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10 minutes ago, pH said:

I think (if it was possible) that all learner drivers should have to do a trip as a passenger in the cab of a large transport truck. The experience certainly made me a lot more considerate/wary of large commercial vehicles.


That is a great idea. I'll push for it here.

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10 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

"Fruit cake", (particularly at the holidays) is considered a joke here.


People here have lost touch with the tradition of baking their own Christmas fruit cake, so when people in the US talk about "fruit cake" it is usually something manufactured - dense and made months ahead of sale. They are largely considered as "a gift of last resort that no one wants" - hence the elaborate means of disposal.


Traditional Christmas pudding (steamed fruit 'cake') is even rarer.


Stollen, on the other hand, is common. I remain partial to all manner of fruit cake.


While not unheard of, the whole family of tea cakes / fruit or date loaves are uncommon (most people are unfamiliar with them), with the exception of "coffee cake" which is very crumbly and usually coated in cinnamon and sugar.


Regionally at this time of year you can find King cake (essentially a cake-sized, iced, hot cross bun, sans cross and fruit and often decorated with, or encasing, a baby Jesus figurine) originally an Epiphany tradition. Danish Kringles (usually a large circular Danish pastry) are also a seasonal treat for some. A company in Wisconsin ships them all over the US.


I’ve had some really amazing food in the US. Really good steaks, gumbo, jambalaya, fresh crab and lobster (at a Fisherman’s Collective Café somewhere on the coast of N California), chicken fried steak, Tex-Mex, “biscuits and gravy”*, sausage biscuit**, great onion rings, hush puppies, really, really good steaks….


But for some reason I’ve found the US to be very poor at making puddings (desserts) and patisserie. Apart from the excellent New York Cheesecake, most cakes and desserts in the US I find to be incredibly, even sickly, sweet.

My impression is also that since I lived in the us (74-83) fast food chain food has become saltier and even more sugary. On one recent business trip to the US, I decided to treat myself to a Hardee’s chicken fried steak biscuit (very much an indulgent treat when I was a impoverished student) and I found the offering to be incredibly salty. And, on the same trip, treating myself to a Krispy Kreme doughnut (always a welcome energy boost with a cup of coffee when on duty as a paramedic), was like mainlining pure sugar.

Fortunately, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth; apart from a penchant for dark chocolate digestives (the king of biscuits), I can happily live without sweetmeats and the like. So, when I’m in the US I make a beeline to a Morton’s of Chicago (or local equivalent) where I most definitely indulge with a starter of fried calamari, followed by a decent sized grilled steak*** (medium rare, of course!), a baked potato with sour cream and chives, a side order of creamed spinach, all washed down by a decent Californian Cabernet Sauvignon or a local craft beer. The fact that after that I have no space for pudding bothers me not a jot.


Finally, I find the US has the most amazing local cuisines - each with at least one or two standout dishes; but strangely enough the one American cuisine style I just cannot abide is Italo American. (perhaps it’s because I have been spoiled by eating real Italian food in Italy). At best, Italo American food is a poor imitation of Southern Italian cooking - which in itself is not a patch on the food served in Northern Italy (although I say that as an intensely partisan Bolognese****)



* basically a savoury scone covered in a flour thickened gravy of ham and pan juices - in the right hands delicious (and NOT good for the waistline)

** savoury scone

*** a good steak has to be large enough to hang over the sides of the plate 😀

**** as in citizen of Bologna

Edited by iL Dottore
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8 hours ago, polybear said:

Hey, Puppers @PupCam - don't look now but Bear's become a Social Media "Influencer"........🤣

You mean that you’ve become one of those purple-haired, pierced and tattooed wierdos that espouse all kinds of bizarre, divorced-from-reality conspiracy theories?*

Or are you one of those surgically enhanced, pneumatically boosted, photo-shopped influencers peddling obscure cosmetic products?**


* e.g. LDC is being deliberately removed from shop shelves and replaced by cream buns by the underhand actions of the Milk Marketing Board.

** the idea of the Bear being pneumatically enhanced is too terrible to countenance…

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8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I still have the box full of shoe cleaning paraphernalia that was used when I was at junior school, some of the brushes must be older than me. I seem to recall throwing out the tins of polish when it was discovered that they had dried out. 


Bear sometimes discovers that the polish has cracked and is in numerous bits in the tin - I fire up a small camping stove in the back garden and put the polish on top of that to melt then re-solidify; it seems to work pretty well.


5 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



Now is it Bear, or would that exhibit look better if the car was heading the same way as the one in the photo?


Bear here......

First job of the day will be to haggle with Plusnet regarding the next contract price - if it's carp then they can keep it and I'll jump ship; I've spent the last few months changing to an alternative email address so that's no great issue - I'll still ask to keep my old email address as that's now do-able and free, apparently.


After that there's a small amount of sanding to do on the Newel Post, followed by a ponder regarding paint schemes; I'm still undecided about woodwork colour, which is the big question mark at the moment.  I also need to plan the next project for the M.E. Group Evening - not sure what that'll be yet.


The next H/S/L job will be to box in the radiator pipework coming thru' the ceiling and down the wall - I'll need some timber for that; with luck I have enough plasterboard stashed away to do the job.


In other news......

Does anyone happen to know if it's still possible to be able to release the handbrake on one of those strange cars that has a switch for a handbrake (rather than a lever) if the ignition switch is totally off?


Bear gone....

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I ended up growing to like electronic handbrakes, much to my chagrin after ranting about how awful they were. I don't think you can do anything without power, but once I got used to it on the Golf and the A6 they worked extremely well, they both had anti-roll functions for hill starts and applied automatically when switching the car off if you forgot.

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40 minutes ago, BoD said:

Good morning all.


I can understand why Kiwi say their sales are diminishing. Like GDB, since retiring, I only have one pair of shoes that require ‘a proper spit and polish’.  Nowadays that pair of shoes usually only comes out for funerals.




I have a nice pair of brogues but wear casual shoes to work (it's polo shirt or casual shirt without tie and chinos at the office here).

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