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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Of Amazon I got asked for an ID card last night by the Amazon man so i showed him my very worn out driving licence, and he peered at it in the darkness... It could have been anything.



A certain Bear is lucky if the b'sterds are still even on the doorstep by the time I answer the door - which has been very quickly at times recently as I'm doing the H/S/L refurb; they quite often do single knock on the door knocker (despite the "Please Ring" sign directly below it), dump it on the doorstep then scarper.  As Bear often goes right thru' a day without even opening the front door - and Couriers often delivering after dark it does mean that a parcel could sit there all day - and/or all night without being found, which gives some scrote plenty of chance to nick it.


This has made me wonder just who takes the loss in such circumstances - so I've just had a quick search:




(Incidentally, Bear has had a small parcel left in a similar way to that shown in the second photo, only the porch at Bear Towers is open sided.  It contained a DMR Loco Kit, so not cheap; it wasn't large or obvious so could've been there for a week or more before being spotted).


"Many online retail companies will mention safe place delivery in their terms and conditions.

Some companies will leave your parcel with a neighbour or in a safe place by default when you are not in, unless you specify otherwise.

If you click 'accept' to a retailer's terms without reading then properly, you could be agreeing to safe place delivery without realising.

If your parcels are then stolen, the retailer may not accept responsibility".


One of today's missions will be to check Amazon's T's & C's...

Yes, that's a Rant.


Bear here.....


Bear gone.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

We join my sister and BiL for lunch later having selected Chiddingfold as a suitable venue roughly half-way between our respective homes. 


Chiddingfold brought back memories for Bear, only I couldn't recall why.  Then I did - I think we stayed there for a week whilst working at Dunsfold on Harrier back in the 80's; we stayed in a very old Hotel (in the centre?) and Bear had a 4-Poster IIRC - I recall lying in Bed looking out of the window and thinking the view probably hasn't changed for well over 100 years.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry about the printer Chris but I have a suggestion. Near us we have a chap who calls himself the PC Doctor and we have used him several times, including getting our printer to talk to the computer. He is not expensive and works where the problem is rather than remotely. It might be worth investigating if you have anyone similar in Bedford.



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Splendid curry for lunch today, there's a chain of Japanese demi-glace curry restaurants here called Monster Curry. Food is excellent, prices reasonable and I never leave hungry. I love Japanese curry, there's something about the sweet - savoury taste (it tends to be mild by default and quite sweet). With some excellent arabiki Japanese smoked pork sausage and chicken karaage (fried chicken thigh in batter), splendid. Something about Asia in general is people want chicken thigh and consider breast meat a bit bland. I have to say I think they're right, chicken thighs have a more developed flavour than breast meat. Another trait of much Asian cooking is to cook chicken (and other meat) on the bone so it doesn't dry out, OK it removes the easy to eat convenience of not having any bones, but meat stays moist and juicy and has more flavour.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Apologies if this post turns into a rant, but I have had a most frustrating morning.  Gentle readers will recall that a couple of weeks ago I bought a new printer.  To say that I am disappointed with it is an understatement.  I am the first to admit to a degree of technical ineptitude but the failure of the machine to do as it is told is causing me much frustration.  I cannot make the wretched thing print!  When I click 'print' a blank sheet of paper emerges from the machine.  There is probably a perfectly simple explanation.  The only way I might find out is to take it back to the shop, so guess what I will be doing first thing in the morning.  Wish me luck ...





Is your new printer set up to your computer?

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. As the weather was clement I removed a few items to the garage to make a bit  lot more room in the garden shed. One was a brand new wheelbarrow that was impossible to put together as the bolt holes didn't match up. When I contacted the vendor they sent a replacement straight away and when I asked about sending the faulty one back they said keep it. I kept the wheel and the nuts and bolts and the 'pan' as spares and scrapped the rest. Now time for a bit of (late) lunch, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, DaveF said:

I suspect the flat's gutter at the neighbour's end still has a slight leak but have been told quite firmly that now the sale is getting close to completion I should be wary of committing to having anything done in case it is not finished before the sale is completed.  Also that the new owner might not be happy.  As a result I shall be having a chat with Mum's neighbour's son about things and will tell him if he wants to do anything about his mother's gutter he can but I won't be touching my part. 



How many times have the roofing firm "fixed" it - twice, or is it three times now?  It sounds to this Bear like they should be crossed off the list of Approved Contractors....


Bear here.....

A "bits n' pieces" day - everything from fixing the shaver cleaning pod (the power socket had disappeared up inside the unit, making it impossible to connect the mains lead), insulating the outside tap in the back garden and updating various backup files to an external HDD.

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  • RMweb Premium
13 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I have no idea.  Nothing was said about that when I bought it.



If your printer is connected to your hub you should get a notice saying something like 'printer XYZ' the first time you print. Click on that and you should be able to print. If you don't get the message you should either connect the printer to the hub with either a cable or wi-fi.

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  • RMweb Premium

' afternoon all from red dragon land.

Mostly sunshine.but only 6.4°C outside.

Inside dropped to 18°C inspite of having had the oven on for 4 1/2 hours, yesterday evening.


Ah! The oven. Yes, I forgot to update on the Seasonal cake, last night. Apologies if you were waiting.

<<Are you kidding?>>

The Cake took longer to cook than usual probably because I had soaked the fruit overnight rather than just an hour or so, increasing the size of the fruit and thus the cake mix. I had also added extra mixed peel in emptying the cartoon. I also had extra cherries. Different story - one batch of Morello cherries got substituted with plain glacé halved cherries on a Click n Collect some months back which I had forgotten about, I did not realise I had come upon this carton until I had put the whole lot into the mix! So, out comes carton no.2 with Morello cherries and in they went - both cartons over their allotted weight. No worries. The drained fruit filled a large and a small saucepan. I put the Morello cherries in the small saucepan and this was emptied into the cake mix first. Then, in went most of the fruit from the large saucepan. I kept some fruit back and put it in the freezer until I make my mince pies when some Morello cherries will also be added.


Not done much today, the "excitement" of yesterday leaving me a little drained, myself, today.

A short toot on the flute to reinforce a new twiddly section although, the idea of doing some muddling went out the window... but I did put the hoover round. 👏


A couple of jobs to do but a mugadecaf, first, methinks.


Keep safe. Be good. Be on the lookout for the unexpected...



Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, polybear said:


How many times have the roofing firm "fixed" it - twice, or is it three times now?  It sounds to this Bear like they should be crossed off the list of Approved Contractors....




Usually they are very good.  To be honest it would be better with new gutters but I would rather the new owner made that decision!  If I was moving it it is what I would do, the old ones look very brittle.



Edited by DaveF
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