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Good morning everyone 


A little late on parade, again due to having stayed in bed longer than planned, but hey, I’m retired, so who cares, not ME! The weather is dull, grey and dry and the temperature is currently 4C. I’ll shortly be heading off to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, as the fresh food and milk etc is running out. After that there are no firm plans, so I might just potter about downstairs in the office after dinner! 

Back later. 


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3 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Good moaning from the Charente.   The fire is being coaxed back into life but will probably be allowed to dievout by mid morning.  It is getting warm these days.  We might even have to cut the grass.  I got my 3rd set of water tank foundations dug and shuttered  yesterday. Today I need to buy some cement then get concrete mixing.  


I did get the text of talk that I have to give in April, finished, at least the first proper draft.  Now illustrations need sorting.






I have nice wax canyons if your interested Jamie ? Only thing is I'll need them back as I use them myself when trying to get some sense out of officials now a days.

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7 hours ago, TheQ said:

But can you get out of it again without large amounts of Vaseline???



I need to know, I still have my wet suit hanging in the cupboard...



I'm shocked by such comments Q! Espically from a man of your esteemed years. What will the 'children think'?


You now realise I have a mental image of you lying on the floor like some beached walrus with the memsahib frantically tugging at  one of your legs in vain attempt to free you from the neoprene terror.

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10 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


I'm shocked by such comments Q! Espically from a man of your esteemed years. What will the 'children think'?


You now realise I have a mental image of you lying on the floor like some beached walrus with the memsahib frantically tugging at  one of your legs in vain attempt to free you from the neoprene terror.


Can't unsee this mental image now.  bleah.

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4 hours ago, jjb1970 said:


Respecting professional competence is an essential aspect of life for the reasons you state. But scientists, engineers, doctors etc should be able to provide a comprehensible answer to a question, and where there is a divergence of opinion then that should be reflected in available information.


Probably the most obvious example is medical treatment recommendations. Few of us are doctors or surgeons, so we have to trust the professional competence of doctors. That does not mean we do not expect the doctor to explain the rationale for a recommended course or treatment or surgical procedure and if we have doubts we should never be afraid to ask for a second opinion. A competent professional should be able to explain something in a way which is comprehensible to a layperson. We may not have the math or underpinning knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology etc to have any illusions about our knowledge, but at a conceptual level it should make sense.


I am always minded of RJ Mitchell's words to test pilot Jeffrey Quill:


If anybody ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me: it's all balls.


Another issue which is easily overlooked is to ask what is a consensus? That may seem obvious, but is it? There are fields of science in which there is actually very little experimental data and only a handful of papers, but there appears to be an overwhelming body of evidence in support because those experiments and papers have been used in hundreds of papers to promote the same conclusions.


A few years ago I was given a package of work by a government regulator to investigate a new technology based on a radically different theory of the behaviour of oil mists and their ignition. The idea was heretical as it challenged universally held assumptions, when I looked into it the experiments supporting the work were performed under controlled conditions and repeatable and the conventional wisdom was based on a single research project performed in the 1950's. I didn't opine whether either was right or wrong (that's not what I was paid to do) but did say that the apparent overwhelming consensus supporting the orthodox theory was questionable and that the revisionist theory could be supported by laboratory experiments and that the supporting analysis was sound. It was a minor issue over something few would ever have heard of, but some of the reaction to the idea of challenging such firmly accepted wisdom was vicious. Why the case is relevant to this discussion was that there was a demand to have the older work codified in regulatory instruments and for the alternative theory to basically be expunged from the record. Now again, whether either is right or wrong is less important in the context of this discussion than that the matter should have been considered as a scientific/engineering debate and not as a reactionary aversion to a new idea which then tried to use regulatory means to settle the dispute. For once I have to lift a hat to the government agency concerned, they kicked back and decided to do a full evaluation which ended up doing a kind of fence sit by accepting safety philosophies based on either concept as being equivalent (which I thought was perfectly sensible based on evidence).


All it takes is one dissenting voice to over turn accepted orthodoxy if that voice is right. Most such voices ultimately prove to be rather flawed, but that verdict should follow a robust process to test their hypotheses. 


What we have been seeing is suppressing of scientific discussion because counter views are considered dangerous. To be clear those counter views may indeed be unhelpful and ultimately wrong, but in most cases those telling us to listen to the science are not qualified to adjudicate complex scientific arguments. People should have the right to consider the arguments, if they decide to just accept orthodoxy then that's their right but it should not be for anyone to make that decision for us.


One question is why? The flat earth idea has been mentioned. Nobody bans proponents of a flat earth because there's no point. I've never considered the matter and so am certainly no expert, but I have never seen or read anything which leads me to believe that the proposition of the earth being flat really merits much thought. There are other debates where I am undecided on outcomes but consider that different ideas have merit.


I see it as a bit like the 'if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to be worried about' argument. If I ever hear that my instinctive reaction is to take an interest as it is probably a power grab. If people retreat into telling us to listen to the science and then try to control a debate then that's a huge red flag. It may be that the position being promoted is the most appropriate one, but I wouldn't arrive at that conclusion based on just accepting what we are told.


What an excellent post! 👍


Morning All


It's a lovely morning and it seems like a walk round the Swiss Gardens at Old Warden is in order.   

I'll keep my ear to the ground to see if I can learn anything about recent managerial changes in the trust. 🤔


Back later!





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1 hour ago, The Lurker said:

presume he was a hotel guest 

We were on holiday in Switzerland and the hotel website mentioned something about appropriate wear for the evening meal. I assumed this was something like smart casual. When we arrived the notice just said “No Swimwear”. 

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

custom dictates no alcohol until the sun is over the yard arm?*

The sun is always over the yard arm somewhere in the world.  
Problem solved.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Going back to bed this morning seems to have done some good though the wunny dose is still there.

2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Surely Phil, custom dictates no alcohol until the sun is over the yard arm?*

Unless you’re having your pint of grog -which I understand can be issued at any time of day.

Nothing alcoholic I'm afraid, just hot milk. I was rather dehydrated.

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12 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

…It covers most of anything underneath

For which, I suppose, we must be grateful…

12 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

One friend made mention on social media that "If it requires a bra or panties it's not going to happen today" when working from home with an outdoor temperature north of 40C.  I gathered she was probably under the air-conditioner starkers in company time and enjoying the fact.  

I am intrigued, Rick, by your eclectic mix of friends. My friends are far more staid. Must be something in Australia’s water supplies.

The more posts of yours I read, the more I am convinced that you are ER’s bona-fide “house” rapscallion 

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17 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I am intrigued, Rick, by your eclectic mix of friends

Eclectic mix would certainly describe some of them. But why is that different to anyone else?  Not that I mind being the club rapscallion of course. 

What ever was in the water down under it was good stuff. That which came out of the taps was among the purest and most naturally-filtered piped water anywhere. The falling-down waters which were variously tinned, bottled, casked or served by means of gas pressure could cause some very interesting effects indeed. Not all of them socially acceptable. 

As I’m sure iD will confirm the combination of hot weather, ice-cold beer, alcohol build-up and (in many cases) superfluous bravado caused all manner of social problems. 

It also caused some harmless entertainment at times. From the drunken attempts at validating tickets / opening barriers by way of that well-known alcohol-induced hyper-affection for total strangers to the less than furtive (and usually unsuccessful) attempts at sharing body fluids, various. 

When the temperature falls no lower than 30C overnight the human body reacts in strange ways. Especially if fed alcohol in the misguided belief that it will cause cooling. 


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Greetings, Minions, for it is I: Captain Cynical.


You may have been wondering (or not, as the case maybe) about my apparent absence from these pages for a number of weeks.


Rest assured, all is well with CCI GmbH, in fact it was down to business reasons that Captain Cynical has been so quiet as of late. The last few weeks have involved some very delicate negotiations with some charming Japanese gentlemen (who have the most interesting and colourful tattoos) and with some Sicilian gentlemen in a similar line of business. To make a long story short: I am pleased to announce that CCI GmbH Holdings (Cake Holdings), Pasticceria e Forneria Clandestino di Palermo and ペストリー、ケーキ、パイ (大阪) [Pesutorī, kēki, pai (Ōsaka)] will merge to form SWISSCAKE - based in Zug, Switzerland. CC will be travelling to Japan with iD in June to hold talks with the newly appointed SWISSCAKE (Asia) Managing Director - Mr Shirokuma**


Although SWISSCAKE will control 95% of the worlds LDC cake production, supplies, ingredients and finished articles, They remain committed to providing quality LDC at reasonable prices in to the UK market* Furthermore, SWISSCAKE would like to strongly refute the scurrilous rumour that “industrial quality LDC“ – as available in major UK supermarkets - will be increased in price by 700%. As an ethically aware and responsible supplier, SWISSCAKE will keep all LDC price increases to no more than 250%.


Captain Cynical


* Sales Director You reckon they’ll buy that Captain? CC: Probably, it’s worked so far

** look up the name

Edited by iL Dottore
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4 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Although SWISSCAKE will control 95% of the worlds LDC cake production,

We have switched to Nigel Slater’s LTC recipe. It is amazing, even with much reduced sugar content. 

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33 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Greetings, Minions, for it is I: Captain Cynical.


You may have been wondering (or not, as the case maybe) about my apparent absence from these pages for a number of weeks.


Rest assured, all is well with CCI GmbH, in fact it was down to business reasons that Captain Cynical has been so quiet as of late. The last few weeks have involved some very delicate negotiations with some charming Japanese gentlemen (who have the most interesting and colourful tattoos) and with some Sicilian gentlemen in a similar line of business. To make a long story short: I am pleased to announce that CCI GmbH Holdings (Cake Holdings), Pasticceria e Forneria Clandestino di Palermo and ペストリー、ケーキ、パイ (大阪) [Pesutorī, kēki, pai (Ōsaka)] will merge to form SWISSCAKE - based in Zug, Switzerland. CC will be travelling to Japan with iD in June to hold talks with the newly appointed SWISSCAKE (Asia) Managing Director - Mr Shirokuma**


Although SWISSCAKE will control 95% of the worlds LDC cake production, supplies, ingredients and finished articles, They remain committed to providing quality LDC at reasonable prices in to the UK market* Furthermore, SWISSCAKE would like to strongly refute the scurrilous rumour that “industrial quality LDC“ – as available in major UK supermarkets - will be increased in price by 700%. As an ethically aware and responsible supplier, SWISSCAKE will keep all LDC price increases to no more than 250%.


Captain Cynical


* Sales Director You reckon they’ll buy that Captain? CC: Probably, it’s worked so far

** look up the name


You've been smokin' those mushrooms again haven't you CC??

The Doc has warned you off them before.  Several times.


26 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

We have switched to Nigel Slater’s LTC recipe. It is amazing, even with much reduced sugar content. 


Lemon Treacle Cake?  You have this Bear's undivided attention - we need pictures.......


5 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

As a cake-free zone, I refuse to bow to the nefarious goings on over there in Yurup.  I've seen those balloons he's flying around the world trying to suck up all the ingredients for the cakes, so Donk-o-Zap is busy shooting the things down all over the world with his ray gun once more.




Is Donk suffering a Tail injury there?


In other news.....

Final prep of coving carried out, followed by the first coat of paint to the coving and plaster rose; the second coat will happen shortly.  I've a feeling that more will be required though - the filler has a habit of "bleeding thru'" the paint finish and appearing as a shadow, despite using Dulux Trade Paint.  Advance Turdycurses.

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11 minutes ago, polybear said:

Lemon Treacle Cake?  You have this Bear's undivided attention - we need pictures.......

Lemon Thyme Cake. Sorry no pictures, I ate the last piece at tea time yesterday. I am sure there will be another though. My usual answer to “would you like a slice of cake?” is “no thank you”. But this was very nice. 
Found a photo. And the recipe. We have his book (well more than one of his books) 



Our lemon thyme wasn’t in flower but I don’t think that matters. Aditi reduced the sugar quantity which produced more of a lemon experience but we liked that. I don’t think our cake consumption is too excessive for our diabetes. We are both well into the pre diabetic levels now. I eat very little cake so it was nice to find one I really liked. 

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3 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


I'm shocked by such comments Q! Espically from a man of your esteemed years. What will the 'children think'?


You now realise I have a mental image of you lying on the floor like some beached walrus with the memsahib frantically tugging at  one of your legs in vain attempt to free you from the neoprene terror.

Just to help you along, here is the after picture once out of the suit


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