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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Indeed, except for the second one reported over Colombia and Venezuela - assuming those reports to be accurate.


That one's even stranger.


It's no secret that the USA and PRC see eachother as adversaries and that their relationship has nosedived. So spying and espionage are perfectly logical (and I think we all know both are spying on eachother using every tool they have).


But Columbia and Venezuela? I suspect that if Beijing has any questions about Venezuela they can just pick up the phone and ask. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I started a new topic for this but I thought i would post it on ERs in case anyone can help.


SWMBO has an Amazon Prime account and yesterday was unable to complete a purchase because there was a 'problem with her card' as in they were 'unable to complete authentification'.  She deleted the card and re-entered it as this has worked before, but with the same result.  She also received a message that her Prime wouldn't renew next month for the same reason.  Card is a VISA Debit card on the Co-op Bank. 

The bank call centre is shut weekends, but on-line research suggests that banks tell you it's a problem with Amazon.  The Amazon help desk wasn't very helpful as SWMBO is not very tech savvy and also autistic, but did they get her order paid for, although the card problem remained.  A further message (screenshot below) again tells her to contact the bank.  This appears to be a very common problem according the internet but she's been unable to find explanations or solutions.  The timing is unfortunate as she's just out of hospital after a hip replacement.   Does anyone have any experience of this, or any idea how to solve the problem?



amazon screenshot 05_02_23.png

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  • RMweb Premium

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately is more appropriate) I have never had that problem with Amazon so can't help, sorry.


I have found Amazon help painful and very difficult. When Amazon works it is superb, but when I moved from UK to Singapore I had all sorts of issues because they were trying to keep charging me for Prime UK when I wanted to subscribe to Prime Singapore. It was resolved in the end but their contact stuff was terrible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon All!


14 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Would be interesting if its found to contain parts made in the west - if found please return to .............?


I suspect they are more likely to find "Western Tech, Made in China" inside ......


13 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Coober Pedy, (  South Australia) supermarket back in the day, late 70s, early 80s.



(Lol at @polybearhaving a sook  that time  the Europeans wouldn't let him buy dangerous paint stripper!)



"Oh yes please.   May I have a large bloomer, a bottle of washing-up liquid, 3 sticks of jelly and a detonator?" 🤣


5 hours ago, polybear said:

The use of a Sidewinder seemed like overkill to this Bear, unless they just happened to have one that was about to go lifex and needed disposal anyway.


More than likely and such fun too!


5 hours ago, polybear said:

I would've thought a using the aircraft's gun (they do still have those, don't they?) would've been equally effective and with less risk of damage to any electronics being carried.


Will bullets go ~20000' uphill I wonder?  (Assuming service ceiling of the aircraft circa 60K  and the balloon was flying at circa 80K)


4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Dr. SWMBO is on the phone dealing with matters Downunder. Dragon-in-Law asked her to write something to be read at the funeral of her late uncle. She read it through to me and it sounded perfect - thoughtful, respectful and concise. DiL called her at silly o’clock this morning to say it was “unacceptable” and that she would “have to say something altogether different”.  That hasn’t gone down at all well.


Hmmm.  If someone is asked to produce such a script and it is done in the way you describe then that, in this Puppers' view, is that!    If the content was blatantly untrue, disrespectful or unnecessarily controversial that would be a different matter but a respectful, considered offering are the true thoughts of the author and should also be respected.   If I was the author and somebody said that to me my response to them would be thoroughly considered but might  would not be polite or respectful to them.


Families; don' you just love 'em!


In Other News


A nice but chilly morning for a bimble over to Jordans Mill for breakfast.    A somewhat more modest 25 mile run than Thursday's 75 mile job but very nice nevertheless.


The second astronomy gadget (for a friend) is giving me a right load of grief.     The GPS unit takes an age to get lock when its been off for awhile.    Just wondering if there's a teeny weeny defunct button cell secreted about the GPS module somewhere that's meant to store the ephemeral data when its powered down?   I'll have to get the magnifier out!





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  • RMweb Gold
8 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

If Mrs JJB get cross I shall plead extenuating circumstances and being influenced by others and provide details of ER. You have been warned

Good grief.  We are all class correspondents in a divorce case.

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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, polybear said:

Apparently several Charities have been known to go to great lengths to screw as much as they can out of Estates as well - sadly I don't know which ones though, as I'd make bluddy sure they didn't appear in a certain Bear's Will in the first place.

Insofar as squabbling is concerned, I've read in many places (and some of it *apparently* based on the experiences of numerous Solicitors) that the fairer of the sex are by far the worst, though I've no idea if that's actually correct or not.





Charities are notorious, standard advice is that if you want to leave something to charity write it as £xx, never write it as a proportion of the estate. I've had friends who went through hell as charities took a very predatory approach as to what constituted 20% of the estate or whatever the proportion they wanted was.

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  • RMweb Premium
32 minutes ago, BoD said:

Good grief.  We are all class correspondents in a divorce case.


It may be more likely to be manslaughter, depending on how cross she is with me. Just saying.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear wants a choo choo.....Bear buys a choo choo.

Being a sad & lonely Bear does have some advantages....


Just seen an add about the DPS commisioned further  run of Accurascale Deltics.


NO! NO!  I mustn't!!!!!   (Just spent a ~ third of a Deltic on a die and a set of taps for the Beeza's crankshaft & nut!)



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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, BoD said:

Where’s the challenge in that.


It's deciding which choo choo to buy.....and being "good" and only buying one (not hard nowadays cos' of the silly prices now being asked for many models)


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  • RMweb Premium
12 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:

Afternoon all,


I've been thinking ... you may wish to take cover now ... But the problems and crises suffered by various ERs dredged up an old memory. The Romans used to mark a bad day with a black pebble and a particularly good or lucky day with a white pebble. Doesn't work too well with today's wall calendars... Apparently there were no shades of grey, it was white, black or unmarked. 


That got me onto classics in general. I'm used to seeing Jamie's Latin motto/comment in his signature but have seen a few more appear over the last couple of weeks or so. At the risk of being called 'Pegleg', perhaps I could offer a few suitable phrases for anyone wanting a new forum motto:


(literal translations first, then more colloquial language) 


Animis obibusque parati – prepared in mind and resources / ready for anything


audaces fortuna iuvat – fortune favours the bold.


Cacoethes loquendi – a compulsion to write/the desire to compose


carpe diem – seize the day/make hay while the sun shines


cave quid dicis, quando, et cui – beware of what you say, when and to whom/ think before speaking/typing  


de gustibus non est disputandum – there's no accounting for taste/taste is [very] subjective


delenda est Carthago – Carthage must be destroyed [at all costs] / an example of rhetoric stirring irrational passions


deus ex machina – a god out of a machine / a rabbit out of a hat


diem perdidi – I have lost a day / an unproductive/wasted day


eheu fugaces labuntur anni – alas, the fleeting years fly by / time passes quickly


errare humanum est – to err is human


etiam atque etiam – again and again / excessive repetition


felicitas habet multos amicos – prosperity has many friends / everyone likes a winner


festina lente – make haste slowly / don't rush into things


hoc age – do this / get on with [your work you lazy *]


iacta alea est – the die is cast


ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros – fire tests gold, adversity [tests] strong men / life is no bed of roses




Illegitimi non carborundum - Don't let the b'sterds grind you down.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

I have been led astray by ER!


This week, after perchance being made aware of the existence of a company called Auscision I happened to look upon their website and discovered that they make a Victoria railways L class electric locomotives. Applying a rigorous analytical process of evaluation I quickly verified the following key credentials:


-Made by English Electric? Tick

-Bull nose design? Tick

-Coat hanger on roof? Tick

-Nice liveries? Tick


By some accident of the Internet I appear to have ordered one.


If Mrs JJB get cross I shall plead extenuating circumstances and being influenced by others and provide details of ER. You have been warned.

Just tell her you bought it before you were married.  I can still get away with that on occaisions.

1 hour ago, jjb1970 said:


Charities are notorious, standard advice is that if you want to leave something to charity write it as £xx, never write it as a proportion of the estate. I've had friends who went through hell as charities took a very predatory approach as to what constituted 20% of the estate or whatever the proportion they wanted was.

Yes.  Our father saved my brother and I a lotbof hassle by leaving us fixed amounts and only the residue to the cats home as we called it.  That meant that all the funeral and other expenses came out of their share.  It meant that when Dignity, plc, money grubbers of the funeral industry wanted £700 for a new plaque with both his and our mother's names on it we just said yes with a clear conscence.



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