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10 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Regarding the recent kit census, I opened a drawer and found another load I'd forgotten about.

It's filling those drawers, shelves abd cupboards  of shame that helps manufacturers to make their profits.


Anyway,  good moaning from a cold Charente  where it's hovering round about zero.  We still have snow ligging around so it will be interesting to see what happens.


We had a good afternoon up at the Salle de fete.  Galette and frangipan tart was eaten, wine was consumed and much good conversation  was had.  Even though we can't vote we were made very welcome.  In the evening we spent over an hour chatting to Martin and Katie.  


Today some logs need bringing down and then it's time to dig two mor foundations for another water butt. 


Regards to all.



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Morning, le rock is 8c - eight!  wow.  No idea if it is wet or not, still dark.


Today will mostly be....doing very little, as Mrs NHN did the washing yesterday for some reason, I'm not complaining.  My car is being serviced in the Bright Lights of Ramsey, dropped it off last night, so no wheels today.  My pal is taking me down to get it late afternoon.


So who knows, maybe muddling time will be had, given it is feasible to heat the garage as it isn't windy.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a good nights sleep last night, five hours plus two hours. I had a dream but I can't remember what it was about now. No problems with Arthur Itis and the eczema is behaving itself hence the good nights sleep. Still -1C hereabouts but not even a hint of fog just some high cloud.

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Just now, Tony_S said:

It was what Winnie the Pooh really said as Christopher Robin dragged him down the stairs.  



(For the record, Pooh actually said "You clumsy fuggin' piggin' tw@t...I'm gonna get you for that....."

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2 hours ago, polybear said:
2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

It was what Winnie the Pooh really said as Christopher Robin dragged him down the stairs.  



(For the record, Pooh actually said "You clumsy fuggin' piggin' tw@t...I'm gonna get you for that....."

For the record ...... 

CR dragged WtP UP the stairs.  

What WtP said was "WhereInTurdyCurseLandWithAFriggin'PigletOnMyArmAreYouTakingMeNow?????" 

What CR said was "You know what your name is ..... well I need one of those and you're coming along for the ride" 




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' afternoon all from red dragon land,

Back from hibernation brought on by the appearance of those ads and pop up thingies. Good not to have them floating around. 👍


Down on the trax, yesterday. We were not sure we would be running tr**ns as some rail sections and points were iced up the day before.  However, it was +4C and slowly thawing ice was broken up and rails cleared, and it was go go go. Even so, with woolly hat down over ears and forehead, and snood covering cheeks, nose and mouth, what was left of my face felt the full force of the bitter cold wind coming into the cab on the run round from the shed to the station. I was certainly glad I had forked out on a pair of base layer wool leggings. Any colder and my bib and braces would have gone over my jeans as well! As it was, I had two fleece jackets and a thick shirt over a wool sweater, plus, I wore my thinsulate lined gloves. All nice and cosy! Very cosy, thank you!


Having said that, at least I was not sailing from Caenarfon to Birkenhead, Bordo and Wiclo as mentioned in the most moving version I have heard of one of my favourite Welsh traditional songs mentioning these places. Views of Caernarfon port and dock bring back memories of sailing to places such as Porth Dinllaen, Pwllheli, Aberystwyth, Fishguard and Milford Haven, only between May and September.



Mae'r holl longau ar y cei yn llwytho
Pam na chaf i fynd fel pawb i forio?
Dacw dair yn dechrau warpio
Ac am hwylio heno
I Birkinhead, Bordo a Wiclo


Toc daw'r stemar bach i'w towio
Golau gwyrdd ar waliau wrth fynd heibio


All the boats by the quay are loading
Why can’t I go like everyone sailing.
There are three starting to raise the anchor
And sailing tonight for 
Birkenhead, Bordeaux and Wicklow.


Soon the small steamer will come to tow
A green light on the walls while going by.



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Afternoon All


Been a cold and overcast day here in the Deep South. Just stopped for a cuppa.


Got a bone to pick with number one cub….when I get home.


We are having the en-suite re done at the moment. Mrs Grizz has gone for a classic white tile for the shower and part of wall.


This is the view this morning….Beeky chastard. Haven’t had the b*lls to show Mrs Grizz yet.



Have a great evening all..


ATB Grizz

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