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On 17/11/2022 at 19:45, Winslow Boy said:


I believe they tried that and when the price tag reached a billion pounds or some similar high figure and nothing yet had been created but more money was still required the politicians stepped in and said 'go take a running jump' or words to that effect and it got cancelled.


On 17/11/2022 at 19:50, monkeysarefun said:

Jeez if Australians can do it...!





Why not the Australian model, indeed.

It could well be down to the historic combination of “not invented here” and “can’t trust Johnny Foreigner” that has bedevilled Britain over the years - which may explain why Britain came late to adopt many useful things (central heating being a seasonally appropriate example).


Quite frankly, I’m quite happy to take a. NINND approach to life (“Nick It [If It’s] Not Nailed Down” - why reinvent the wheel if you can find it somewhere “ready to go”)

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16 hours ago, andyram said:

…. I am still feeling quite run down after the Covid but things are slowly improving.

Hang in there, Andy.

For me from the onset of CoVID symptoms to full resolution (i.e. a return to normal - or at least what passes for “normal” at Schloss iD)  was about two weeks – with fatigue lasting most of that time and a niggling cough tailing off and disappearing towards the end of that fortnight.


Look on the bright side:


SWMBO: “We have to visit my mother”

andyram: “Sorry dear, I’d love to go, but I can’t take the risk of infecting MiL…”


Every cloud has a silver lining, etc., etc.

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13 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

As readers of ER will know we’re getting a dog on Sunday and been out looking for dog toys and came across these two ‘characters’!


They do kind of remind me of a couple of ‘characters’ on here.


11 hours ago, polybear said:


Dog Toy?  DOG TOY??



Oh, I don’t know. @Erichill16 could be on to a winner.


I reckon that there’s more than a few dog owning ERs who would happily pay good folding money for a squeaky, plush, @polybear dog toy.


The image I have of Ben the “where do I bury my toy” Collie trotting happily along with a squeaky @polybear toy in his mouth is quite heartwarming…

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3 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... memories of Round the Horne, Hugh Paddick and Kenneth Williams in the latter part of the 1960s and Sunday lunchtimes on the radio.

It is said that the very sympathetic portrayal of two gay actors – “Jules“ and “Sand“ in Round the Horne did much to promote acceptance of the gay community and move Parliament towards passing the Sexual Offences Act 1967 (which greatly reduced the historically savage penalties imposed on the gay community).


In addition to Barry Took and Marty Feldman’s sympathetic writing, (they wrote all the scripts of the first 3 series of Around the Horne), they definitely had a touch of genius in how they wrote the comedy: at one level incredibly risqué (for the adults) and at another just incredibly funny even to the innocent and naive.


One of my fondest memories is that of going to see Round the Horne being recorded at the Paris Theatre in London in 1967 (so I was about 11 at the time). I remember enjoying not just the recording but also the interactions between the cast and the audience. I have no idea how much of what was recorded ended up on the cutting room floor, but certainly it was a lot longer than the half hour that was broadcast. Obviously at that age I didn’t get the innuendo or the risqué  jokes, but re-visiting the shows (either on CD or on Radio 4 Extra) I certainly get ”it”  now.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:


Why not the Australian model, indeed.

It could well be down to the historic combination of “not invented here” and “can’t trust Johnny Foreigner” that has bedevilled Britain over the years - which may explain why Britain came late to adopt many useful things (central heating being a seasonally appropriate example).


Quite frankly, I’m quite happy to take a. NINND approach to life (“Nick It [If It’s] Not Nailed Down” - why reinvent the wheel if you can find it somewhere “ready to go”)


Bear in mind that up and till I couple of years ago this was an organisation that was still spending considerable chunks of money on fax machines. So slow and ,,,,,,,,,,,, (insert your favourite cliche here) spring to mind.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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7 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Putting your hand up Baz? I bet you'd love to give the finger to Matty Wade et al!





He should have been watching the grass grow for a while doing that.. at least a Level 3bimpingement, penalty runs, fines .. the lot...


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28 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I would have been an early riser this morning but for cramp in both thighs which trapped me in bed!




That's a great excuse there Chris. I'll have to try that one when Devil Dog jumps on my head to get me up to feed her first thing in the morning 

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Ey up!

Her indoors decided to have a coughing fit at 5am.. so I was awake for a while.. got back to sleep just in time to get up to make the tea.


Off to Durham later. I have to be ready for a zoom meeting at 6pm so.. Premier Inn Pity Me here I come.


Interesting statements made about the missile that hit Polish soil.. looki g at the bits they have got gives some very strong clues as to what it was.. we shall see!


@chrisf a glue of diet Indian Tonic water helps with some cramps. Or rather it does for me.

 We are missing  a fair few ERs again.. just hope they are well!


Stay safe!



Edited by Barry O
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9 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

We had that from an Icelandic volcano. They'll be grounding all of the planes next 


Buddy ex. next door was on hols in Barbados when that happened - for some strange reason they weren't exactly upset; extending the Hotel accommodation wasn't a problem either (IIRC they weren't charged extra either).


Bear here.....

Coving day - it'll feel good when it's done.  Hopefully.

Bear gone.

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41 minutes ago, Barry O said:

He should have been watching the grass grow for a while doing that.. at least a Level 3bimpingement, penalty runs, fines .. the lot...


True story.... Aussie Rules football was originally developed as a way of keeping cricketers fit in winter (hence its played on a huge oval cricket field) so it's probably no surprise some of the AFL skills like the above keeping the opponent off the ball tactic have crept in to our noble national team players repertoire.

Just think, it could be much worse, our fielders could go full "Up there Cazaly!" on the  batsman whenever they sky the ball.



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