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Not a bad price for Diesel compared to ours.

That's a bit interesting for ERs, Trev. !

I would guess that the fulfilling of the project would be more about the paperwork where you are.

Judging by the Nigerians who write to me, English is not their strongest subject.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Trev that explains it perfectly I thought the powerplant would be gas turbines I was wandering off on the lines of using gas to power boilers to power steam turbines but they are more trouble to maintain. I also thought you don't need area central heating! Maybe there would be mileage in building a refinery nearby they could use the spare heat too?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

I'm not doing too much today. There will be a short trip to a carpet shop, hopefully to get a competitive (cheaper) quote than the one we got on Saturday. We are very boring, we are replacing the well worn carpet with one the same colour. We liked it 20 years ago and don't see any reason to change. I'll be repainting all the walls "magnolia" as well.

The furniture we are replacing is over 30 years old. I don't think Aditi appreciated my dark humour about making the right choice as this was likely to be the last lot of lounge furniture I'd need to choose.



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Guest Max Stafford

We certainly cover a wide range of subjects on here, don't we? :yes:

Pete, although I still can't play the things, I have a Yamaha Pacifica and a Guvnor bass. I need to make time to learn them. At the moment I pick one up and have a tuneless ten minute playabout every so often. Considering I enjoy music so much, I haven't harnessed the ability to create it as yet, much as I'd like to! Anyway, I'm now off until Thursday and although I'm feeling slightly out of sorts at this very moment, I'm going to take Abi out now then I have my dental check-up at 12. After that Abi and I are heading up to Whitrope for our weekly run in the high country. This morning, the weather's as different as you could get from how it was last week! A courier has just arrived with 'Merlin' too and what a lovely model it is. Hornby have really perfected the look of their BR green livery!


Have an excellent day all!



Edited by Max Stafford
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, a few hours off before the nonsense that is being on callout for my employers continues.


I've got a few guitars, 5 Strats, a Les Paul copy which I've put Seymour Duncan pickups into and an Acoustic. Two of the (Squier) Strats are for my grandsons later on, they've got an amp each as well. My Strats consist of an American DeLuxe, a Mexican HSS and a Squier CV50s, which is the one I play the most, it's got a fabulous sound. Just took delivery of a new amp as well, a Blackstar HT-20 which is a cracking tool.


All I want to do is to be able to learn enough chords and riffs just to pass a bit on to my grandsons and jam a bit with them maybe, should be fun.

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Morning all!


Tried to reply earlier but when I went into the reply screen, my phone refused to give me a keyboard!


Recovering from yesterday's 10K today, legs are a little sore, and I'm a bit like a classic Dalek - a bit dodgy on stairs! Managed to get round the 10K course in 1:00:54 - so next time the target is to shave 55 seconds off and get in under the hour.

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  • RMweb Gold

I wish I could play a musical instrument. My brother had an acoustic guitar for Christmas one year. He was very competant but soon lost interest and I was able to use it. My problem was tuning it. The sound the pitch pipe made didn't sound like any note on the guitar! Also although I could remember finger positions for chords, moving my left hand seemed to require stopping strumming with my right hand. However I really wanted an electric guitar and not being able to afford one, made one. At school in woodwork, making a guitar was something one was allowed to do after completing all the set tasks but I never got beyond halving joints, so I made it at home. I didn't feel confident enough to make a valve amplifier (I should have asked my brother, he made amateur radio amplifiers with big valves) and lashed something up from Sinclair amplifier modules. Then I gave up.

After stopping work interested restarted and I bought a Yamaha Pacifica. I knew a few people who had started /restarted guitar on retirement and they recommended various local teachers. I never got started, a re-occurrence of a more acute form of illness (instead of the usual chronic), then a hand injury. However one day I will do something musical even if I don't succeed apparently trying to do something you find difficult is supposed to enhance the little grey cells!



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Well, I'm actually left handed and when I started playing guitar there were very few left handed guitars available - not only that but can you imagine trying to read chord charts backwards? I bought a right handed guitar and persevered.

Of course I thought I was unique until I learned that Mark Knopfler, the late Gary Moore, Ritchie Blackmore, BB King, the late Duane Allman, Steve Cropper and literally many others are "lefties playing righty". When a poll was conducted on The Gear Page there were more "lefties playing righty" than "righties playing righty"!


What does that imply? Right handed people would be better off playing left handed or that left handed people are more determined musicians?

Guitar is difficult compared to Piano in at least two ways:

1. When you start it is extremely difficult to hold down the strings onto the fretboard and painful.

2. Pianos have one note, one key. Guitars have six strings with the possibility of having more than two octaves on every string so the same note can be played in several different positions.


If playing guitar was easy we would all be Eric Clapton. Stick with it and find your "voice".


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Disco is a form of music of which I'm remarkably ignorant. I suppose when it was about I was either busy marking homework or maintaining our first house. When they have "guess the year" quiz questions on the radio another time period I'm very ignorant about popular music is the early 1980s. I was quite unwell at that time and didn't listen to the radio much.



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  • RMweb Premium

Disco is a form of music of which I'm remarkably ignorant. I suppose when it was about I was either busy marking homework or maintaining our first house. When they have "guess the year" quiz questions on the radio another time period I'm very ignorant about popular music is the early 1980s. I was quite unwell at that time and didn't listen to the radio much.




I went to college in 1982 and I didn't hear much disco music either thankfully.

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Some still do - Albert King did, for example; but it appears that most lefties just bit the bullet and learned right handed. There are always exceptions to the majority.


Btw ever seen a left-handed Orchestral player?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Btw ever seen a left-handed Orchestral player?


Matthew is left handed. He played trumpet (right handed) but didn't get into his primary school orchestra. I don't think it was due to his left handedness though. Even though his music teacher recommended him, the teacher in charge of the orchestra gave the place to a girl who couldn't actually play the trumpet!


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Guest Max Stafford

It's funny, the strange prejudice against left handedness. When I started school in 1969, my teacher was horrified at my writing with my left hand and I was encouraged in the most forceful terms to use my right. It worked although to this day in spite of habitually using my right hand for most tasks, I am not particularly good at any kind of task requiring physical co-ordination and lack any real grace of movement or sporting ability!



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Disco is a form of music of which I'm remarkably ignorant. I suppose when it was about I was either busy marking homework or maintaining our first house. When they have "guess the year" quiz questions on the radio another time period I'm very ignorant about popular music is the early 1980s. I was quite unwell at that time and didn't listen to the radio much.




That explains why the most popular time for disco was 1974 - 1979! Probably why Mick didn't hear it at college either...it pre-dated Punk - which is usually credited with starting in London and New York in late 1975. For 1980 think Duran Duran....and the emergence but ultimately promise unfulfilled, successwise of Essex's finest: Talk Talk


Best Best, Pete.

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Morning guys. I seem to be back in the wide awake 2.30am club. Can't fathom out why....


To supplement my income I was DJ'ing from 74 through to 82. Started off with a mobile disco and finally doing Friday and Saturday nights at local clubs around the Colchester/Ipswich area. Probably explains my record collection which is stacked, or should that be Stax, full of Motown and Disco. My dear lady says sell them all and I'd probably be happy to other than the hassle of writing the detail for eBay and the lack of knowledge on how to protect 12" records through the post. Squares of 2mm mdf?


Agree totally about Talk Talk. Loved 'It's my Life" and still have the 12" version.



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  • RMweb Premium

It's funny, the strange prejudice against left handedness. When I started school in 1969, my teacher was horrified at my writing with my left hand and I was encouraged in the most forceful terms to use my right.


While I'm not left-handed myself, I do remember that a few of my teachers frowned upon those among my classmates who were, though as re-training them to write with their right was no longer common practice, they could not do anything about it.


Morning all - first traces of daylight are beginning to show outside. I guess I will continue with my paper later today, which I but can see will be longer than the suggested 20 pages ;) .


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all,

Another left-hander here! Fortunately a school in the '50s & '60s was more tolerant than in my grandfathers time when his left hand was tied behind his back to force him to write right handed.

But I can use both hands when working with tools, which does come in useful at times. But have no musical ability (being tone deaf) at all.

Oh well back to work today, enjoy yours.



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Morning All,


The early morning mist appears to be burning off now that the sun has come out.


I'm another left hander. I tried learning guitar right handed and it didn't work well at all. I ended up playing left handed - however, I gave up after a few years (to my great regret).


I've always had a hankering to build a guitar amp - but pretty pointless given that I can't play! Therefore, I stick to building audio amps.


Have a good day everyone...

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