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9 hours ago, polybear said:


One of my (many) great hates about the media is they can get away with printing stuff like:


"It has been alleged that @iL Dottore's legendary triple cooked chips are in fact frozen jobbies from Aldi"




"Puppers has been accused of being a closet GWR Muddler"


I reckon there are many ways to deal with that sort of allegation made by the media. The first, of course, is not to say anything beyond, perhaps, a terse “no comment“.

or the sarcastic “you may think that, I cannot possibly comment


Perhaps another way is counter information – such as releasing a press release along the lines of “to show solidarity with the striking P4 modellers @iL Dottore is proud to serve his customers frozen Aldi chips at his triple cooked chips prices with the difference going to the P4 modeller fighting fund. Since starting, support from customers has been so great that he is pleased to say that he has sold out his entire stock of frozen chips“


Of course, there is going on the offensive: “in a statement made from his office today, a @PupCam spokesman said that due to the severe cutbacks made by the last government, puppers has no choice but to model GWR as all support for LNER, SR, LMS and BR modelling has been removed. Something the @PupCam party pledges to reverse

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Regarding the statins: my GP friend said that when the statins were introduced, they radically changed his practice in the way he was able to manage certain patients. He feels that they were a major step forward in improving patient care and outcomes in selected diseases.


Of course, as more and more people are exposed to a treatment, more and more data on efficacy and safety is collected and the risk benefit ratio can change over time. There are quite a few drugs that when introduced were major advances in treatment, but had a very narrow therapeutic index and have been replaced by safer and sometimes more effective drugs (a number of antibiotics fall into this category).


The other point to consider is that many drugs need to be prescribed only after a full work up and need to carefully monitored after prescribing. And, quite frankly, unfortunately a 10 minute visit with your GP may not be sufficient.


I am quite fortunate inasmuch as the healthcare system in Switzerland is run along the Bismarck system lines. In practical terms this means my GP visits can be anywhere between 5 minutes and 20 minutes face to face (plus whatever waiting time is needed for The in-house x-rays and lab tests to be taken, processed and results given to the doctor)

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14 hours ago, grandadbob said:

If you were to look closely at me Tony you might find that I sometimes behave oddly!  🤪


Only sometimes?  Must try harder.....🤣


Bear here......

Today should see the boxing in of the pipework with plasterboard.  Hopefully.

After that it's MIUABGA day.  Today has also been designated as......Pizza Day.  Yahooooooooooo.


In other news.....

It's been announced that Lisa Marie Presley died yesterday, reportedly after a Cardiac Arrest.  VSBT's


And finally......

Bear has decided that death due to Malteser poisoning sounds like one of the better ways to depart.....

(For the avoidance of doubt, Bears are rather partial to the odd couple of hundred Maltersers or so)

Bear gone.

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To return to more serious matters, I had a hokkaido baked cheese tart for lunch, I'm not sure whether these have reached Britain or America but they're terrific, there's a recipe here:




I was going to try making them but it seems a lot of effort when I can buy tip top examples for not a lot at the local mall (I take being idle seriously).


These are very different to cheese cake, the cheese is soft and gooey, like a very thick, viscous fluid. And like with many Asian deserts they're not that sweet, they have a sweet and salty taste which is very different to cheese cake. I love them, well worth trying if you've never had one.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

This gets more and more difficult all the time in an increasingly polarized media landscape but editorial slant has always canted the fourth estate for as long as there have been "news" outlets.


It was always true that there were unreliable sources of news that people considered "reputable". The term "yellow journalism" was coined for US newspapers in the late 19th century. The hyperbolic reporting that was part of newspaper "circulation wars" then may even have led to the very real Spanish-American War.


Competition remains fierce. Reputable brands still want to scoop their competitors. Meanwhile 'free' access to news online is destroying print journalism - in particular the news rooms of local newspapers. (One paper in Southern Oregon is shutting down this week.) In the meantime, online disinformation in alternative online sources in social media feeds is rampant - often fueled by partisan politics and even state actors.


And all that is before we begin to talk about a major multinational English-speaking media company with Australian roots - which I won't go into here.


Then there's AI. It's only a matter of time before we see totally synthetic (algorithm generated) news, particularly online in social media.



I think things are getting worse. There has always been an issue with confirmation bias and people gravitating towards news outlets which provide opinions they agree with. At one time I read the Grauniad and the Torygraph on the basis that if I read a left and a right wing paper and compensated for the inherent biases of each I should end up with something reasonably balanced. Now people are fed confirmation bias without even realising it because of search engine algorithms.


I also think the press has changed. At one time papers tended to be left leaning or right leaning, but these differences in slant were pretty clear. What I find now is that behind a façade of differing over emotive trigger issues (invariably social issues) it's amazing how the press is now largely conforming to a common position on economic, foreign affairs, security matters etc. For all I used to laugh at the bonkersness of many Grauniad and Torygraph articles I actually enjoyed reading different perspectives and being challenged to think differently.

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  • RMweb Gold
50 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

many Asian deserts they're not that sweet,

I generally avoid Indian sweets and desserts, they are fro me either very sweet or excessively nutty. 

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

To return to more serious matters, I had a hokkaido baked cheese tart for lunch, I'm not sure whether these have reached Britain or America but they're terrific, there's a recipe here:





Looks remarkably like a Custard Tart to this Bear.

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  • RMweb Premium
25 minutes ago, polybear said:


Looks remarkably like a Custard Tart to this Bear.


You need to try a Hokkaido cheese tart, the taste is quite unique. I found them to be one of those things I wasn't sure about initially, they're not savoury but they're not that sweet either. Once I made up my mind they're very more-ish.

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2 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

It's been a very windy night here too, gales howling round the chimneystacks, rain lashing the windows, things blowing over or off roofs. What sounded suspiciously like next door's greenhouse getting something solid through at least a couple of panes.


Damn you weather.  I know you are only trying to warn us about climate change but really, this rebellion, this blocking roads and disrupting people's lives,  it's not going to endear the majority to your cause.

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  • RMweb Gold
23 minutes ago, polybear said:

NNND has just returned from a very brief trip to Holland - she brought back a wedge of Dutch Cheese for Bear

Did you ask if it was made backwards ?

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