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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tried to phone my brother but there was something wrong with his phone, when he answered it went dead. It's most likely that he hasn't charged it so I'll give him a call in the morning. I hope you all had a good Christmas. 

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2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

It was raining when I surfaced and now overcast and now >6°C. Except for little nooks, there is no longer any sign of Thursday night's accumulated sleet and roads are wet but clear.


This evening sees plans for Christmas dinner with my eldest and his family. Younger son is driving.


My assignment for the evening is to bring cheesecake. It has been a long time since I prepared (even an easy no-bake faux-cheesecake) and intended to purchase one. Road conditions and Christmas Eve dinner preparations led me to sortie this morning while my youngest slept. Mission accomplished at a second location of a chain of diners. The closer location was unfruitful. I'll spare you the saga where I ended up leaving in frustration. All's well that ends well.

Seems strange that things are even open on Christmas Day. Here unless a service station sells them you'd be totally out of luck. Maybe have to use your imagination and end up with a  cheese and bacon pie that might be  still sitting in the  servos pie warmer from Friday.. 


34C forecast for today and not a cloud in the sky.  The beach beckons but we have guests, so it'll be a BBQ and a shady tree out the back. Oh well theres the Boxing Day test on in the air conditioning if they get boring.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Good Morning All,

I trust you had a splendid Christmas Day with friends and family and that Santa brought you everything (or a reasonable portion thereof) on your Christmas List.



Contrary to what a certain Supervillain may have said, Christmas Eve was spent in the company of Mrs iD’s cousins enjoying a light repast of smoked salmon and a rather nice Swiss rosé. For pudding, I was allowed into their kitchen and I whipped up a rather decent berry crumble and custard. Much enjoyed by Cisca’s Swiss cousins* At NO time was I inebriated, or anywhere close to it (as CC well knows, he was just stirring things up - the rascal).

Yesterday, for Christmas lunch, I did a simple meal of turkey breast cooked sous-vide**, duck-fat roast potatoes, sage and onion stuffing and steamed broccoli (Mrs iD’s request). Followed by Christmas pudding and skoolboy custard. As Christmas pudding is rather rich and as I always forget to make one a year in advance (apparently you should make a Christmas pudding in January for the following December), I resorted to a mini Christmas pud I bought in January 2022 - which had a “use by date” of December 2024! 


Tonight’s dinner will be duck, but I’m not sure how I’ll do it: with puy lentils? wokked with spring onions? Peking style? A la Orange?


But first a hearty breakfast of turkey and stuffing sandwiches, with leftover roast potatoes, pan juices and chopped turkey trimmings for the doggies.


Enjoy Boxing Day!


* Cuisine anglaise : dix points. Cuisine française : nul points 😆

** sous-vide gives you perfect turkey breast every time, what’s more it won’t dry out if your veggies aren’t ready in time.

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8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Seems strange that things are even open on Christmas Day.

Most places are closed. Some supermarkets are open until late morning*. Many of the 24** hour diners are open. They are busy with a mixed bag of people - like groups where people don't want to spend time in the kitchen, individuals who live alone, etc.


* One I swung by on the cheesecake quest which I mistook as being advertised as open until 11:00am per "the internet" was very much closed.


** Or almost - like 7:00am - 2:00am.


Places run by people who don't celebrate Christmas (traditionally like Chinese restaurants) might be open. This is a bit mythical these days and most of them will be closed - their kitchen staff would not want to work on Christmas.


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Morning All!


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

** sous-vide gives you perfect turkey breast every time, what’s more it won’t dry out if your veggies aren’t ready in time.


Sorry, got to disagree with that ID.     The perfect turkey breast is one that's still running around on a turkey (and I'm no Veggie!), the most over-hyped, over-expensive, least desirable to munch form of flesh there is irrespective of how well or badly it is cooked IMHO.    Why is turkey so expensive at Christmas; 'cos few wish to be polluted by it throughout the rest of the year I should imagine.


2 hours ago, TheQ said:

.....  I'll get ready for the traditional boxing day sailing event. 

Forecast 15mph gusting 30mph, sunny, low tide at 09:00, so incoming all day.

Two races today. With mince pies and mulled wine or a rum punch between.


That'll be good if a bit nippy.      Looking out the window; the sky is blue, it's relatively dry and the sun is out.       Think I'll leave the AJ tucked up safely in the garage though.    Besides, I'll be playing with Junior, Junior Puppers later on.   No doubt the Brio Tr*in S*t well get a good hammering! 😀


Have a good day




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35 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

…..others without meters just have to hopefully follow the NHS 'eatwell plate' which can be anything but - it has pasta in it, I quote: PLENTY OF POTATOES, BREAD, RICE, PASTA AND OTHER STARCHY FOODS end quote, which is another no-no for me.  And yes, that is a rant.

I sympathise, I haven’t worked in diabetes for the best part of 25 years, but even I am aware of the significant changes in the past two-and-a-half decades in the diagnosis, management and pharmaceutical/non-pharmaceutical treatment of DM.

I suspect that what you’re seeing is the fact that unless you are dealing with a particular disease/illness on a regular basis, it’s easy to “fall behind” in one’s knowledge. In my case, for example, I haven’t worked with hæmatological cancers (e.g. the lymphomas, the leukæmias) for at least 15 years - so if my next project was in Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I’d need to do a lot of reading pretty “toot-sweet”.

Another complication, relevant to the NHS, is the speed at which new information is incorporated into updated guidelines and those updated guidelines disseminated through a very large organisation.

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

Sorry, got to disagree with that ID.     The perfect turkey breast is one that's still running around on a turkey (and I'm no Veggie!), the most over-hyped, over-expensive, least desirable to munch form of flesh there is irrespective of how well or badly it is cooked IMHO.    Why is turkey so expensive at Christmas; 'cos few wish to be polluted by it throughout the rest of the year I should imagine.


I do, actually, agree with you. There IS flavourful and edible turkey out there, but it is hard to find and expensive to boot. As you rightly point out - turkey generally has all the foodie appeal of wet cardboard - and that’s before you consider the myriad ways in which it can be badly cooked…


Just across the border from us, in France, is a poultry farmer who raises - as a profitable hobby/sideline - a few free range turkeys, ducks and geese. They are not monstrous (usually 3 - 6kKg), have a slightly gamey flavour (as did turkeys did have before industrialised breeding and production) and couldn’t be fresher. One year, the farmer had forgotten our order - no worries: he just went outside the farm shop and some squawking and industrial machinery noise later, returned with a still-warm, plucked turkey with legs and head attached, gutted but with the giblets put back in.


THAT was definitely a turkey with taste. But not cheap (I won’t say how much, but certainly more expensive than even a “top end” mass produced bird). As for being “hard to find”, the farmer didn’t advertise and you had to know someone who was one of his existing customers and make an appointment to collect your fowl - all a bit hush-hush, really.


If, Puppers dear boy, you are forced to cook turkey (family pressures, societal expectations 😁 etc.), you could do worse than brining it first (which will firm up the meat and, if using an flavoured brine, add much needed flavour) then cooking the breast on the crown and cooking the legs confit*


Alternatively, make a Mexican turkey mole - guaranteed bags of flavour!

* that’s cooking by immersing food in olive oil, duck or goose fat. Surprisingly the end result isn’t greasy or fatty…


Edited by iL Dottore
Putting in the Kg
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Those of you who view my posts on all matters culinary, know that not only do I have a few pet hates when it comes to food (“No! Really?” asks @polybear), but I am also very much a purist when it comes to recipes (I’m OK with “inspired by”, but if the dish claims to be “Poacher’s Badger’s Nadgers Pie”, then it better have Badger’s Nadgers in it, or it ain’t a proper “Poacher’s Badger’s Nadgers Pie”)


So I was particularly delighted to discover Uncle Roger (warning: strong language)


Uncle Roger is the inspired creation of the Malaysian comedian Nigel Ng (and YouTube has an interesting video on how he came up with Uncle Roger as a comic creation). The thing is, Uncle Roger/Nigel Ng he really does know how to cook Asian food properly and is particularly scathing of certain celebrity chefs (and suitably so in most cases).


Why mention Uncle Roger now? Because I want to do an asian inspired duck dish tonight and went to YouTube for some tips and found the above.

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