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Bear here.....

Today's fun has included....yep, scraping off PS.....

I can now formally announce that both stair stringers are free of paint, whilst the newel post is free of paint on three sides but not on the fourth side, mysteriously; my only guess is that I somehow forgot to splurge another coat on that side yesterday.  Turdycurses.  Yet another coat was splurged on that side this morning and the post covered up; I'll uncover it around 6pm and do a quick test to see if the paint will play nicely and fall off when threatened with a scraper - if it wants to be awkward it'll get another layer of PS on top then re-covered until tomorrow.


Other fun has included sorting more stuff to go to the Charity Warehouse at some point, as well as removing the clamps and elastic bands from the muddlin' tools rack assembled yesterday; it seems to have gone together well so I loaded it up with muddlin' tools likely to be required for "Front Line" use - I also have a larger rack loaded up with others used on an occasional basis.

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I think I may have solved @DaveF’s problem about to whom he should leave his estate.

@DaveF’s estate can be deeded directly to the “Captain Cynical charity for providing cake to elderly polybears and other ER indigents” (a.k.a “Cake for Oldies”). 


Whilst it might be tempting to deed all properties and monies directly to polybears and other elderly ER indigents, we must not forget that at that age they are generally not compos mentis. Many of them can just about manage to successfully move fork from plate to mouth, let alone manage complex financial matters.

All monies and properties gifted to “Cake for Oldies” will be wisely invested (by Captain Cynical, CFO), resulting cake purchases dispensed generously (by Captain Cynical COO)  and all overseen by a competent board of directors (Captain Cynical CEO and President).


This Christmas, “Cake for Oldies” wants to ensure that no elderly polybear or other ER indigent goes without cake during the festive season.


This year, bring a big LDC smile to an elderly bear somewhere

Donate generously to “Cake for Oldies

Edited by iL Dottore
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Another day of not doing much except for a bit of shopping, and I filled the car up with petrol as the gauge was showing one eighth full, forty two pounds to fill the car up but it should last me to beyond C*********.

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11 hours ago, DaveF said:

He took me through the main points which were all easy to understand, then he asked the hard question - who do I want to leave things to?  I have no very close relatives, my cousins are all comfortably off and all but one of them have already had legacies from their parents.  So some thought is required.

Dave, to reduce the stress on this subject, perhaps (at least temporarily to 'fill in the form' and have some peace of mind) you could leave things to a local charity or your local church parish. Bequests can always be changed later if a better solution comes to mind. Far better not to be intestate, even if the bequest is imperfect.

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5 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Nice tax return, that'll pay for the steak 🤪🤣🤣🤣


Quite possibly a couple of Gammon Steaks from Lidl (and very nice they are too, if the first pack I bought several weeks ago is anything to go by).  12m in the AF at 200C; flip at half time.

I've got a packet of Peppercorn Sauce in the cupboard ready for the next ones - how's that for Nouveau Cuisine @iL Dottore?


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I think I may have solved @DaveF’s problem about to whom he should leave his estate.

@DaveF’s estate can be deeded directly to the “Captain Cynical charity for providing cake to elderly polybears and other ER indigents” (a.k.a “Cake for Oldies”). 


Whilst it might be tempting to deed all properties and monies directly to polybears and other elderly ER indigents, we must not forget that at that age they are generally not compos mentis. Many of them can just about manage to successfully move fork from plate to mouth, let alone manage complex financial matters.

All monies and properties gifted to “Cake for Oldies” will be wisely invested (by Captain Cynical, CFO), resulting cake purchases dispensed generously (by Captain Cynical COO)  and all overseen by a competent board of directors (Captain Cynical CEO and President).


This Christmas, “Cake for Oldies” wants to ensure that no elderly polybear or other ER indigent goes without cake during the festive season.


This year, bring a big LDC smile to an elderly bear somewhere

Donate generously to “Cake for Oldies


Er, just how much does CC's Charity cream off for Trust Management one wonders?


2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Evenin' each, 

Off-p!ssed of Sutton here.  You may remember my rants about my energy supplier not charging me for gas supplied since February.  Just had yet another apologetic email telling me that my complaint has now reached the highest point of escalation within their organisation.  Whoopee!!  I've been contacted by a "specialist" from their "advanced resolution team", she is "working on it and has escalated my complaint which means it will be treated as a case of urgency", hang on, I thought I'd already reached the summit and I've been told told three times (I think) that they were treating it as urgent. "The team are working on it as we speak to rectify the issue."  Yeh OK right, "we" haven't actually spoken but I get your drift. .  FFS all they've got to do is feed my f#cking meter readings into their f#cking computer and give me a bill.  She has given me a phone number to contact her personally, conveniently didn't get that until after close of business today.  Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow morning. Does that qualify as a bit of a rant?

The only good thing is that they're give me a further £45 as a goodwill gesture.  


EDF by any chance?  Bear hasn't had the usual "give us some meter readings" email from them for some time (they're usually monthly, with Bills approximately monthly) so I decided to input some readings anyway.  It seems the last Bill only covers a period ending on 29th July (3m, 2w, 2d ago - according to Alexa).  If I don't get one soon I'm gonna swap suppliers and see what happens.....


2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

However I did make this:






Oh yes - though that red line would look much better in yellow; hopefully it's a strawberry line, though by the colour I suspect it's actually raspberry (still more that acceptable though).


Bear here.....

The good news is the PS applied to the 4th side of the Stair Newel Post has worked it's magic and all paint has now been removed.  Jumbo Tick. 

All that remains now is the horizontal handrail on the landing, along with eleven 1" square spindles; the jury's still out on the spindles at the moment though - it's possible they may get replaced with something more ornate, or alternatively I might just retain them as-is in order to keep the original features (though very, very little of the rest of the house has had the same consideration applied, with good reason**).


(** It was 1920's boring Council Cr@p).

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It seems that Missiles have landed in Poland, killing two people; there are moves to establish just who fired the Missiles - Russia or Ukraine, as both Countries use the system that it is thought to be (S-300).  

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21 minutes ago, polybear said:

It seems that Missiles have landed in Poland, killing two people; there are moves to establish just who fired the Missiles - Russia or Ukraine, as both Countries use the system that it is thought to be (S-300).  

Russian I should imagine as they would be flying in completely the wrong direction if they'd been fired by the Ukrainians.

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7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Russian I should imagine as they would be flying in completely the wrong direction if they'd been fired by the Ukrainians.


That's my gut feeling - one Ukrainian Missile could go rogue and bvgger off in the wrong direction, but two?  Things could start to get a bit awkward methinks.


edit:  It seems that there may only have been one missile (though saying "only" if you're on the receiving end is little consolation).


In other news......

It seems the Boss of the Big House is an absolute master at not answering questions he's asked, if the interviews broadcast on the news today are anything to go by - the one just asked was "Have you ever had Private Healthcare Insurance?"  By the way he body-swerved that one I very much suspect the answer is a big fat "Yes".

Edited by polybear
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5 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

Evening All,

After a day spent with SWMBO, mil, Sydney and Hovis I went to the MRC for a couple of hours.

Tomorrow we’re taking Hovis out again.

 She is very ‘clingy’. SWMBO went to the bedroom and Hovis whined and whimpered until she came back despite Sydney and myself being around. This is a bit concerning as if we are to keep her she is going to have to be left alone in the house for a few hours on her own. We need to be able to go out without her. I think this may be due to the fact that she has never been left alone on her own, after all she lives with 15 other dogs. Another piece of information has come to light and that is that see has had two litters and we’re wondering if she is ‘no longer’ required rather than not fitting in with the rest of the ‘family’. In truth it doesn’t matter, if she needs out, she needs out whatever the reason. 
SWMBO and myself are very cautious  people  and would only take Hovis on if we knew we could provide her with the very best life. SWMBO wants me to make the the final decision and vice versa. As I said we having her again tomorrow but I don’t know if that’s going to make things easier or not. The last picture I posted she looks to be pleading with me to take her and I can’t decide. We really don’t want Sydney to feel he’s being pushed out as he treats our house as his home which is fantastic.
I already have a dog in my life and I’m not talking about Sydney which makes everything that much more difficult.

Anyway it’s our decision to make so goodnight,


Thats a difficult one. It's obvious that Hovis has attached herself to SWMBO. If you do decide to take her in I would suggest that you consult a dog trainer or even take her to training/counselling sessions.  

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33 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Russian I should imagine as they would be flying in completely the wrong direction if they'd been fired by the Ukrainians.

I guess when you slap a ban on Russia  importing any new electronics or  guidance systems......

Edited by monkeysarefun
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40 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

I guess when you slap a ban on Russia  importing any new electronics or  guidance systems......


Of course they may just be returning some of the electronics 'acquired' from a 2 rd hand one they happened to come across whilst out 'shopping' and misread the return instruction on the website where it says print off this label and stick. it so that our carrier can see it in Chinese.

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17 hours ago, DaveF said:

 ...snip... He took me through the main points which were all easy to understand, then he asked the hard question - who do I want to leave things to?  ...snip...


I solved that problem by leaving everything* to my church.


*All except my Amateur Radio stuff and other electronics to my Ham Radio club.

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