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  • RMweb Gold

I wish I knew jam .... I really wish I knew.


I had decided on a roundy roundy type layout for the loft but now I've just looked at the Dudley Road and Peter's Street thread and .........


Like I said above. blink.gif

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Hi BoD,

Why not very roughly sketch out a roundy roundy incorporating ALL the features you would ultimately like to have, then choose just ONE aspect that particularly appeals at the present moment, and start it as a diaorama, to eventually, maybe, be incorporated in the ultimate roundy roundy. The overall plan can then change many times as each successive area is modelled. You aren't stuck at any stage other than to complete the current project.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been there, felt the indecision and got the confusion!

You mention doing a loft layout and mention Dudley Road and Peter's Street.

I can imagine that a loft layout is a big undertaking, so how about something small just to keep the modelling going? A small TMD/MPD or a little branch line that can later be added into the loft layout perhaps?


I feel your confusion!

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  • RMweb Gold

I did walk to the opticians rather than scrape the ice off the car. Apparently the retinal pigmentation isn't a problem but if I get high blood pressure I could get eye problems so I shall do my best to be unstressed and calm! The camera software generated a montage image of the inside of my eyeballs which was interesting.

I think we have done all the Christmas shopping. Anything that is still needed can be obtained from the co-op down the road rather than driving to one of the large supermarkets. We have been eating Indian food all week so the turkey will seem quite a change for Christmas.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Yesterday, I opted not to go to work due to the volume of white stuff, and the council's decision to not grit the roads into our village - even though it's a bus route. So as a result, the bus people diverted the buses to avoid us, but didn't tell anybody, so people were standing like lemons at the bus stops. Roads round Lancaster were quite diabolical. A colleague from the same village left for work by car, and took over an hour for a ten minute drive - then couldn't get home due to the gridlocked chaos which masqueraded as Lancaster City Centre.


On the local radio yesterday, we listened to a council official who was trying to justify the non gritting of bus routes, as these are, apparently, "not necessarily a priority" - in the case of our village (1.5 miles of the A683), the gritting depot for this area is in the next village, on the A683! - gritters were passing the end of the village access road every few minutes - does it take Einstein to get one to run up and down the road so it is at least passable?


Overnight, we were forecast a couple of heavy snow showers, but oddly, the temperature rose by about seven degrees in the night and it all fell as rain, so we're "enjoying" a bit of respite here as the roads this morning were totally clear, so Mrs 45156 decided to join me to visit the supermarket, and to make her own way home - looks as if the buses are OK, so she should be fine with that.


However, tomorrow is another day.


Edit - apparently they did send a gritter, but it had run out of grit, and they had none left in the depot - at least that's their current version of an excuse - oh and the bins weren't done either, and now we need to wait til after Chrismas.

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  • RMweb Gold

"Jam and I seem to think alike!"

Great minds and all that ;)


Seriously BoD, I think it would be a useful...err... use of your time to grab some photos of inspirational layouts and pick up the best points - track plan/location etc and go from there. Little layouts are much easier to achieve than bigger layouts.

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  • RMweb Premium

:lol: Who knows!


HMS Calshot, huh? :lol: Doesn't actually sound far off the mark, does it?


Just trying out my girlfriend's MacBook, BTW. Boots up fast as a lightning - perhaps 15 to 20 seconds max. Only thing I can't really get to like about laptop computers in general is the trackpad - I do need my mouse! So, if I should go ahead and buy a laptop myself that would be a must add-on.

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Edit - apparently they did send a gritter, but it had run out of grit, and they had none left in the depot - at least that's their current version of an excuse - oh and the bins weren't done either, and now we need to wait til after Chrismas.


That is absolutely ludicrous! It's Winter - How can they run out of grit?!?


Having said that, they didn't grit much around here either. Priority is given to the Autobahns and the bus routes.


My advice would be to get a set of Winter tyres for your car. It is pretty much compulsory around here, although our Winters aren't usually that harsh in this part of Germany. I have a set of steel rims in the garage with Winter tyres on and swap them over from (approximately) October to March. The fuel consumption goes up very slightly - but the grip is phenomenal compared to Summer tyres (which is what most people are driving around on in the UK).


I recommended the same to my parents and they are now Winter tyre converts!

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