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22 minutes ago, BoD said:

I’m surprised that Andy Y didn’t spot the pattern and that Bill had to ‘justify’ all of his posts.

I'm not. He doesn't have the time for arguing with people about who is in the "right" and who is in the "wrong" and (I suspect) is essentially required to make snap decisions without a lot of investigation - which might not turn out in favour of people who are posting responsibly.


It's a thankless but necessary job and without any criticism implied or otherwise, while doing his best I suspect it doesn't mean he will automatically always get it right.


It's a bit like referees who see a fracas on a football* field They often see the person who responds, not the instigator and it is the responder who gets penalized.


* independent of code


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21 minutes ago, PupCam said:


To avoid having to use a Barlow lens with the camera attached to the scope  I modified the bayonet adapter to shorten its length (by ~50%) to get the camera focal plane in the correct position and it worked but was, as you say, a bit of a pain to go between eyepiece and camera.   So an additional benefit of the new Crayford focuser is that you just have to take the pressure off of the focus roller and the eyepiece / camera tube will just pull straight out so the plan will be to make two tubes; one for eyepieces and the other for the camera for a quick change.   Note to self:    Make sure the camera can't ever "just fall out of the focuser" - it's not my camera!


I've been beavering away making the two bearing mounts.   They are not quite finished yet but I rather think I may have overdone it today in the garage as I'm now totally worn out.




An early night is scheduled, hopefully I'll feel a bit less kn*ckered in the morning 🤞


Night Awl!




When I get a roundtuit I'll turn up a "stretcher" for the focuser on the lathe to use with eyepieces. I'm guessing this method reduces the light capture a bit but I don't think it can be too much.



Edited by AndyID
added space for emfasis
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14 hours ago, TheQ said:

Mooring Awl,

 ...snip... Currently reading a book on medieval daily life.. it's organised by having each chapter having a different theme, such as castles, Forrest and hunting law, or the life of the ceorls / villeins / surf's. ...snip...

I have a similar book called "Life in a Medieval Castle" or words to that effect; a very interesting read.

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Evening Awl,

15 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

I have a similar book called "Life in a Medieval Castle" or words to that effect; a very interesting read.

Yep it would be, it's by the same authors the late Frances and Joseph Gies. From what I've seen most of their books are of a similar theme.


Just back from the MRC, now wrapped up in my pit trying to get warm. There's an Evil Easterly out there, with the occasional chuckinitdarn, and blizzards 




Of leaves.

All the oaks have said "not playing this for a game of soldiers" and are attempting to imitate a whomping willow.


Only three turned up tonight, two are at a Bure valley railway event for the volunteers.


Tiree fencing contractors did a lot of work tonight, and jubilee track jig makers have finished their work.

This means the first panel may be produced tomorrow.

Decided  I will only start attending extra MRC evenings after  Christmas , which night is a decision yet to be made.


I have a glass of whisky to savour, 

Goodnight Awl.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis tried to put his head above the parapet but Nurofen sent him packing.

32 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

I have a similar book called "Life in a Medieval Castle" or words to that effect; a very interesting read.

Many years ago when my niece and nephew were little I bought them a book that contained a cut out medieval castle produced by a company called Usbourne. The finished model stood on an A3 sized base. I then discovered that it was part of a series, as well as the castle there was a medieval village, town and cathedral all designed to join together so I purchased the other three books. However the first one only got half built before it was forgotten about. I still have the other three books and hopefully I may find another unbuilt castle to complete the set.

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13 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

I'm sorry to hear that someone previously on here behaved so badly towards Bill Bishop - disgraceful. While I fully understand not everyone is going to get on with everyone else, the old saying of 'if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything' should apply.


There has only one person (AFAICR) on RMWeb whose posts really bugged this Bear (though they weren't directed at me - the guy was just a tw@t that cluttered up an interesting thread with sh1te), so I blocked his posts and that fixed it instantly.

The fact that the guy endlessly complaining about Bill's posts didn't do the same makes me think he was just out to cause trouble.


13 hours ago, iL Dottore said:





Now where does a Bear sign up - and just how much are CCI GMBH planning to sell the food pods for?  But most importanty, what's on the menu?


10 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

This a second year module. Second year marks contribute 40% to their final degree grade. I resisted (just) the temptation to say “Do you have a time machine handy?” ...



Bear's response to Student:

"Resign yourself to the fact that you're gonna fail..."


Bear here.....

Paint scraped off and areas rinsed - only took me 2.5 Hours; I finished at 9pm......

Mr Evri arrived as promised - door knocked, doorbell rung, receipt given, gate closed on the way out.  Tick.


And finally......

Whilst I'm not bothered about the kickball I was rather pleased to see that S. Korea went thru'.


Bear gone.


Edited by polybear
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A quick ... well it still took a ;fair time ... through posts , so many appear between times of access so best wishes and condolences where necessary.


Missing ERs yes they are missed.  Its surprising how time flies so long ago that we repreented ERs at Jocks funeral.  He4 was a great guy.

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Bear here.....

Today sees yet more on the H/S/L - this time it's priming the areas around the doorframes and under skirting that'll need some filler and/or mortar splurged in; I had previously marked the walls with a pencil line to show which areas around the door frames wouldn't be hidden by the architrave - but of course now that a certain Bear has stripped the paint the bluddy pencil lines have gone too.  So the first job will be reinstating the pencil lines, then priming.

After that it's MIUABGA - some filling, probably.  I also have yet another parcel to pack following a sale on the 'bay - only six quid, but something I don't need and will never use so better off going to a new home.


And finally.....

The Preliminary Crash Report has been released:


Bear suspects that a certain Sqn. Ldr. @Dave Hunt will despair at the contents.......


Bear gone.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A few stiff joints this morning but I absolutely had to get up to do a number one despite the painful joints. As before as soon as I started moving about the aches and pains disappeared.

7 hours ago, pH said:

Thanks for that but regrettably the castle isn't the same one. Not surprising as the one I'm looking for was published nearly forty years ago. I'm pleased to see that they are still going and even expanded their range. Incidentally the models are in 1/76 00 scale.

2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Good moaning from a cool Charente. The log burner is doing its stuff though.  Various fruit tree offcuts have produced some nice aromas.  Apple, cherry and plum.  All that fell over in gales several years ago.  

When fruit tree wood is burnt it gives off the same aroma as the fruit. When I was a youngster we used to have various nuts over Christmas and the shells were thrown onto the open fire which then gave off a nutty aroma. 

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11 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

. I usually do this task on my own, so I’m looking forward to having a little help. 


For many years Aditi’s brother has hosted a tree decorating lunch. Years ago,when he was single, he commented to the staff at the  gp surgery  he works at how nice the Christmas tree in the surgery looked. They all offered to decorate a tree for him. So he provided lunch. The Christmas tree lunch event carried on even after he was married with children. There were breaks during Covid. I think some people still attended long after retiring. 

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