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4 hours ago, AndyID said:


Who is this "Bozo" of whom you speak?


What's YOUR point exactly , or are you only interested in scoring points for some idiotic reason?


Point Scoring?  Not at all.  All I said (and it seems quite a few others have too, on both sides of the Pond) that the exchange is, to many, just a little bit ok, quite a lot** one sided and has significant potential for making US Citizens travelling abroad a target for similar exchange deals.  The following is a snip from the NBC website:


(** Others may disagree)


"Bout, 55, was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison in 2012 after he was convicted of selling arms to Colombian rebels, which prosecutors said were intended to kill Americans. The Russian government had been demanding his release ever since, saying he was unfairly targeted. 

After the sentencing, Attorney General Eric Holder called Bout “one of the world’s most prolific arms dealers,” while the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, New York, Preet Bharara, said he had been “international arms trafficking enemy number one for many years, arming some of the most violent conflicts around the globe.” Amnesty International says he sold arms to sanctioned human rights abusers in Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo".


Now he may have come out of Prison a totally reformed character and intends to see out his days running a nice quiet bookshop somewhere....or he may be just a bit "anti" towards the US.  We'll see.


As for Brittney Griner see below:


3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

I don't support the way Russia used this case, but they do have every right to uphold their laws on drugs (which are hardly unusual) and I really don't have much sympathy for Griner.


I agree entirely that you abide by the laws of the country you're in; however it has been reported (sorry I don't have a source now) that the crime she committed is normally (IIRC) punished with a fine - but she was sentenced to nine years doing (reportedly) hard labour.  There's something seriously wrong there.


1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

It is so easy to do and it's almost always pulling out of roadside premises such as petrol stations.  It doesn't happen often after living over here for nearly 5 years but just occasionally.  I still think before pulling out form somewhere but our brains are not infalible.  



When I've been driving abroad "on the wrong side", even for short periods I do have to be careful when back in the UK - not just initially (after I've got off the plane) but maybe a week or two later - I've had instances where I've turned out of a junction and suddenly thought "Sh1t - what side of the road should I be on?"


44 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Indeed they should which is why, IMVHO, and I suspect @polybear and many other UK based ERs and the Police get very frustrated at some, again IMVHO, ridiculously lenient sentences handed out sometimes by the courts for trivial misdemeanours like murder, manslaughter, GBH, aggravated robbery etc etc.


Personally I suspect that current sentencing has created the problem of overcrowded Prisons - scrotes get away with crimes repeatedly so just continue as before, until it finally reaches a point where they do get sent down (often leaving a wake of destruction behind them).

Others see the scrotes getting away with crimes and think "I'l have some of that - even if I do get caught then I'll get away with it anyway".  And so it spirals upwards.

Does that make me a Criminologist?


In other news......

Some painting done - involving two trips to the shed, no less; fortunately they were short ones - which is good as it's like the Arctic Tundra out there. 🥶


After that it was finally (I think.....) finishing off the mods. to the chassis jig.  Tick.



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5 hours ago, AndyID said:


Not at all. I think (and you might want to too) that the punishment should be proportional to the crime.


So where do they hand down a death penalty and then keep the guilty person on death

row for anything up to 40 years ?

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When my brother took the bacon it was actually at the request of the British Council. It was sent as a diplomatic package. They asked people “known” to them to be couriers. He had told them if he wasn’t met at security it would be binned!  I suspect for anything confidential they didn’t use friendly engineers.

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I say chaps/chapesses . . . . Phaphing cold here today . . . Eye not feeling 100% since op. so exercised  my bus pass to go visit a Draculette for my annual blood tests.


While out, I bought a bottle of . . . . ABER FALLS WELSH WHISGI...... Asda price £20 . . .  very smooth.


Sharing concerns about chrisf . . . . 



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1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

Afternoon all 


Just another quick hello hope everyone is ok 


I have a chest infection that has knocked me for 6 at leadt according to covid tests I have escaped the Wu flu


Bear's Buddy's Daughter works in a testing lab in London - it seems that the number of cases of Pneumonia are going thru' the roof in London at the moment....


Bear here.....

Having just sold the redundant TV Stand via Ebay that came with the new lounge telly some months ago (I purchased a much more appropriate adjustable stand separately) I had lots of fun (not) packing the bluddy thing up this afternoon; first problem was discovering that I didn't have a suitable box (or any box, for that matter) large enough to use.  Turdycurses.  

Plan 2 was to make a "box" - o.k. it's actually more of a "wrap" in a couple of large pieces of corrugated cardboard; fortunately, I still had some of the packing left from when the Kitchen Units were delivered.  By the time I'd finished (which had involved two trips into Beamland in search of boxes before finally realising that I had no other option, other than cancel the sale and risk grief from the Buyer) I was starting to think it'd been a lot of Agg for nottahugeamountof Cake Tokens (but worthwhile though).  Still, it's done now and due for collection tomorrow; it's good to know that it'll go to someone that needs it rather than end up in the Loft or in Landfill.  A small Tick.


No action on the H/S/L today though - I needtogettamoveon.....



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Greetings all from a cold Sidcup, where the frost hasn't cleared off cars that haven't moved for several days.


In the throes of battling the auditors on year end. It's getting close to signing date so suddenly they are asking questions about things they have been provided with several months ago - it's all very frustrating.


But at least it is the weekend and a chance to drink a couple of beers from my advent calendar...! Now that the footie is back on we have an excuse not to watch re-runs of cookery shows.


Hopefully chrisf is doing all right.

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Bear here,,,,

Having arranged to take in a parcel on behalf of NNND, I just encountered the most delightful (and rather nice 🤪) young lady Courier working for DPD.  Not only was she bang on time, she spoke in a perfect and extremely polite manner (despite having an obviously foreign accent).  There were lots of phrases like "Good Evening Sir**", "May I", "Thank You So Much" and "Goodnight".  Unless she's doing the job as a stop-gap/in-fill then she's totally wasted being a Courier.  First Class - and a very nice change from some of the Neanderthals I have encountered.


(** Hmmm, "Sir Bear".  Kinda has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you agree Puppers? @PupCam 🤣)


In other news......

Friend in Hospital was most p1ssed off after having just had a blood sample taken from the back of her hand, which I can fully understand; Bear had an I.V into the back of a paw many, many moons ago and bluddy'ellitreallyreallydidfuggin'urt, even though I was pretty much "out of it" at the time.  I'm in no hurry to repeat the experience, that's for sure.  She has a suspicion that she'll not be going home today after all; she also suspects she's not the only one on the ward being tested for viruses (Virii?), various. 

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POETS, yes please...


Yesterday, nothing much other than an overly long rehearsal in the evening.

Jemma was due to go on her first OE flight series tomorrow but was just informed the check airman called in sick. She's awaiting new "orders"...


Today, the "tree" will be decorated some this afternoon, after the Mrs returns from a Brunch with friends and a hair-do appointment!

Then this evening we're off to our friends new condo to see how it is now they've moved in - take-out indian is the order of the day as they're not sorted enough to cook a meal right now - still unpacking a lot of stuff.


Weekend will be busy I'm sure. Will update as details become known 😀


Weather trending upward/warmer (ALL RELATIVE OF COURSE!!), only -4c first thing, overcast though and a high right around Zero expected.


Carry on.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Lazy day today, didn't do a thing but still feeling cream crackered. @Dave Hunt My boiler is also in the loft on an outside wall, not much option really as there's no other option as to where to place the vent. I hope @chrisf is ok and hopefully it isn't the black dog.

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8 hours ago, polybear said:

... it has been reported (sorry I don't have a source now) that the crime she committed is normally (IIRC) punished with a fine - but she was sentenced to nine years doing (reportedly) hard labour.  There's something seriously wrong there.



Cannabis in Russia is illegal. Possession of up to 6 grams (or two grams of hashish) is an administrative offense, punishable by a fine or detention of 15 days.

Brittney Griner 'possessed' two vape cartridges of 0.252 grams and 0.45 grams of hash oil, totaling 0.702 grams.

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