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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:

Aussie Rules football was originally developed as a way of keeping cricketers fit in winter

That does explain the oval but I still find it impossible to grasp the concept of “football” without the ability to take a corner kick. 

I had thought the event was developed as a testosterone and ego-waving contest. 

I’ll get the tin hat 😛

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis really was making a fuss last night, so bad that I had to reach for the Nurofen about four this morning. Despite going to bed a bit earlier than usual being kept awake by the arthritis meant that I wasn't up until gone eight. Now its time to run a bath, be back later.

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Just listening to Terry Prachett’s Jingo whilst I work…laughing at my favourite quote from this story….


”Give a man a fire and he will be warm for a day……but set fire to him and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life!!!!!” ……🤣🤣🤣….

NGT6 1315……totally loving the ex DB Class 120s…thanks for posting bud! ..I sooooooo miss being in Germany……


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5 hours ago, grandadbob said:

My energy supplier saga goes.  Earlier in the week they said I was about £700 in credit although at least £250 of that will disappear when they eventually charge me for the gas used over the past few months.  However after giving them an up to date meter reading a few days ago and also a further direct debit payment has gone through my credit balance has now leapt up to £1395 which can't possibly be right. 


Heard from a friend last night - her G & E supplier wanted to raise her Monthly DD from £90 to £400...🤣


5 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Car insurance renewal is being looked at.  I mentioned the current insurer wants an extra £130, so far I've manged to get it for £70 less than that from the AA. 


Bear's cheapest quote came from the AA, surprisingly.


4 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:



. I don't remember when I last had to use this station but it struck me as tidy and well-organised.



Certainly a very clean and rubbish free track bed - I don't recall the last time I saw a UK Station like that.  In fact I clearly recall a station on the ECML that we used to use to change trains when returning from Edinburgh that used to be plastered with Tvrds all over the ballast.....🤢


Bear here....

Coving "on-going" - now half done; din dins interrupted play so now it's back to the fun....

Bear gone.

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7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

It is said that the very sympathetic portrayal of two gay actors – “Jules“ and “Sand“ in Round the Horne did much to promote acceptance of the gay community and move Parliament towards passing the Sexual Offences Act 1967 (which greatly reduced the historically savage penalties imposed on the gay community).


In addition to Barry Took and Marty Feldman’s sympathetic writing, (they wrote all the scripts of the first 3 series of Around the Horne), they definitely had a touch of genius in how they wrote the comedy: at one level incredibly risqué (for the adults) and at another just incredibly funny even to the innocent and naive.


One of my fondest memories is that of going to see Round the Horne being recorded at the Paris Theatre in London in 1967 (so I was about 11 at the time). I remember enjoying not just the recording but also the interactions between the cast and the audience. I have no idea how much of what was recorded ended up on the cutting room floor, but certainly it was a lot longer than the half hour that was broadcast. Obviously at that age I didn’t get the innuendo or the risqué  jokes, but re-visiting the shows (either on CD or on Radio 4 Extra) I certainly get ”it”  now.


Round the Horne was comedic gold, just wonderful, everything about it was fantastic. The standard of writing was outstanding, and it had an ensemble group of performers to die for. I still listen to it regularly and consider it among the finest hours of British comedy. 

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22 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

The weird thing is I share his position on the event in question, but sneering at people, pretending anyone with a different opinion is stupid, xenophobic etc is both unhealthy and profoundly arrogant.

Having to deal with people that you basically agree with but who take it to extremes can be difficult. I have relations (by marriage not genes) who seem to believe some conspiracy theorists that just seem barmy to me. We have got other family members who hold very different political views but enjoy a good discussion without resorting to insults. 

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I think mixing with people who hold different views on the world is quite important. The guy I had a rant about has withdrawn into a self-imposed bubble of only inter-acting with people who share his political views and it has had a baleful effect. I've told him many times that if you only talk to people who agree with you then of course the entire world will seem to agree with you, but that doesn't represent reality. And accepting that others will hold differing views is an essential part of a functioning society. I find it rather sad really.

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I avoid getting into discussions with the supervisor of an adjoining department, he's a full on evangelical bible basher, and for some reason likes turning discussions into being about trump, who he thinks was wonderful. Though quite why that's relevant to him being British and in the UK I have no idea.


Afternoon Awl,

Spent most of the day getting frustrated with the spinny thingy, being unable to get on with the rudder, and for much of the time feeling sad...


Anyway, eventually I decided to try fitting a rubber brake shoe on the end of the bolt. To enable this I've drilled a hole down the end of the threaded brake rod, it took quite a while keeping straight, and it being not surprisingly being a very hard metal. As a temporary brake shoe I've put a blob of silicon sealant on the end.. it will be given a near week to dry. It that works fine, if it does but doesn't last long I'll find a high modulus rubber sealant to try.


Ben the impatient Collie was by then demanding his long walk, so we did. It's been sunny most of the day but with an increasingly strong south Easterly breeze. Darn chilly it was too, I'm going to have dig out some paw covers for me, as they really didn't like it.. Ben on the other hand was paddling in every puddle he could find...


On return, I spent some time stripping out the bottom cupboard  of its old glued in packing foam, it's taking less time now as I've found a huge old carving knife is very good for the task.

Temporarily I've put tins of resin, glue, white spirit and a gallon bottles of PVA in there. Next year an old fridge freezer that no longer functions will become a paint/ glue safe in the workshop storeroom.


Then I added a shelf to a wall, there are more to put up there, but it'll do for now.

The work bench was then cleared of more debris useful bits, onto the shelf, and elsewhere. Still a bit left to go before I can build a rudder on the bench.


Since then I've drawn up a scale plan for a jig to make models of WW1 lengths of parallel bits of metal used behind the front lines. 


Hmm the sun's going down, time to build up the fire...

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Afternoon all and thanks for the good wishes. I am just checking in shortly before I close at the end of the grey and damp Saturday in Matlock Bath. A relatively quiet day but at least I have managed to sort out part of a recent delivery from one manufacturer. They managed to mess up and send an order containing loads of stuff I had decided to cancel off having over ordered! They have agreed to take the stock back because it is their error so I have managed to start sorting out the stuff to keep and that I am sending back.


I have also caught up with the marking work I did not do during yesterday afternoon. Amber's football proved to be a waste of time. Not a game, more several schools taking part in communal training. She enjoyed it, which is the main thing, but it did seem very disorganised and they spent more time stood listening to the coaches than actually playing!


Tonight I am catching up with my best mate for a few drinks in a real ale bar. Anyone coming to the shop tomorrow - bring the head ache tablets!!!



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1 hour ago, jjb1970 said:

I think mixing with people who hold different views on the world is quite important. The guy I had a rant about has withdrawn into a self-imposed bubble of only inter-acting with people who share his political views and it has had a baleful effect. I've told him many times that if you only talk to people who agree with you then of course the entire world will seem to agree with you, but that doesn't represent reality. And accepting that others will hold differing views is an essential part of a functioning society. I find it rather sad really.

I definitely think that this should be mandatory – talking and interacting with people who don’t share your views. Although I do have a few points of view that are unshakeable (such as tinned baked beans are the vomit of the devil 🤣) but on most topics I am certainly open for discussion and reflection. I may not end up changing my basic point of view, but the likelihood is definitely there that I will view that topic (whatever that topic may be) in a different light.


One of the curses of modern political discourse (and from where I stand, it seems to affect one side of the political spectrum somewhat more than the other) is that of considering your political opponent (or opposite number in opinion) is “evil“ or “nasty”. To continue with my slightly tongue in cheek metaphor, I wouldn’t consider people who advocate for tinned baked beans as “evil”. Misguided? Quite possibly. Culinarily naïve? I would think so. But certainly not “evil”. After all we have the same common goal: to arrive at the best Full English Breakfast possible.


Finally, even without delving into politics, it is always enriching to interact with people of different views and backgrounds.

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20 minutes ago, PupCam said:

a purchase should come to fruition.

I don’t know anything about ads but if you want a recommendation for almost anything DCC it is always worth checking out Coastal DCC. 
I didn’t really mind adverts about model railway stuff, but I never liked adverts that flashed or moved about. I replaced a magazine subscription with the Gold option  so adverts no longer bother me. I was somewhat suspicious of the previous subjects the Google ad server presented. I also found the usual excuse of it matching one’s interests rather irritating. I wasn’t in the least bit interested in addictive substances or fringe candidates for the London Mayoral elections for which I didn’t even have a vote!

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Evening all.  

I have just returned from a very pleasant afternoon spent with my daughter - a belated birthday present.  A light lunch (light?  I was well stuffed)  followed by seeing a performance of Les Miserables.  I very much like Les Mis and today’s production was absolutely superb.


I think I’ve got a nice bottle of Sicilian red somewhere so I may will  have a glass of that to end a wonderful day.


Enjoy your evenings folks

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