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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, BoD said:

We prefer to stay away from the food shops if possible during Christmas week itself - they tend to be ridiculously busy.   Perhaps this year will be more subdued than usual. I somewhat doubt it.


Snap; History always seems to show that people bung it on the plastic and worry afterwards - only to discover they're totally in the sh1t.  This year that sh1t will be somewhat deeper than usual though.


In other news:

A few memories here; at least cars were fixable on the drive back then - which was a good thing cos' most seemed to need it at regular intervals:


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I had a strange rash last night, i noticed it as I went to bed. My arms were itchy and with a few red spots. Fortunately it has gone this morning. Now I have to tune in to an auction where I have made some commission bids, be back later.

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Good morning everyone 


First off, my thoughts are with Chris's @chrisf family, I’d met and chatted to him several times at shows in and around the north and he always struck me as a funny guy, he’ll be sadly missed on ER’s that’s for sure! 


Now, back to today, the sky is clear and blue and there is a thick frost on the workshop roof, even the arbour which is close to the back door has a frost on its roof! I was going to head to the workshop this morning and do a bit of tidying up, but it’s currently -4C outside, so I think staying inside will be the order of the day. 


Back later. 



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  • RMweb Premium
On 12/12/2022 at 13:48, Winslow Boy said:

That is sexist remark. Manxwomen are just as capable of screwing up a car crash as a Manxman it's just that they are usually the ones giving the directions. Whether or not that may have been the contributory factor  to the crash i couldn't possibly comment.


What you miss is that I was drawing attention to the use of "Manxmen" in the original post...

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