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Early Risers.


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Morning all, bright and sunny here (after two days rain) and it's a holiday weekend "National Day", (aka Independence day) so probably not doing much. I was going to make some tomato chutney, but not got all the ingredients..........another day.

The ears are being assaulted by the local church who have just put up some new loudspeakers about 300m away from my apartment!


I don't remember many school-day pranks....well apart from one, one of the teachers had a three wheel car, with no reverse gear, so he would drive in up a slight slope and role the car backward so it would face the right way for going out. One lunch time a group of the larger lads turned the car round............never did find out how they did it, or how he got out. But the whole of the school got detention!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sun is a shining hereabouts. Just as well as we are off to a Barbeque for lunch. In October!


One particular prank my class played on the whole school was to remove the square bars from the door locks of all the classrooms carefully replacing the handles and leaving the doors open. Of course come registration time just about every classroom door was closed and lo and behold the whole school locked in their classrooms. Took the caretaker quite a while to release everyone. Just as well there wasn't a fire given the classrooms were on the 2nd floor!


Have a good one all.




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Sorry, I just saw your question.

Peter and I are like weird twins separated at birth. We're the same age, from London, we both went into the music business at the same time BUT instead of craving the lime light I always wanted to be the guy behind the scenes. That didn't stop some people from thinking we were one and the same person - even as recently as two years ago two guys on The Gear Page wrote a virtual essay "proving" just that. When younger Peter was the prettier - now I am and I have more hair.

Don't get me wrong; he is a nice guy - I wouldn't mind playing in his band now. He lives over here too.


Best, Pete.

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I've got nothing to say but that's OK, Good morning!


Best, Pete.


PS The Smoke "My Friend Jack" and The Creation "Painterman"


Morning Trisonic.. your mate jack, is he the one who likes sugarlumps? That song title seems to be ringing several proto-psychedelic bells (man) ;) .

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Guest Max Stafford


Here's the tune Pete's on about. One of my favourites and a classic piece of British '66-'67 Freakbeat.



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Whereas before the complaint was simply lack of sun now we have heavy rain too. Still warm though. I hope the sun is still shining on the barbecueists and/or the righteous.


They say there will be snow before the end of the month.

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Thought of you the other day ,Pete. Billy Connolly is doing a road trip down Route 66 and came across this guy who seemed to collect a wide range of bits, but mainly musical instruments.


Not sure if you can pick it up from the States, but the link is...




The guy is in part 3. There are a few ads but worthwhile watching.


He had 50 Fender Coronado's....

Edited by gordon s
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Afternoon All


Sorry - been off the air for a day or two, but had a good day out yesterday visiting Carlisle, Penrith, and Kendal though the search of the second hand bookshops and charity shops did not bear much fruit at all. A pleasant half hour was spent chatting to 87.029 in his shop, but as the loco that I'm waiting for (40663) is still on the slow boat from China, my credit card remained unused. I believe that Dave was on duty trying to sort out Carlisle's miscreants, and also there was some sort of hoo-hah in the car park that we use, with the stairways to the town roped off, along with about half the parking bays. Also managed not to time things right for the arrival of the Help For Heroes steamm special... Then on the way home, the enoyable day was marred as a teenage lass driving mummy's car decided to keep driving when I stopped at a junction to let a fast moving van past. Luckily nobody hurt, and also only minor damage to both cars, and as everybody's local, we're sorting it all out without insurance claims and things - we both use the same garage.


Raining, raining, raining, so a walk was in order this morning between showers and I managed just under two miles.


Just got the oven on, and putting a Scottish steak pie (aka Ashet pie) in the oven - yum.


Regards to All


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He had 50 Fender Coronado's....


Ha! He's welcome to them! The only Fender's I like are Strats and Teles.....................oh, OK Precision Basses too. I'll look out for the program though.


Best, Pete.


PS Madness: "Our House"


Name this song: "You, who talk to me, across the fence, of common sense..."

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, first time in ages I have needed a light to see the keyboard, the yellow tree has dumped a lot of leaves overnight but the acer is hanging on to its leaves. Have you got many more boilers to commision Trev I am having trouble understanding the need for boilers in an oil rich country.

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Good morning Trev & Mike!

I've been on for ages, but waiting for someone to rise early.

It is supposed to be cloudy today but so far it is a perfectly clear day with a blue sky though still coolish, 21c in my lounge.

Looking out of my lounge window the deciduous trees are all in full bright green new leaf.

Sunrise is at 6:20

Have a good day everyone. I'll log on again later after the rugby.

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Morning all.


Current weather forecasts predict it is going to be increasingly autumnal from about Wednesday onwards. I guess this means I'll have to keep out an eye for the right moment to have winter tyres put on.


Cheers everyone...

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OK, for Mick B and any one else who's interested; The boilers I have just got commissioned are "waste heat recovery units", the exhaust gas from the natural gas powered generators I've been installing is passed through the boiler tubes, so there's no firebox. The steam is used by a nearby company in grain fermentation process for the brewing industry. The added benefit is that the steam raising is "free" (if you ignore capital costs) and the efficiency of the generators is raised to about 48 -50%

Diesel fuel here is around one USD / Litre! (all refined fuel being imported!!!!!!). There is though a huge amount of natural gas which works out around a third of the cost of diesel fuel per electrical kw generated.

Any one wants anymore info just ask!

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