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3 hours ago, BoD said:

I see that Andy Y has posted a banner message apologising for cryptocurrency adverts. All I get is a big advert for the Manchester Christmas model railway exhibitions.

I get the crypto video (after the first post on a page) but am able to scroll away from it. Any floating players appear with 'close player' buttons, so navigation and content viewing is adequate.

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6 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I have a number of little coaching tips and tools up my sleeves.  One is to remember that we are only as good as our last interaction with a customer.  Another is to accept responsibility even when things are not your fault; if the customer is inconvenienced and especially if they wish to complain it is YOU - the one they are talking to - who must accept the blame on behalf of whoever might actually be responsible.  Taking ownership, it's called.  It comes from the first chapter in the Book of Excellence.  


I also coach the "Three E's" when inducting new staff;

Employment starts with an E; if you wish to stay employed then remember to 

- Exceed

- Expectations

- Everyday


Can't we have a fourth "E"?


- reserved for those Tw@ts who are basically just a total waste of good Oxygen; I'm sure you come across numerous candidates at regular intervals.....


1 hour ago, PupCam said:

My dilemma has been resolved.  After a few days away it's more than cold enough inside the house and that's with the heating on so I won't be going outside tonight!


Night Awl!



Heating?  HEATING??  What are you - Puppers or Mouse??  🤣


Bear here......

Yet more fun at the M.E. Group; Bear spent the evening playing with the bluddy great Milling Machine - and all without loss of blood or bvggering anything up - I even managed to get everything done that I wanted to.  Unheard of.


In other news.....

It seems that "Justice has been done" for Harry Dunn at long last.  Really?  I can't see a certain US Citizen being too concerned about the sentence somehow - most definitely not her finest hour.  Nor the U.S. Government's, for that matter.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land.  The new item that arrived this morning passed its test run with flying colours. It ran in both directions like a sewing machine, very pleased. Not bothered by the Bitcoin ad, just switched the ad blocker on. Thats it for now, be back later. 

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21 minutes ago, polybear said:

Can't we have a fourth "E"?


- reserved for those Tw@ts who are basically just a total waste of good Oxygen; I'm sure you come across numerous candidates at regular intervals.....

Or Exterminate, now where did those Daleks go.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:


It seems that "Justice has been done" for Harry Dunn at long last.  Really?  I can't see a certain US Citizen being too concerned about the sentence somehow - most definitely not her finest hour.  Nor the U.S. Government's, for that matter.



I doubt very much that the eventual outcome would have been much different for anyone who was used to driving on the right but the intervening shenanigans were not good at all.

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19 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

…Anyway we are still waiting for the tyres.  Yesterday's  excuse was that either the delivery lorry or it's driver had broken down...


M’sieur Rosbif you are too impatient. Ça arrivera, quand ça arrivera. N'est-ce pas?

Have a cognac, smoke a Gitanes or a Caporal, open a bottle of wine (or two), have a decent lunch, enjoy a cognac, philosophically contemplate the universe, refresh the cognac.


Life’s far too short to worry about when some tyres will arrive. Just suivez le courant, as the Amis would say.


Have another cognac…

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11 hours ago, BoD said:

 I heard on the QT from someone quite high up that the next big thing is going to be gold or silver foil wrapped chocolate coins.  I have great faith in their opinion and so have moved all my savings into these.  You heard it here first but I would act quickly if I were you.

Gold and Silver Chocolate Coins? Nah, they’re a mug’s game, mate.

What you need is to invest in Stollen or Panettone (Plum Puddings used to be a good investment - a bit dodgy now).


Mind you, I wouldn’t put money in confectionery if I were you. Apart from being very risky for the small investor (it can turn into a Bear Market very quickly), you can’t make much profit from - say - just a few LDC or a bag of Chocolate Coins. You need to think warehouse sized investments…


Whisky on the other hand, is a much better investment for the small investor. One of my clients invested in a single bottle of Isle of Man whisky back in 2018 and has just sold it to a Saudi collector for 30’000 times the original bottle price.


If you’re interested, I have some bottles of whisky you could invest in which are guaranteed money makers…


A Chancer 

Investment Fund Manager

Spiv and Wideboy Hedgefunds

City of London

Edited by iL Dottore
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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

One of my clients invested in a single bottle of Isle of Man whisky back in 2018 and has just sold it to a Saudi collector for 30’000 times the original bottle price.


Typo?  Wrong Rock? The only whisky/whiskey from here I'm aware of is foul!  Kella Distillery.  They have now moved on to 'Bifrost' whatever that is.  IIRC the 'whisky' had to be renamed 'Manx Spirit'.  Or was that the white version.  Surprised, anyway, if it is really Manx whisky.


In other news, 2c this morning after a chilly night, dry and still once more.  The bike will not be getting disturbed from its slumber for the club breakfast for sure.

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33 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

I actually watched a video on YouTube  of the sentencing speech and think that things are as good as they are ever going to get.  However there should have been at least one co defendant in the dock in the UK. Namely the spineless sh1t of a politician who allowed her to go back to the US.  That person should go down for a good long time for malfeasance  in public office.  Whether it was the then Home Secretary  or the PM who made the final decision I don't know. But it wouldn't have been a civil servant.


Indeed, but consider the alternative. A despot holds an athlete hostage for a minor crime that is not a crime anywhere else. Where is the outrage for that? It's easy to take pot-shots at the US (probably because most of them are deserved) while a certain person is determined to subjugate  most, if not all, of Europe. Europe really needs to get a grip.

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Ey up!


Off to Manchester land later after coll3cting my prescriptions... Will need a large sack for those.


Special relationships are supposedly two way.. our with the US is definitely biased one way and always will be..


Currently the moon is shining brightly and it looks somewhat chilly outside. My mugatea needs to be drunk so TTFN.



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Mooring Awl 

4.5 hours sleep, followed by intermittent dozing.  Undercarriage quite painful during the night, most joints, no apparent reason why...


Ben the I want out Collie summoned me , to go outside. Grass semi crunchy, car and land rover are ice cubes, naa snaa. He enjoyed a full patrol as I hid behind trees out of the wind.

I'm now wrapped up in a sleeping bag on the sofa.


Carrying cannabis oil is an offence in many countries, in the UK, it's an offence unless the active component is so low it's all but useless. If you went to say Saudi it would be classed as a drug and every arrival form you fill in is over stamped "Death to all drug traffickers".


Plans for today,


I bought some ply on the way home yesterday, this is to act as a backing board for a large calendar bought a few days ago. The calendar is 48 inches by 36 inches approx.

One problem, there is a light switch, at one end of where it will hang on the front of a set of book shelves..

Still puzzling on that one.


Once the workshop is warm enough I will do some final sanding of the rudder and the first bit of fibreglassing.


But first,

Time to go warm up some bacon....

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7 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Then, I made myself a muggertea and headed downstairs to,the cellar. Now that the underfloor storage area is finally finished, I’ve been able to move the 6 lengths of skirting boards and 5 lengths of architrave from where they have been stored at the side of the cellar stairs, for about the last 14 months or so. 




Bear did have numerous lengths of Picture Rail on the stairs, now that the Great H/S/L Refurb is underway they're currently cluttering up the muddlin' room; the Conservatory is itself cluttered up with newly acquired Architrave and Skirting for the H/S/L.......☹️ 


33 minutes ago, AndyID said:

Indeed, but consider the alternative. A despot holds an athlete hostage for a minor crime that is not a crime anywhere else. Where is the outrage for that? It's easy to take pot-shots at the US (probably because most of them are deserved) while a certain person is determined to subjugate  most, if not all, of Europe. Europe really needs to get a grip.


BBC News is currently reporting that the US Gov are currently taking Flak due to their latest Bozo decision - others are seeing it as a green light for other Countries to arrest people on trumped up charges with the aim of securing the release of some scrote being held by the U.S.


4 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Carrying cannabis oil is an offence in many countries, in the UK, it's an offence unless the active component is so low it's all but useless. If you went to say Saudi it would be classed as a drug and every arrival form you fill in is over stamped "Death to all drug traffickers".



Bear once arrived in Kuwait (which has a downer on Alcohol, like many middle eastern counties) and then realised I had a bottle of Hand Sanitiser in my pocket - containing Alcohol.....


Bear here.....

MIUABGAD; the "MIU" bit will be done indoors methinks.

Bear gone.

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47 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Typo?  Wrong Rock? The only whisky/whiskey from here I'm aware of is foul!  Kella Distillery. 

The choice of the IoM was for comic improbability*  I didn’t even know the IoM had a distillery - good, bad or indifferent.


Anyway, I don’t think the wine and whisky collectors have drinkability in mind when they fork out £££££££££ on a bottle - just its rarity and price (and investment potential)


* I was going to put Essex Whisky - but thought that even more improbable than an IoM whisky**

** kinda looses comic effect if it has to be explained

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5 minutes ago, polybear said:

BBC News is currently reporting that the US Gov are currently taking Flak due to their latest Bozo decision


Who is this "Bozo" of whom you speak?


What's YOUR point exactly , or are you only interested in scoring points for some idiotic reason?

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