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1 minute ago, polybear said:


Sounds like an ideal compo claim case for Julia Roberts to investigate......



No offence taken; any coincidence between @grandadbob's post and the Lat-Long coordinates of GDB's Shed now being known by The Great Awl are purely coincidental.....



Any suggestion that @enz is the PR Director for Port Kembla Steel Works is being vigorously denied....🤣


In other news......

Highly recommended viewing:


BBC4 at 02-55am tomorrow - "Winterwatch 1963 - The Big Freeze"

About 45 minutes of uninterrupted B&W footage, with a bit of modern blurb at each end.  Choo Choos feature significantly, as does life in general.

No doubt it'll also be on BBC iplayer.


Oh I've just read this. I'm going funny and i don't mean in the Hee Hee Hah Hah kind of way.

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A great time has been had at the Taverners lunch and also with relatives.


Jonny Bairstow was a very good speaker.. his mum kept him in check..and he bought two of the auction lots. 


If you want to know about what pollution doest your lungs look at Port Clarence 8n Teesside or Armley asbestos factory in Leeds.. not good at all.


Sleep well!



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Just received the latest OWL email - it seems that scrotes have nicked a catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle within the car park at the local large Tesco Supermarket - which is usually rammed with shoppers (though it could've happened to one of the night shift workers/shoppers).  B'sterds.

Do you ever get the feeling that it's a losing battle?

Incidentally, do/did any of our fellow ER'ers who are/were ex. Police regulary have that "Why the F. did we bother?" feeling after a Judge lets off a total Scrote with a pathetic sentence?

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The army/navy football game is on Saturday. Ahead of the contest the Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy pranked the Cadets by dropping ping pong balls (and "BEAT ARMY", "FLY NAVY" leaflets) by air on the West Point 'apron'. 


CNN: Navy carries out secret mission to drop ping pong balls on Army rivals ahead of annual football game

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Good morning everyone 


Another cold and frosty (currently-2C) start to the day here in the northwest corner of England. I shall shortly go out and defrost the car so that I can take Sheila to here Zumba class. Once she’s been dropped off at the church hall, I shall return home and potter about in the cellar. 


This afternoon Charlie is due to call round and if it hasn’t warmed up a bit, I may even have to put the heater on in the workshop! 


Back later. 



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9 hours ago, Darlington_Shed said:

Only found out, as an adult, that my parents had to burn the tyres off my dad's motorbike to keep us warm that winter.



Jeez, that must've stunk like hell.

A buddy at the (old) house of fun bought a house in Barnet, which still had the old bomb shelter in the garden; this one was like a concrete blockhouse, however - the concrete walls and roof must've been a foot thick and steel reinforced.  He knocked it down by hand (as in club hammer and cold chisel) - it took months - as he couldn't afford a Man with a JCB.  I forget how many skips he had -seven or more IIRC; he'd almost fit the bits into the skips like a jigsaw puzzle, filling the gaps with the dust.  One driver had a job to lift one of them - the front wheels of the skip lorry went several feet into the air, despite having the jacks down.

He could've made the job a lot easier by filling the blockhouse with old car tyres then setting fire to them (the heat given off cracks the concrete apparently) but didn't think this would go down too well with the neighbours.....


Bear here.....

MIUABGAD - to include priming the MDF drilled yesterday, plus other small tasks; I've decided to lay off the H/S/L for a day or so cos' the paws seem to have several small cuts and are a bit on the sore side, despite using paw cream every night.  Hopefully they'll recover quickly so I can crack on.  Must start using that Barrier Cream I bought months ago.....


Gas Fire usage is intermittent - just an hour or so here and there; I've not failed completely and resorted to using the CH though - the Beary Pit has a heated leccy under blanket so I put that on an hour or so before beddy byes time and that works wonder, very cheaply.  I don't sleep with it on though - ISTR Googling it a year or so ago and there were "suggestions" that they may be linked with Cancer but this has yet to be proved.  To this Bear that sounds possible - lying on (or under) a Magnetic Field must surely have the potential for causing some issues - at least to this Bear's way of thinking.  Any thoughts @iL Dottore?

Bear gone. 


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Good moaning from a rather cool Charente.  No snow here though.  I remember  the 62/63  winter well as a 10 year old.  The road over the front ell oppisite that went to Malham was blocked by 8' hight drifts. The Settle and Carlisle linecwas shut for a while and the Thames Clyde got snowed up somewhere near Dent.  No days off school tbough. It was a good walk to get there.


Anyway we are still waiting for the tyres.  Yesterday's  excuse was that either the delivery lorry or it's driver had broken down.


Meanwhile time to go to the magazine bank, that's next to the bottle bank and get rid of several weeks worth of junk mail.  We get a handful every Monday.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Expecting a parcel this morning from an emporium in Sheffield. Delivery time is 09.29 to 10.29, so my bath this morning will be a bit delayed. I want to get it today as tonight is SEERS tracknight, the last one this year. The sun will be streaming through the bathroom window which will warm up the bathroom nicely. The Harry and Megan saga goes on (yawn) they are complaining press intrusion now. I remember the winter of 62/63, our house backed on to a golf course with only a low chain link fence at the bottom of the garden to keep the wind out. The house also had a porch about 5' X 5' leading to the back door and this was packed with snow. A few weeks earlier my brother had obtained a 'rescue'* dog, a seven month old boxer bitch. Naturally she had never seen snow before but soon found diving into snowdrifts a lot of fun. *The original owners had neglected her, not through cruelty but ignorance and she had to be treated for mange straight away. Sadly we only had her for seven years as she contracted cancer.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Been out for a walk to the paper bank. I even wore my gloves. Whilst walking round I remembered another memory of 62/63.  We visited my aunt in Keswick and she said that the road round the west end of the lake, the A66 , was snowed up so the Dr had driven his car across the ice on the lake to Portinscale.  After lunch we went down to the lake and walked across to  Portinscale.  The inhabitants of the big house on Derwent Isle were curling between the Island and the sheds for the launches.  Quite a memory.  I've got a photo somewhere that an Uncle took of the lake  frizen up.



Edited by jamie92208
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Just so you have seen it, one of the most widely used disaster information apps here is called NINA, which I’d render as Emergency Information and Messaging App in English:



To my knowledge, it can be set to a number of other languages, including English. Warnings can be received both for any current location and for preselected locations of interest.


Cell broadcast messages via the various carriers seem to have worked as well. At least both me and everyone else present for my appointment received them! I can’t comment on any other means, but electronic public information billboards and other obvious means such as radio and TV broadcasts were to be included as well.

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A nice bright morning to start the day with the temperature at -1C.  I wonder how cold it is inland in the hills?  


Yesterday was quite busy, mainly with rather boring things to do with Mum's estate.  The garden waste bin was emptied for the last time until next Spring, so no more gardening for a while.  I woke with a sore toe but I couldn't bend my foot far enough round to look at the offending bit.  A friend across the road who is a retired nurse had a look at it to make sure it wasn't a splinter then we had a good natter and a cup of coffee.  I think I had got a piece of grit in my shoe and it had got under the toe.


I did the remaining Christmas cards which needed posting and despatched gifts - my relatives like to have gift tokens so they can buy things they really want.  Most of us agreed years ago not to exchange gifts so there are only a few to send.  I just have to organise a bottle of really nice gin for an old friend, she always sends me a bottle of good malt whisky.  We've known each other since we were children, I think our families wondered why we didn't get married!  We talk about it from time to time and don't think living together would have worked.


It took quite a long while to sort out the keys to the flat, I've ended up with one key which doesn't fit locks at the flat or my house.  I think it may have been for my previous front door.  They are going to the estate agents this afternoon (Thursday) to be given to the buyer.  The evening once again passed peacefully with a mix of TV and reading.



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