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2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

In other news grandson Joe along with two young lady friends has just touched down in Hawaii.  He's having a few days away from UBC as an early 21st birthday present to himself. 

Just out of interest, which island are they going to? I used to play in a soccer tournament in Honolulu each January. After that, we would spend some time on one of the other islands - they each have a different ‘character’. Covid put paid to that, though, and the tournament has not restarted.


Whichever one they’re going to, they’ll love it.

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4 minutes ago, pH said:

Just out of interest, which island are they going to? I used to play in a soccer tournament in Honolulu each January. After that, we would spend some time on one of the other islands - they each have a different ‘character’. Covid put paid to that, though, and the tournament has not restarted.


Whichever one they’re going to, they’ll love it.




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3 minutes ago, pH said:

Just out of interest, which island are they going to? I used to play in a soccer tournament in Honolulu each January. After that, we would spend some time on one of the other islands - they each have a different ‘character’. Covid put paid to that, though, and the tournament has not restarted.


Whichever one they’re going to, they’ll love it.

We visited Oahu and Kauie and liked both.  However If we'd been there for more than a day I suspect that I would have preferred the smaller Kauie. Hope that they have a great time.



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11 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Hello again from Estuary-Land. The parcel I was expecting arrived about an hour ago but later than the normal post that included a card stating that there was an item with underpaid postage and that to get it I would have to pay £1:50. I have no idea what it is so it can go back to the sender to put the correct postage on. Now time for a trip down to tess Coes.

£1.50 is the excess fee when someone puts an ordinary stamp on a “Large Letter” item. Quite often on birthday cards.


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36 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

£1.50 is the excess fee when someone puts an ordinary stamp on a “Large Letter” item. Quite often on birthday cards.


Its nowhere near my birthday and I can't think of anything else it could be.

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12 minutes ago, BoD said:

We received an ‘underpaid postage’ card i

A couple of years ago Aditi sent a birthday card to my brothers wife. Somehow the stamp must have become  detached and a fee had to be paid. SiL went on about it for ages, you would think we had stolen her pension or something. 

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2 hours ago, DaveF said:


The TV saga continued....


Having decided early yesterday morning that it had to go back I had to find good reasons for my change of mind.  First I had an online line conversation with the manufacturers help line - it's LG by the way - who told me that looking at photos for 1.5 hours a couple of times a week "should be OK" - not - "is OK".    Then I looked online at switching between terrestrial and satellite TV - apparently there is no simple way, in various forums LG seem to acknowledge this.  I suspect this is quite recent as it only crops up from 2021 onwards.  Obviously not many people watch UK TV with an aerial and satellite from other countries.


After that I rang the Curry's general number and was told of course I could return it, with or without packaging as it did not meet my needs.


I then spent some time with the help of a neighbour getting the TV off its stand and everything back into the box, with all the packaging in the right places.  I then set off for Currys, returning home some 10 minutes later to pick the the remote I had forgotten.


At Currys I parked as usual a few cars away from the door, went in and was greeted by the member of staff who spends his day inside the door sorting out problems.  He found the sales lady who listened to me and took me to the service desk.   There a helpful man went to the car with me and we took the TV to the service area where we unpacked it and he tested it for faults with his testing device, there are none so it goes down in the records as unopened, unsuitable for the buyer, with a note to say it must be reset to factory condition.


All I had to do then was select another TV, this time a normal LED screen from Sony, slightly smaller (43") but otherwise with the same features.  Next I had to be refunded quite a lot of money which took some time as first the till went down then the card reader went down.  The new set was in stock so it was taken out and put in the car for me.


Then I came home just in time for lunch.  The whole thing had taken about 2 hours including the 20 minutes wasted when I got part way there and had to go back to collect the remote - it's about 20 minutes to the store so not too bad.  I had a long chat with the service man, apparently I had met him many years ago at work when he was putting in cables to extend the network I then looked after at school.


After lunch I unpacked the TV, it fits on the stand, assembling its legs took about 1 minute, connected all the cables and it worked - though it told me I would get a better image from one device if I used a different HDMI slot which I duly did (there are 4 of new and old types).  I haven't yet tried to tune it to receive satellite, that is a job still to investigate so for now the stand alone box is in use.   The remote works well and the menus are simple - but my old one was a Sony so I know how they work.  I can also control it from my Google nest by voice as well as with the Sony voice remote.


The Currys staff were very pleasant and helpful and made the whole thing easy.  So all in all a good day and a pleasing outcome - and I was able to keep the substantial discount on the stand as it was on offer with the first TV.




Well done - I suspect the fact that you wanted a swap for another model rather than an outright refund was a tick in your favour.


8 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

A couple of years ago Aditi sent a birthday card to my brothers wife. Somehow the stamp must have become  detached and a fee had to be paid. SiL went on about it for ages, you would think we had stolen her pension or something. 


Perhaps if you'd got £1.50 (in pennies, maybe) and framed them and presented it to her gift wrapped she might've taken the hint.


Bear here.....

It seems that Postie tried to deliver my RDG Parcel (a set of Presto drill bits from 1 to 5.9mm in 0.1mm steps) at 12-30 today.  Now if it'd been anyone else except my normal Postie (unless she had a "helper" with her) I'd be inclined to say b0llox; the first I knew about it was an email invite from RM to rearrange delivery to tomorrow - done.  Then I noticed the RM slip thru' the door, telling me she'd left it with a neighbour.  All forgiven.  It'd be nice if a second set of drills will be delivered tomorrow - but somehow I doubt that.....

As for doin' stuff, well I've rescued the ladder from the shed and mixed up some size ready for use tomorrow.  And that concludes this afternoon's excitement so far.....

Bear gone.

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19 minutes ago, polybear said:

a set of Presto drill bits from 1 to 5.9mm in 0.1mm steps

If my maths doesn’t let me down that’s…. err …. a fair few drill bits.

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