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Yesterday we set a record of 14 consecutive November days without measurable precipitation. That streak ended today, fortunately, but the rain, if you can call it that, is light and occasional.


It was it's heaviest when I was about to go on my walk, so I made sure I had all the rain gear. It had essentially stopped by the time I went out and hasn't rained properly since.

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6 hours ago, PupCam said:

I remember when we first started writing our own PAs many years ago at the GE and thinking that surely it was someone else's job to assess my performance but there you go!

I did results reviews / performance assessments for well over a decade as a first line manager. They're a royal PITA for everyone, but managers in particular. Unfortunately the only thing worse than doing them is not doing them. Employees need feedback and coaching and the assessment cycle forces managers who do not do this regularly and naturally during the course of the year to have this possibly uncomfortable conversation.


It is surprising how people (to a varying extent) seem to believe the sun shines out of their nether regions. Performance assessments were graded on a curve and people would often be offended to be told "thank you for doing your job properly" (a middle-rating) interpreting that as "average" when they wanted to be told they were a "top performer"*.


* These people were not of the millennial or Gen-Z, "everyone gets a trophy" set that get criticized as so-called "snowflakes" or other pejorative nonsense intended to produce rants in older people about the "youth of today".


Having employees do self-assessments does help. It can serve the manager as an asset in writing the performance assessment, but it can also flag where an employee has a misplaced opinion of their performance.

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10 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

In my experience the American approach to appraisals is farcical.

Dave, your description of your USN colleagues is not representative of my experience of professional performance reviews in American business settings.


We graded on a five point curve with a fixed distribution. Only a small number of employees got the "top performer" rating, as you might expect. Similarly a small number of employees got a "does not meet". I don't remember the precise distribution but it was weighted to the high-end.


6 - Top performer

5 - Consistently exceeds expectations

4 - Consistently meets expectations

3 - Inconsistently meets expectations

2 - Does not meet expectations

1 - New in job


There are good and bad aspect to grading on a curve. We were forced to rate "does not meet" for low performers, then if all procedures were followed, there was supposed to be some sort of documented performance improvement plan.  It helped to fit the curve on fairly large groups. In that way the low performers really were the lowest performers, rather than an artifact. Doing a force fit on a small team can result in bad outcomes.

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10 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Dave, your description of your USN colleagues is not representative of my experience of professional performance reviews in American business settings.


We graded on a five point curve with a fixed distribution. Only a small number of employees got the "top performer" rating, as you might expect. Similarly a small number of employees got a "does not meet". I don't remember the precise distribution but it was weighted to the high-end.


6 - Top performer

5 - Consistently exceeds expectations

4 - Consistently meets expectations

3 - Inconsistently meets expectations

2 - Does not meet expectations

1 - New in job


There are good and bad aspect to grading on a curve. We were forced to rate "does not meet" for low performers, then if all procedures were followed, there was supposed to be some sort of documented performance improvement plan.  It helped to fit the curve on fairly large groups. In that way the low performers really were the lowest performers, rather than an artifact. Doing a force fit on a small team can result in bad outcomes.


We had similar numerical grades ranging from 1 to 7 and like your ratings 7s were only ever awarded in exceptional circumstances but it appeared that Americans expected to get mainly 7s if they were to be seen as promotion material. One downside of the discrepancy between our and the USN/USAF systems was that reports for any RAF guys on exchange with the Americans were almost routinely regarded as being overrated when received by RAF personnel dept.



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis keeps popping up today but only for a few minutes at a time. A couple of Nurofen are keeping him away for now.

4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Only six months until I get my bus pass.








That expands coverage from the TfL system to almost all buses in England.  And I get to keep free travel on London's trams, tubes, DLR, Overground and "big" railways.  Plus a discount on river-boats and the dangle-way should I find a need to use them.  


I'll have to remember the exceptions; currently free by train to Epsom but that will shrink back to Ewell East or West and currently free by Overground / Lizzie Line to Shenfield and Watford Junction which are TfL services but those shrink back to Harold Wood and Watford High Street respectively.  


You will also get a discount on the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry.

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7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

... I turned off the Ad Blocker and I still don't get any ads on RMWeb.


I wonder if it is the combination of using a VPN and Geolocation (being based in CH and all that)

2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I have no idea why, but I don’t get any ads whatsoever - not on the iPad (which doesn’t have a VPN) or on the laptop (which does).


I guess it must be a geolocation thing (which is the reason that, unless I fiddle around with settings, searching for British Airways always brings up the Swiss site for BA)

I doubt it is geolocation Flavio - unless there is some sort of Swiss legislation forbidding unsolicited advertising. I am not in the UK either and (without ad-blockers or VPN) feel inundated with advertising on RMweb - much more than before. When the pop-up video player does not present a 'close player' button (now often) it gets very irritating.


While forum management makes the claim that the changes in advertising presentation are not calculated to drive people to subscription, it is clear to me that subscription is the best solution to prevent them.


I simply haven't gotten around to it, now that tiered subscription is available. I don't know if I will have a problem trying to do it. I did attempt to make a donation to one of the RMweb charitable appeals and while it appeared to go through, the charge never appeared on my card. I would not be surprised if the credit card fraud detection stopped it.


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My laptop  and   my PC at work are completely lacking in ads other than a banner ad for World Of Railways across the top, even with the ad blocker now turned off on them both.


My phone on the other hand is a mess, especially that stupid Digitrains video thing  that jumps around and covers my notifications dropdown whenever I open it.  I also get ads for anything that I just bought online , egI  buy a cordless drill, subsequently get ads for cordless drills popping up all over Rmweb  until I buy something else.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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17 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear here.....


In order to calm a nervous Puppers @PupCam a certain Bear has implemented the very latest full Health & Safety Protocols during filling and sanding activities conducted over the past few days......


Firstly, in order to ensure safe ascent & descent of the Access Equipment (ok, so it's a ladder......):




 - We have the latest hi-tech anti-slip retention device (ok, so it's a luggage strap.....):




But wait, that's not all.....

We also have the very latest in Embarkation/Disembarking Equipment (ok, so it's a Youngmans Hop-Up.....):




And in the event that the worst should happen, we have the very latest in Hi-Tech Impact Absorption Crash Protection Equipment......




There......nothing to worry about after all......










































































































Now Mr B your forgetting the most important piece of equipment of all - the fall arrest harness aka the bungee cord looped through your belt and secured to the lighting pendent.


I'll let you off this once but I want to see you fully equipped the next time you attempt such a hazardous assignment. Otherwise it's a Stop & Desist Notification for you Young Bear.

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It seems some Kickball Shiny on £0.5M a week has bvggered off from Man U. by mutual consent - what a Tw@t.  Now it seems the Club is up for sale (all or part).


And it also seems the US Supreme Court has ordered the release of The Orange One's Tax Returns; I bet they'll be interesting....


In other news.....

Bear put the leccy underblanket back on the bed today - I don't sleep with it turned on** but it goes on about 45 minutes before beddy-byes time to warm the bed up nicely; a much cheaper way that running the CH.  All I need to do now is find out by experimentation what number to set the temperature to, as I've forgotten ☹️


And finally.....

Bear has little interest in the kickball (though I might watch a very big game such as a Final if one of the teams is of interest); I did see if the news that it hasn't been a good day for a certain South American Team though.....🤣

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5 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Eleven? Since you turn if off anyway, presumably your preset could be high?


The display runs from 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) - getting it too hot results in a molten Bear....

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After causing the bright orange leaves to fall from my Japanese maples, the rain has vacated, leaving bright sunshine and blue skies. I don't feel like raking leaves this afternoon, though I should while the sun shines.


Television is in full 'vast wasteland' mode this afternoon. One of the local channels has their 'sponsored content' afternoon show hosting a telethon for a shelter/rescue mission* - ghastly to watch or even ignore. I usually have the tennis channel on in the background but tennis is essentially done for the year.  Earlier I did substitute a form of football being held in the wrong place at the wrong time of year, but that is done for today. Eventually I tuned it to a music channel.


* A hot and a cot for the homeless for the price of proselytizing until they kick people out the next morning.


I'll drag myself upstairs to finish the Christmas cards that I need to send this week to the Antipodes.

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