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  • RMweb Premium

Re the formatting issues, for me, I don't think it's changed for a few weeks. I don't know if I've been fortunate but this is what I see:


(I've not logged out or done anything with the profile in that time). 



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Re. Prince Harry, I fear that by courting the media “to tell his side of the story” he is making the same (and ultimately fatal) mistake that his mother made - courting the media is like riding a tiger: very easy to get on (too easy?) and almost impossible to get off.


Some other points, if I may. Harry’s SWMBO is conspicuous by her absence. One Guardian BTL commentator opined that Mrs H wound up the prince, pointed him at the Royal Family and pulled the trigger! Make of that what you will.


I suspect that for the “spare” to truly find peace and “closure” (as psychoanalysists might say) he’d be better off as plain “Harry Windsor”, sinking into wealthy obscurity. But without titles, how long he could sustain his current lifestyle (and - to be coldly cynical - sustain his marriage)?


Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

But without titles, how long he could sustain his current lifestyle (and - to be coldly cynical - sustain his marriage)?

In that case might we end up with a West and East Sussex?



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  • RMweb Premium
6 minutes ago, DaveF said:

... Eventually it got to the stage where I had the council's IT staff ringing me to ask for advice on sorting out problems as they said I was better at it than them.




Same with me and telephones. Despite never being in telecoms or an electrical engineer, I was the go to man when our section had telephone set faults. I achieved a success rate of around 60% just by fiddling with them. Strange ...  but faster than calling the official IT guy. 


Ironically in a previous employment I used to say I was cursed by the telephone system, as I struggled with it for no logical reason. For example, I'd dial a number and it wouldn't go through, I'd get silence, clicking or not recognised. Someone else would do the same immediately before and/or afterwards and the system would work as normal. Hey ho, ours not to reason why... 

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7 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:

…,Ironically in a previous employment I used to say I was cursed by the telephone system, as I struggled with it for no logical reason. For example, I'd dial a number and it wouldn't go through, I'd get silence, clicking or not recognised. Someone else would do the same immediately before and/or afterwards and the system would work as normal. Hey ho, ours not to reason why... 

To get all “New Age” on you, perhaps your aura has changed?


For the longest time I could never wear a watch as anything more complicated than a very cheap mechanical Timex would stop working in a day or two (and even with a very cheap Timex it was 50:50 as to the watch working for more than a few days).


Then I met SWMBO and suddenly I could wear watches again. 

Obviously my aura (an electroneurochemical field - I guess) had changed. Something else I need to thank Mrs iD for

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, BoD said:
1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

But without titles, how long he could sustain his current lifestyle (and - to be coldly cynical - sustain his marriage)?

In that case might we end up with a West and East Sussex?

But he has a title, just published, which cannot be taken from him. “Spare”. 

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:






I couldn’t agree more. It’s one thing to respect the personal choices of a minority, but it’s another to allow the minority to dictate to the majority.


Although I’m a heavily carnivorous omnivore, I do enjoy proper vegan and vegetarian food. And when I say “proper” I mean natural foodstuffs not meat or dairy “substitutes”

I do object to “fake food” - highly processed, high in chemicals, often neither good for the body or the environment (Google “amount of water needed to make 1L of almond “milk” “)


My view is that if you eschew meat or all animal products (for philosophical and/or ethical reasons) isn’t eating fake meat and fake dairy a betrayal of your philosophical/ethical position?



I think I said this before but it's worth while repeating it. The people pushing the vegan meat products aren't necessary the vegetarians themselves but rather 'big business' looking to make more of a profit outside of 'niche' market that is veganism.


Vegetarians are only to happy to tag along on the 'coat tails' of this, as it helps there 'agenda'.


Please don't get me wrong here. I'm not against vegetarianism its just i think neive to believe it will solve all the world's hunger problems.

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  • RMweb Premium

I kind of feel sorry for vegetarians, as these days a certain part of veganism considers vegetarianism to be just as heinous as eating meat. Now there is a vocal group of vegans (not all vegans, many are happy to co-exist with others) which demands veganism or nothing. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I like vegetarian food. I'm not vegetarian but I do eat a lot of vegetarian food. Vegetarian dishes have always been a significant part of culinary culture in many Asian societies and there are loads of wonderful vegetarian dishes out here.

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2 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Good morning everyone 


Once again thanks for all the positive comments regarding Sheila’s recent eye op. Some more improvements have been noticed today, but especially in her right eye, the left is still a bit blurry, but that may well be down to the other underling problem FUCHS! We’ll  know more at our next consultation. 


Meanwhile, the rain has finally stopped falling, but it is far too wet to do anything outside, so to use @chrisf old phrase, I’ll do some unspecified pottering today. 


Back later. 




Im so glad Sheila is already benefiting. It really does make a big difference. I've mentioned on here about Mum spending quite a bit of her life attending the MREH, so I know what its like to sit waiting. The top honcho there has a good reputation and has managed to improve the standards considerably.

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1 minute ago, jjb1970 said:

… there are loads of wonderful vegetarian dishes out here.

Most definitely, so why the fake meat and cheese?


I suspect that the big food conglomerates see an easy “green pound” in flogging fake meat to wannabe vegetarians

enjoy burgers/sausages/chicken nuggets without the guilt” (sic) seems to be a frequent marketing message.


Fake burger or spaghetti, olio, aglio e peperoncino? Both vegetarian/vegan, but what would you prefer? All chemical or all natural?

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm waiting for stories to appear telling us that these 'miracle vegan meat' products are more loaded in salt, fats and chemicals than anything with meat and advising that they be avoided like the plague. Not that I'm a cynic or anything.

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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

But he has a title, just published, which cannot be taken from him. “Spare”. 


Yes he got paid twenty million, so the paper says, for using it.


Perhaps I'm missing a trick and should be cashing in by using mine. No suggestions please.

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  • RMweb Gold
10 hours ago, Barry O said:

are "non dairy

When I was young the better ice creams were “dairy”, The cheap non dairy ones in those days contained all kinds of fats and they were not necessarily plant based. 

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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, polybear said:

I recall a TV series about HMS Ocean - IIRC in one programme they lost all power (in the Channel?) and the computerised engine management systems had to be shut down and rebooted in order to restore power.  It also seems that the advent of computers into systems controlling power stations etc. makes them vulnerable to cyber attacks (IIRC such attacks have taken place). 




At one time marine diesels were remarkably resilient beasts and if it was necessary you could normally do something to keep the things working (if necessary by machining bits in the workshop). Modern engines with common rail fuel systems, variable timing and electronic safety systems are completely reliant on their control systems. Unfortunately the only way to meet emissions requirements and the efficiency performance demanded by customers means the old electro-mechanical control systems are difficult to make now. What is more worrying is that engine rooms and ships systems are full of PLCs controlling all sorts of equipment, each with embedded software that goes through a far less rigorous approval process than the expensive engine control and platform management systems.

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6 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:


At one time marine diesels were remarkably resilient beasts and if it was necessary you could normally do something to keep the things working (if necessary by machining bits in the workshop). Modern engines with common rail fuel systems, variable timing and electronic safety systems are completely reliant on their control systems. Unfortunately the only way to meet emissions requirements and the efficiency performance demanded by customers means the old electro-mechanical control systems are difficult to make now. What is more worrying is that engine rooms and ships systems are full of PLCs controlling all sorts of equipment, each with embedded software that goes through a far less rigorous approval process than the expensive engine control and platform management systems.


So basically if it goes wrong there's no point in hitting it with hammer/spanner or suitable heavy object, better to ring up the help desk instead so that they can say - have you tried turning it off and on again.

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  • RMweb Premium
15 hours ago, TheQ said:

I see the blank advert has gone..


Not from my machine (Safari), though Theme still says Premium. Annoying because if you click on, say, a Like button hovering above the top of the advert, even though it is outside the white box, or type close to it, the page does a speedy scroll to the top of the page, meaning you have to scroll back down the page to continue reading / typing.

<<sorry, don't like to rant!>>


' afternoon all from red dragon land.

Sunny but getting suddenly dark with ominous black clouds coming over... never fear, I am not going anywhere!


Late lunch beckons due to late breakfast due to oversleeping! ER...hum...forgot to set the alarm. 


Keep warm / cool. Be good. Go with the flow.


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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, jjb1970 said:


At one time marine diesels were remarkably resilient beasts and if it was necessary you could normally do something to keep the things working (if necessary by machining bits in the workshop). 


I wonder how many modern ships have much in the way of a Machine Shop on board (Lathe, Milling Machine, Pillar Drill etc.) plus someone that knows how to drive them?  The one on HMS Belfast is rather nice, by the way.

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