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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Right Bear I'm on my way for sanding party. Weathers turned a 'tad wet aka p*&£#+g down' so I'm now free to provide my sanding services.


Two requirements or rather two and a half really.


Firstly and most important DD aka Devil Dog requires access to nearby open space frequented by male dogs on leads so that she terrorise them and secondly plentiful supply of decent pizza- happy with Co-op. Oh and the half not into the alcohol thing but a drop of slim line tonic with a splash of summer fruits would go down well.


See you soon.


Great timing, that - since a certain Bear pronounced sanding completed several days ago.


And you can tell DD I'm scoffin' all the Pizza.  Oodles of it.


2 hours ago, DaveF said:



Frameworks Main shop




Frameworks other shop




Now that's Bear's kinda Shop.......


In other news.....

All afternoon logging into various sites to check/change email addresses as required.  At least it's done now - though there are no doubt others of lesser importance still lurkin' out there.  I'll trawl saved emails tomorrow (and there's a lot of them - and some) to look for more.  A Google suggests the ISP does allow retention of my email address at no cost now, though I'd have to be careful to tell them when (and if) I tell them to p0ke their Broadband service.


And finally.....




Film studio Universal can be sued for false advertising after fans complained a movie trailer was misleading, a US judge has ruled.

Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas filed a lawsuit in January after renting the 2019 film Yesterday.

The actress was seen in the trailer, but the pair were disappointed to find she had been cut from the final film.

The plaintiffs, Conor Woulfe and Peter Michael Rosza, each paid $3.99 (£3.31) to rent Yesterday on Amazon Prime.

Woulfe and Rosza are seeking at least $5 million (£4.1m) from Universal in the case, which has been filed as a class action on behalf of other disappointed fans.

The pair argued they would not have paid the money to rent the film if they had known the actress did not feature in it.


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26 minutes ago, polybear said:

Film studio Universal can be sued for false advertising after fans complained a movie trailer was misleading, a US judge has ruled.

Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas filed a lawsuit in January after renting the 2019 film Yesterday.

The actress was seen in the trailer, but the pair were disappointed to find she had been cut from the final film.

The plaintiffs, Conor Woulfe and Peter Michael Rosza, each paid $3.99 (£3.31) to rent Yesterday on Amazon Prime.

Woulfe and Rosza are seeking at least $5 million (£4.1m) from Universal in the case, which has been filed as a class action on behalf of other disappointed fans.

The pair argued they would not have paid the money to rent the film if they had known the actress did not feature in it.

I continue to live in hope that one day folks will be able to file lawsuits for "stupid"! These two are second I think behind the idiot lady who filed a lawsuit because the coffee SHE SPILLED in her lap was served too hot in a McD drive-through!

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  • RMweb Gold
19 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

I continue to live in hope that one day folks will be able to file lawsuits for "stupid"! These two are second I think behind the idiot lady who filed a lawsuit because the coffee SHE SPILLED in her lap was served too hot in a McD drive-through!

Didn’t she win though?

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  • RMweb Gold
55 minutes ago, polybear said:





Film studio Universal can be sued for false advertising after fans complained a movie trailer was misleading, a US judge has ruled.

Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas filed a lawsuit in January after renting the 2019 film Yesterday.

The actress was seen in the trailer, but the pair were disappointed to find she had been cut from the final film.

The plaintiffs, Conor Woulfe and Peter Michael Rosza, each paid $3.99 (£3.31) to rent Yesterday on Amazon Prime.

Woulfe and Rosza are seeking at least $5 million (£4.1m) from Universal in the case, which has been filed as a class action on behalf of other disappointed fans.

The pair argued they would not have paid the money to rent the film if they had known the actress did not feature in it.


Hopefully this will be thrown out or rather not even reach the courts - a refund plus a gratuity might be in order but $5 million.  What is the USA becoming if it even considers such ludicrously ridiculous try-ons.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Ian Abel said:

I continue to live in hope that one day folks will be able to file lawsuits for "stupid"! These two are second I think behind the idiot lady who filed a lawsuit because the coffee SHE SPILLED in her lap was served too hot in a McD drive-through!


The most they should be entitled to is $3.99 - and no, they can't claim legal costs.

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2 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

These two are second I think behind the idiot lady who filed a lawsuit because the coffee SHE SPILLED in her lap was served too hot in a McD drive-through!

I thought the jurors and judge in Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants made a proper decision.


McDonalds had been frequently warned that their scalding hot coffee was too dangerous for drive-through service  - plaintiff's counsel presenting evidence:


"that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee"


The plaintiff* was 79 years old at the time of the accident and incurred third degree burns. She was hospitalized for eight days and required skin grafts. She was permanently disfigured and was partially disabled for two years. McDonalds initially offered $800 in compensation in lieu of her $10,500 in medical expenses. (She initially asked for $20,000.)


* Who was born in Norwich - yes in England.


The following is worth noting, based on all the hyperbolic (and misleading) press coverage.


[The court] awarded Liebeck $200,000 in compensatory damages, which was reduced by 20 percent to $160,000. In addition, they awarded her $2.7 million in punitive damages. According to The New York Times, the jurors arrived at this figure from Morgan's suggestion to penalize McDonald's for two days of coffee revenues, about $1.35 million per day.


The judge reduced punitive damages to $480,000, three times the compensatory amount, for a total of $640,000. The decision was appealed by both McDonald's and Liebeck in December 1994, but the parties settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
Added initial suit
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1 hour ago, BoD said:

Didn’t she win though?

Did she though?


She died 12 years after the burn accident.


According to her daughter, "the burns and court proceedings (had taken) their toll" and in the years following the settlement Liebeck had "no quality of life". She said the settlement had paid for a live-in nurse.


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2 hours ago, polybear said:

Film studio Universal can be sued for false advertising after fans complained a movie trailer was misleading, a US judge has ruled.

Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas filed a lawsuit in January after renting the 2019 film Yesterday.

The actress was seen in the trailer, but the pair were disappointed to find she had been cut from the final film.


The pair argued they would not have paid the money to rent the film if they had known the actress did not feature in it.

1 hour ago, PeterBB said:

Hopefully this will be thrown out or rather not even reach the courts - a refund plus a gratuity might be in order but $5 million.  What is the USA becoming if it even considers such ludicrously ridiculous try-ons.

Understand that the only recourse to stop dodgy (but not strictly illegal) corporate behaviour is to seek punitive damages.  The intent here is to send a message to the entertainment industry that false advertising with unrepresentative trailers* is unacceptable. The only way to do this is to hit them where it hurts - by punitive damages.


* An increasing trend


Compensatory damages in the this case are meaningless. 


Ask the questions:

  • Is misleading advertising acceptable?
  • Who is representing the plaintiff?
  • Who is paying for plaintiff's counsel?
  • Why did counsel accept the case?

Yes there is a long tradition of ambulance chasers and lawyers taking pro-bono cases to make a name for themselves (and substantial cash along the way.) Those might not be the only reasons.


In many cases, (particularly in the political space which I won't discuss here) the named plaintiff is in effect a proxy for some special interest.

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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Understand that the only recourse to stop dodgy (but not strictly illegal) corporate behaviour is to seek punitive damages.  The intent here is to send a message to the entertainment industry that false advertising with unrepresentative trailers* is unacceptable. The only way to do this is to hit them where it hurts - by punitive damages.




Not sure if its a recent trend or simply more blatant but  "making sh!t up" -  telling blatant falsehoods and making misleading statements without any repercussions seems to  have crept up  on us and seems to be everywhere now. Most obviously in politics ( not just talking about a certain ex-presidents endless stream of falsehoods and outright dodgy statements, similar occurred here in the 2019 election when one side started a scare campaign that the other was about to introduce death taxes, based on absolutely no proof whatsoever but arguably won them the election).


Biggest perpetrators here have been the mining and energy sectors, any perceived risk to their massive profits in the form  of any increased taxation unleashes a firestorm of advertising portraying themselves as just a bunch of Aussie blokes (and ladies) in hi-vis gear, driving bloody big trains and  trucks around the outback  whose jobs are at imminent risk, rather than the reality that they are a bunch of faceless men (and ladies)  in boardrooms in  Perth or Europe or Asia who could easily soak up the extra outgoings but think they shouldn't have to.  The current government has been the first to actually call their bluff in the face of threats of a huge misleading advertising campaign when the government announced a cap on domestic gas sale prices* and finally shown the energy industry up to be all mouth and no trousers. 


So basically, I reckon good on anyone who confronts the dodginess of corporations and  government statements and advertising no matter how stupid-sounding.  If we let them get away with the trivial, we'll end up living in a world where those in charge  of what we can do and what we can buy will say whatever they like without any repurcussions.


Oh, we do already. Australian on the whole have pretty well developed bullsh1t detectors but they are getting increasingly tested. 



*(in order to halt  the rise of domestic energy prices paid by customers so in essence they threatened to start an advertising campaign to  convince us to pay higher power bills so their massive profits can get bigger!) 





Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Apart from the odd grumble Arthur Itis has been quiet today though opening my parcel and stashing the contents away made my joints ache unless I sat down for a few minutes. Now to get down to Farcebook which I've ignored for the last few days.

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5 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

... they are a bunch of faceless men in boardrooms in  Europe or Asia who could easily soak up the extra outgoings but think they shoulnd't have to.

As Aussie as Mount Isa Mines (subsidiary of Glencore plc - a Swiss multinational commodity trading and mining company with headquarters in Baar, Switzerland. Glencore's oil and gas head office is in London and its registered office is in Saint Helier, Jersey)


As Aussie as Rio Tinto (Headquartered in London).


As Aussie as BHP* (headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, ... with sales and marketing led through our Singapore location)


* Which people probably still think is in NSW.



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The weather here settled down a bit overnight. At almost 2:00pm it's still -3°C and there hasn't been any precipitation, at least since I surfaced, late, this morning.


It was the coldest night in a long time and despite the thermostat maintaining 60°F / 15°C overnight, a smoke detector decided that 3:00am was the right time to begin the battery alarm. After replacing the battery it took me a couple of hours to get back to sleep.


We didn't have much in the way of freezing rain - there is a little bit of ice on branches but mostly there was 10 - 20mm of accumulated crunchy sleet on paved surfaces. It was softer, deeper and more snow-like under trees and, weirdly, on the larger roads (that I suspect had deicer liquid applied). Grassy surfaces look like there was a only a trace of snow.


Freezing rain remains in the forecast. I am hoping for rain tomorrow to get rid of the ice. Time to outfit myself to check the mail.


(Later) EDIT:

No mail so far - checking 90 minutes after it is usually a sure thing. The box was iced shut. A thermos of hot water (and paper towel) remedied that. The NY Post Office may be engraved with:
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." but in practice it can be different. 


The light-sensitive battery candles are on an hour before sunset. Very little frozen rain, but it can look seasonal:


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium
11 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

We didn't have much in the way of freezing rain - there is a little bit of ice on branches but mostly there was 10 - 20mm of accumulated crunchy sleet on paved surfaces. It was softer, deeper and more snow-like under trees and, weirdly, on the larger roads (that I suspect had deicer liquid applied). Grassy surfaces look like there was a only a trace of snow.


Freezing rain remains in the forecast. I am hoping for rain tomorrow to get rid of the ice. Time to outfit myself to check the mail.


There's video on the BBC website showing a guy throwing boiling water into the air and it immediately turns to snow.

Hopefully those in the worst of the weather will have enough sense to stay at home rather than adopting a "must get "home" to family for Chrimbo mentality; sadly I suspect that'll not be the case though

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26 minutes ago, polybear said:

Hopefully those in the worst of the weather will have enough sense to stay at home rather than adopting a "must get "home" to family for Chrimbo mentality.

Many thousands (millions?) of people will miss Christmas gatherings. Thousands of flights are cancelled today - I saw a report of 4,800* cancellations - 11% of total flights, with 7,200 delayed flights.


EDIT: 10 minutes later it was 5,000!


The Portland-area light rail services were suspended at 9:30am this morning - the pantograph ice cutters weren't cutting it, apparently.


A driver slid on ice and ended up on the UP mainline, where, yes her car was hit by a train. (I think it was here.) The driver escaped before the collision.


Many interstate highways are closed. The main interstate east of Portland (I-84) is closed. (There were ice-related fatal accidents there a couple of days ago.)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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4 hours ago, polybear said:


Great timing, that - since a certain Bear pronounced sanding completed several days ago.


And you can tell DD I'm scoffin' all the Pizza.  Oodles of it.



Well there's thanks for you. 


There i am offering to come to the aid of a fellow ER'er in his hour of need and what happens he shoots me down. You wait till i tell DD that she's not going to be visiting Bear Towers. I wouldn't like your chances Bear. And one other thing the pizza was for me not DD.


Well you'll not get another chance. I don't care how much pizza you have you've burnt your bridges now laddo.

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