.


1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:


It might catch on, after all The Beatles changed planes in Walnut Ridge in Arkansas  during their 1964 US tour , in honour of that  there is apparently a Beatles statue, Beatles cutouts,  a big Yellow Submarine and an annual festival. 


Never been a Beatles fan - the odd tune might be "OK" but little more than that.


24 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Evening All!





One thing that did strike me is that it's 2ft (600mm) diameter and well over 12" high so takes up a fair bit of room; keeping all those gears etc. dust free would ideally require a display cabinet.


24 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Anyway, after applying a good coat of looking at and some fiddling with old and new tappet adjusters it became apparent that  I  could easily match the new followers to the old push rods with a simple 5/16" 26tpi  stud and a couple of lock nuts. 


Hooray!    I feel an order to Tracy Tools for a set of taps and dies coming on 😀


Night All!


If Bear doesn't have the necessary T & D's then there's a very good chance I know a man that does......😉

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just finished watching 'Death in Paradise' where the inspector was himself charged with murder. Inevitably his innocence was confirmed and the guilty party identified. The unexpected was who the guilty party was but I'm not going to say in case anyone is yet to see it.

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Bear here.....

Now the Big River may come in for a bit of flack (deservedly so when it comes to tax n' all that) but a certain Bear ordered ten 100mm diamond needle files at 10pm last night - they arrived before 9am this morning (Amazon Prime).  Tick.


In other news....

It seems some tvrd has just been sentenced to 12 years for spying for Russia 😡 - they should've given the b'sterd a lot longer than that, followed by kicking him out to Russia permanently once released.  He might not find the place quite so nice after all.  Yep, Rant.

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Evening Awl,

Lots of UFLs around this evening, Up From Londons, to their second homes. Very heavy traffic for here.


Evening at the MRC very successful, it takes 3 hours to change a flat sided laser cut kit into a board on board model with lots of tiny plasticard strips..

Another building to do next week.


Our local Tes and Coes have just added a steel barrier /  one way opening gates, so you can only escape via the tills. The big stores have had this for some months. I guess it's cheaper than the security guard who used to visit some days. Though someone had stolen all the tomato's not single one of any type in shop.


The wind has died to nothing out there, the forecast was mid 20s mph rising to mid 40s mph at stupid o'clock in the morning.


Muggachoccy gone

Good night Awl.

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16 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Yeah? Given your love of a good rant I assumed "National Shite Day" would be your personal   anthem.


It’s on one of my Spotify playlists


there’s man with a mullet going mad in Millet’s 

Edited by The Lurker
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10 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

It is my understanding that the civic buildings were designed in that way ie to impress any visiting dignitary.  A bit of one up man ship you might say.


Unlike London where the buildings arose organically often have to fit into medieval street patterns.

In Europe it was royal palaces that were designed to impress visiting dignitaries. They happily pulled down any medieval stuff that was in the way. 


As is possible with a created federal capital, Washington, DC was planned* - by Pierre L'Enfant. In the implementation, many of the more grandiose features of his plan were not implemented - like his vision of a Presidential Palace.  What is now the national mall was intended as a grand avenue. None of his proposed canals were built.


* Also Canberra, Brasilia, etc.


The plan is intentionally centered on Capitol Hill with congress at it's core. Like most capitals, much evolved over time and while there there is a lot of neo-classicism, it's not all cohesive. Most of the 'civic' buildings (government offices) are not impressive at all.


But I would argue that the Federal monuments were designed to impress Americans - not visiting dignitaries - creating a tangible manifestation of national ideals.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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