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Bear here.....

Now if Bear were the parent of this girl then I'd be more than a little bit p1ssed off with the verdict:



Diddlysquat this afternoon - apart from scoffin' pink pills and some Ibruprofen gel (no, I didn't scoff that one....).  Not sure using both at the same time is quite PC but needs must n' all that....


Bear's cake tonight was a hot cross bun....which doesn't quite feel the same somehow....😒  Especially as Bear is right out of strawberry jam; Marmalade is fine on toast but less so on sarnies and HCB's that haven't been toasted.  Mistake.

Edited by polybear
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3 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:

Stomach bug hit me hard on Sunday night, meaning I did not sleep one single minute and instead qualified for permanent resident status in the bathroom. ... Given that stomach bugs are doing rounds in Livia's nursery too and that she had it over the weekend as well, I strongly suspect that was the source of all the misery.

A suburban middle school had to be closed for a couple of days due to a stomach virus last week. The press reports I saw did not identify a specific strain, other than to say such viruses were common in winter.


Hope you are feeling better.

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I confess to be a little disappointed this morning. Television weather forecasters were teasing us with promises of 'wintry mix' this morning for about a week now. Last night the forecast had changed to snow showers, but in variable amounts and not very much - promising that it would all melt by noon.


It was snowing when I headed upstairs and, though it stopped for a while, it was snowing again when I turned out the light. I wondered if we might at least see enough to cover the landscape first thing this morning.


The forecasters got it right. It's doubtful temperatures ever really got below freezing and there was no accumulation on paved surfaces. By the time I headed out for my walk (1°C around 9:00am) what little was there was in full melt.

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10 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Wotz that link in aid of? It does not appear to do anything useful (or what it says on the tin).


When quoted it (presently) goes to the top of the page.



Bear originally put the post on that most subversive of Topics, aka The Night Mail.  When I realised, I cut n' pasted it on to ER'ers instead - and the links somehow appeared as well.  When I try to edit them out they disappear.....and reappear once "Save" has been selected......


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41 minutes ago, polybear said:

When I try to edit them out they disappear.....and reappear once "Save" has been selected......

In an earlier incarnation of the forum a "text" edit mode was available and all the formatting tags were visible. It was very handy for that sort of thing. On a software 'upgrade' it was removed, along with the ability to use superscript and subscript characters - for some unknown reason.


The preview button is still there. That should show you what a post will look like (on different platforms) before you hit save, but doesn't.


Experimenting, the page button (to the right of the menu selections) added the "NEXT PAGE" link (at one time).


It shows up in the editor as a line across the page which you can see when published if there is text below. You can get rid of it.



Edited by Ozexpatriate
Clicked on page button
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Drove to MRC in slight fog and a little darkness.

Left the MRC in slightly more fog and a lot of darkness.

The darkness extended into the MRC, yep a power cut.

On the road back, some areas lots of lights others nothing. One block of houses on an estate lit up , the next all dark.


It was mid tea break when it all got dim. Just the emergency lighting on the front and rear doors let us know where we were. Luckily I'd done most of my plans for the night, just some measuring for a small section of unmentionables to bridge a gap left to do. ( Not visible to the punter).


Ozexpatriots affliction sounds like Novo virus. The only good thing about it, is it goes away as quickly as it appears.


Muggachoccy gone

Goodnight Awl.


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1 minute ago, TheQ said:

Ozexpatriots affliction sounds like Novo virus.

Fortunately I was not personally afflicted. I'm pretty sure norovirus was mentioned on the television news reports regarding the school, but it wasn't in (virtual) print in the online news stories so I didn't suggest it. I recall a reference to "winter vomiting bug" which Google interprets directly as norovirus.


Hope the power is back on soon.

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Good evening everyone 


Well what a day this has been, I hope I don’t have another one like that for a long time! Thankfully the early morning excitement (twas anything but), has proved successful and I’m pleased to say that the rest of the day was a lot calmer. I can report that the carpet on the landing is now almost dry!

My visit to the doctors went without a hitch and once I returned home, I changed into my old clothes and went to buy some more valve seals, I picked up another 6 meaning I know have 10 spare in stock. On my way back from the plumbing shop, I thought to myself that it would it might be a good idea to change all the seals in the remaining radiators this summer.  


Once back home, I cleaned and put away all the tools I’d used earlier on and the put spare seals back in the shed. I  then decided to take it easy for the rest of the day. So, I framed a print that I purchased many years ago and has been stored rolled up for probably over 30 years. I u rolled it a few days ago and it’s been stored flat, under some heavy MDF off cuts to flatten it. I bought a frame a couple of weeks ago when I went to IKEA, the frame came with a noun included, unfortunately the mount hid a small part of the text below the print. So I measure and marked out a small section (luckily I had 2 spare mounts) that I then removed. Happily I got it right first time and the print looked great behind it. I then finished off by putting the print in the frame and then adding clips to the back of the frame so it can be fixed to the wall permanently with a couple of screws. It now resides at the bottom of the cellar stairs and I think it looks rather good. 

Here it is, sorry about all the reflections in the glass, some look like flying saucers!

Edited by BSW01
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